package Date::Holidays::Adapter::DK; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION); use base 'Date::Holidays::Adapter'; $VERSION = '0.19'; sub holidays { my ($self, %params) = @_; my $sub = $self->{_adaptee}->can('dk_holidays'); if ($sub) { return &{$sub}($params{'year'}); } else { return; } } sub is_holiday { my ($self, %params) = @_; my $sub = $self->{_adaptee}->can('is_dk_holiday'); if ($sub) { return &{$sub}($params{'year'}, $params{'month'}, $params{'day'}); } else { return; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Date::Holidays::Adapter::DK - an adapter class for Date::Holidays::DK =head1 VERSION This POD describes version 0.19 of Date::Holidays::Adapter::DK =head1 DESCRIPTION The is the adapter class for L<Date::Holidays::DK>. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 new The constructor, takes a single named argument, B<countrycode> =head2 is_holiday The B<holidays> method, takes 3 named arguments, B<year>, B<month> and B<day> Returns an indication of whether the day is a holiday in the calendar of the country referenced by B<countrycode> in the call to the constructor B<new>. =head2 holidays The B<holidays> method, takes a single named argument, B<year> Returns a reference to a hash holding the calendar of the country referenced by B<countrycode> in the call to the constructor B<new>. The calendar will spand for a year and the keys consist of B<month> and B<day> concatenated. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =over =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::AdapterLoad> This exception is thrown when L<Date::Holidays::Adapter> attempts to load an actual adapter implementation. This exception is recoverable to the extend that is caught and handled internally. When caught the SUPER adapter is attempted loaded, L<Date::Holidays::Adapter> if this however fails L<Date::Holidays::Exception::SuperAdapterLoad> it thrown see below. =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::AdapterInitialization> This exception is thrown when in was not possible to load either a implementation of a given adapter, or the SUPER adapter L<Date::Holidays::Adapter>. =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::NoCountrySpecified> The exception is thrown if a country code is provided, which is not listed in L<Locale::Country>, which lists ISO 3166 codes, which is the unique 2 character strings assigned to each country in the world. =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::UnsupportedMethod> Exception thrown in the case where the loaded and initialized module does not support the called method. (SEE: METHODS/SUBROUTINES). =back =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * L<Date::Holidays::DK> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Adapter> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::UnsupportedMethod> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::InvalidCountryCode> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::NoCountrySpecified> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Exception::UnsupportedMethod> =item * L<Error> =back =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES Please refer to INCOMPATIBILITIES in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please refer to BUGS AND LIMITATIONS in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 BUG REPORTING Please report issues via CPAN RT: or by sending mail to =head1 AUTHOR Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) - C<< <> >> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT L<Date::Holidays> and related modules are (C) by Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) 2004-2014 L<Date::Holidays> and related modules are released under the artistic license The distribution is licensed under the Artistic License, as specified by the Artistic file in the standard perl distribution ( =cut