Changes file for Business::DK::PO
Project Change Log:
0.07 2014-08-23 maintenance release, update not required
- Added Perl version requirement 5.6 as pointed out by
- Added changes.t automatic assertion of the integrity of the
Changes file, see also BDKPO-7
0.06 2013-07-29
- Fixed up Changes file as part of my Questhub quest adhering to
the standard described in: CPAN::Changes::Spec [BDKPO-7]
- Added contemporay boiler plate of Perl::Critic test [BDKPO-5]
0.05 2010-09-08
- Update not required
- Added wrapper on validate method, so we now also export a
validatePO, which is less intrusive [BDKPO-2]
- Added prerequisites test [BDKPO-1]
- Beautified code with Perl::Tidy and did basic Perl::Critic
violation cleanup
0.04 2007-03-13
- Added some POD, nothing significant
- Fixed problem in t/critic.t, I had implemented a mix of my own
and the recommended Perl::Critic test, so it gave unforseen test failures
0.03 2007-03-12
- Set severity of Perl::Critic test to 5, gentle
- Updated t/kwalitee.t to more contemporary version
- Added Perl::Critic test, t/critic.t and added perlcriticrc to t/
- Updated to more contemporary versions of:
These should be there for the quality, but will not be run as a
part of the normal test run, unless the TEST_POD environment
variable is set.
This seem to be the defacto way of doing things.
0.02 2006-02-21
- Added version information to POD
- Added related module to SEE ALSO section in POD
- Added private message to EXPORT_OK and updated POD
- Added use of MODULUS_OPERAND in one place, apparently this had
been overlooked
- Removed some verbose message from unit-tests
- Restructured tests some positive tests are first in the file
0.01 2006-02-20
- Initial version