Revision history for Perl extension Apache2::ASP.

1.20 2006-10-22
  - Updated Makefile.PL to compile even if Apache::Test is not installed.
  - Added requirement Apache2::Directive.

1.19 2007-10-20
  - Minor updates in preparation for the release of Apache2::ASP::WebApp.

1.18 2007-10-20
  - Added before_run() and after_run() methods to Apache2::ASP::Handler.
    These methods can be overridden by subclasses and executed before and
    after the "run()" method is called.

1.17 2007-10-20
  - Updates for Apache2::ASP::Test::UserAgent.
  - Updates for Apache2::ASP::Test::MockRequest.

1.16 2007-10-20
  - Adjusted Apache2::ASP::Config and Apache2::ASP::GlobalConfig to properly support
    support running multiple websites under one Apache instance.
  - Removed "sticky forms" support.

1.15 2007-07-03
  - Added several new pages to the Manual.
  - /handlers/My_Handler and /handlers/My/Handler both map to My::Handler
    for the package and /handlers/My/ for the filename.
  - Updated documentation in several places.
  - Local class is now required to use web_application.application_name + '::GlobalASA'
    as its package name.  So if web_application.application_name = "DefaultApp" then
    it would say:
    package DefaultApp::GlobalASA;
    use base 'Apache2::ASP::GlobalASA';
  - Multiple Apache2::ASP web applications can now be run on the same machine.
  - Successfully installed on Windows, but it requires some work.  And performance is bad.

1.14 2007-06-30
  - $Form data is only forwarded if a page is posting back to itself 
    (i.e. - paging through a recordset) or if the form was posted to
    a FormHandler class.

1.13 2007-06-30
  - Apache2::ASP::Config is subclassable.
  - Added <settings> element in config XML file.
  - Added $Config->settings->(lib|dsn|username|password) to $Config object.
  - $Config->settings->lib is added to @INC automatically.

1.12 2007-06-29
  - Stabilized off-line web application testing API.

1.11 2007-06-29
  - Apache2::ASP::Test::MockRequest was missing Cwd::cwd().

1.09 2007-06-29
  - Added POD for Apache2::ASP::Test::UserAgent.
  - ApplicationStateManager and SessionStateManager are both Ima::DBI subclasses.
  - Added dependency Ima::DBI.
  - Removed dependency Apache::DBI.

1.08 2007-06-28
  - Fixed bug "Upload hook failed: Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at ..."
  - Fixed bug that resulted in multiple cookies being created on the initial request,
    when the first ASP script to be rendered contained Include() or TrapInclude() calls.
  - Added HTML::FillInForm as a dependency.
  - Added built-in "sticky forms" for all ASP scripts, exclusive of UploadHandler subclasses.
  - Began new offline test framework.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::Test::UserAgent.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::Test::MockRequest.
  - Updated Apache2::ASP::Request to work within the new test framework.
  - Removed some tests that need to be rewritten with the new test framework.
  - Updated some other tests to work with the new test framework as they are.
  - Added dependencies HTTP::Request::AsCGI, HTML::FillInForm and CGI::Simple.

1.07 2007-06-23
  - Fixed a bug that caused 404 errors to return a blank page instead of the standard
    '404 Not Found' message.
  - Adjusted POD so that Apache2::ASP::Manual::Intro shows up correctly.

1.06 2007-06-23
  - Fixed a bug in Apache2::ASP::PageHandler that caused a bug in which changed ASP
    scripts would not be reloaded by other Apache processes after the first Apache
    process had recompiled the *.pm file as a result of the ASP script being changed.

1.05 2007-06-23
  - $Application->save() is now called at the end of each (non-error) request.

1.04 2007-06-23
  - GlobalASA::Script_OnFlush is only called when the current handler
    isa Apache2::ASP::PageHandler.

1.03 2007-06-23
  - Updated Apache2::ASP::PageHandler to correctly decide whether an ASP
    script should be recompiled or not.

1.02 2007-06-23
  - Apache2::ASP::Manual::Intro was changed from *.pod to *.pm so that CPAN
    would index it properly.

1.01 2007-06-22
  - Fixed POD in Apache2::ASP::Config.
  - Apache2::ASP::Config now verifies the validity of web_application.domain_re values.

