Changes file for Date-Holidays
$Id: Changes 1594 2005-10-13 10:07:51Z jonasbn $
0.03 (Released 13. October 2005)
- Small refactoring added new sub _check_countries
- Moved portuguese exception, Date::Holiday::PT has changed name to
Date::Holidays::PT, but it has turned OOP.
- Implemented new parameter in is_holiday (countries). This method returns a
list of country codes having the holiday specified as a holiday for the
respective country (suggested by cog).
So it has to be used in conjunction with the data parameters: year, month and
if given a subset of countries only these countries are tested and a hashref
is returned pointing where the countries codes are the keys and the values
indicate true or false for the date specified.
The values are:
- undef if the country has no module or the data could not be obtained
- a name of the holiday if a holiday is present
- an empty string if the a module was located but the day is not a holiday
- Updated INSTALL
- Removed Exporter from prerequisites
- Replaced use of ExtUtils::Makemake with Module::Build
- Added realnames to Changes file (this file)
- Added suggestion on improvements from cog (Jose Castro) to TODO
0.02 Released 31st. of May 2004
- Indented code in POD after tip from RJBS (Ricardo Signes)
- 'jp' left out of the test suite for now
- Date::Holidays::NO added to test suite, courtesy of MRAMBERG (Marcus Ramberg)
- Added experimental subs using DateTime objects as suggested by BORUP
(Christian Borup) (SEE: TODO)
0.01 Released 22nd. of May 2004
- Intial release