0.18 2007-06-22
  - Completely rewrote almost everything.
  - Almost everything not rewritten was refactored.
  - Added tests to achieve nearly 100% code coverage.
  - Changed the interface for Apache2::ASP::Handler.
  - Changed the interface for Apache2::ASP::UploadHandler.
  - Changed the interface for Apache2::ASP::MediaManager.
  - ASP scripts are converted into *.pm files, then loaded via require().
  - If the ASP has not changed, we don't recompile the ASP.
  - If the ASP did change since the *.pm file was written, we recompile the ASP.
  - I hope to be able to perform code coverage testing on ASP scripts at some point.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::Config.
  - Changed the apache2-asp-config.xml format to support Apache2::ASP::Config.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::PostConfigHandler.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::PageHandler.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::ApacheRequest.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::UploadHook.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::UploadHookArgs.
  - Added Apache2::ASP::TransHandler.
  - Broke out Apache2::ASP::Application into ApplicationStateManager and its 
    database-specific subclasses (*::SQLite, *::MySQL, etc).
  - Broke out Apache2::ASP::Session into SessionStateManager and its database-specific
    subclasses (*::SQLite, *::MySQL, etc).
  - Added the ability to subclass Apache2::ASP::Base.
  - Apache2::ASP is now a subclass of Apache2::ASP::Base.
  - Code coverage (on average) is above 90%
  - Added requirements that the directory @ServerRoot@/PAGE_CACHE must exist and 
    must be readable/writable by the server process.
  - Added the ability to have several web applications defined in one apache2-asp-config.xml file.
  - Added documentation for all classes.

0.17 2007-06-03
  - Added the ability to subclass Apache2::ASP::Application
  - Added the ability to subclass Apache2::ASP::Session
  - Added the register_mode() method to Apache2::ASP::Handler

0.16 2007-06-02
  - Added tests for Apache2::ASP::MediaManager.
  - Updated documentation for Apache2::ASP::MediaManager.
  - Updated documentation for Apache2::ASP.

0.15 2007-06-02
  - Added the ability to register "mode" handlers for subclasses
    of Apache2::ASP::MediaManager.

0.14 2007-05-31
  - Fixed a bug in the Apache2::ASP::Parser that would cause
    an error if it encountered a ~ in an ASP script.

0.13 2007-05-31
  - Extended Apache2::ASP::MediaManager
  - Updated documentation for Apache2::ASP::MediaManager
  - Added Apache2::ASP::URLFilter
  - Updated INSTALLATION instructions in the documentation for Apache2::ASP

0.12 2007-05-30
  - Added Apache2::ASP::MediaManager
  - Fixed documentation for Apache2::ASP::UploadHandler

0.11 2007-05-30
  - Fixed inaccurate documentation about the table structure for Sessions.

0.10 2007-05-30
  - Minor bugfixes.

0.09 2007-05-30
  - Updated "Changes"
  - Updated tests' httpd.conf (removed erroneous comments)
  - Refactored Apache2::ASP::handler

0.08 2007-05-29
  - Added Apache2::ASP::UploadHandler
  - Added Apache2::ASP::CGI
  - Added tests for UploadHandler
  - Updated documentation
  - Added database-persistence for Application state
  - Added tests for Apache2::ASP::Application

0.07  2007-05-25
  - Updated documentation for Apache2::ASP::Handler

0.06  2007-05-25
  - Previous releases did not include the test suite.

0.05  2007-05-25
  - Condensed Apache2::ASP::Session and Apache2::ASP::Session::Instance
  - Updated documentation and tests for Session change.
  - Updated version number to 0.05 across all modules.

0.04  2007-05-25
  - Updated Apache2::ASP's handling of Handlers.
  - Updated documentation and tests.

0.03  2007-05-25
  - Added Apache2::ASP::Handler.
  - Updated documentation.
  - Updated tests to include Apache2::ASP::Handler.
  - Updated Makefile.PL to account for all prerequisites.
  - Lowered the minimum versions for several prerequisites.

0.02  2007-05-24
  - Added documentation.

0.01  Wed May 23 13:51:46 2007
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
    -AXn Apache2::ASP