package Date::Holidays::Adapter::DE; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use base 'Date::Holidays::Adapter'; use vars qw($VERSION); my $format = '%#:%m%d'; $VERSION = '1.30'; # Lifted from Date::Holidays::DE example: # Ref: my %holiday_names = ( 'neuj' => 'Neujahrstag', 'hl3k' => 'Hl. 3 Koenige', 'weib' => 'Weiberfastnacht', 'romo' => 'Rosenmontag', 'fadi' => 'Faschingsdienstag', 'asmi' => 'Aschermittwoch', 'grdo' => 'Gruendonnerstag', 'karf' => 'Karfreitag', 'kars' => 'Karsamstag', 'osts' => 'Ostersonntag', 'ostm' => 'Ostermontag', 'pfis' => 'Pfingstsonntag', 'pfim' => 'Pfingstmontag', 'himm' => 'Himmelfahrtstag', 'fron' => 'Fronleichnam', '1mai' => 'Maifeiertag', '17ju' => 'Tag der deutschen Einheit (1954-1990)', 'mari' => 'Mariae Himmelfahrt', 'frie' => 'Augsburger Friedensfest (regional)', '3okt' => 'Tag der deutschen Einheit', 'refo' => 'Reformationstag', 'alhe' => 'Allerheiligen', 'buss' => 'Buss- und Bettag', 'votr' => 'Volkstrauertag', 'toso' => 'Totensonntag', 'adv1' => '1. Advent', 'adv2' => '2. Advent', 'adv3' => '3. Advent', 'adv4' => '4. Advent', 'heil' => 'Heiligabend', 'wei1' => '1. Weihnachtstag', 'wei2' => '2. Weihnachtstag', 'silv' => 'Silvester' ); sub holidays { my ($self, %params) = @_; my $state = $params{'state'} ? $params{'state'} : ['all']; my $holidays; if ( $params{'year'} ) { $holidays = $self->_transform_arrayref_to_hashref( Date::Holidays::DE::holidays( YEAR => $params{'year'}, FORMAT => $format, WHERE => $state, ) ); } else { $holidays = $self->_transform_arrayref_to_hashref( Date::Holidays::DE::holidays( FORMAT => $format, WHERE => $state, ) ); } return $holidays; } sub is_holiday { my ($self, %params) = @_; my $state = $params{'state'} ? $params{'state'} : ['all']; my $holidays = Date::Holidays::DE::holidays( YEAR => $params{'year'}, FORMAT => $format, WHERE => $state, ); my $holidays_hashref = $self->_transform_arrayref_to_hashref($holidays); my $holiday_date = sprintf('%02s%02s', $params{month}, $params{day}); my $holiday = $holidays_hashref->{$holiday_date}; if ($holiday) { return $holiday; } else { return ''; } } sub _transform_arrayref_to_hashref { my ($self, $arrayref_of_holidays) = @_; my $hashref_of_holidays; foreach my $entry (@{$arrayref_of_holidays}) { my ($shortname, $key) = split /:/, $entry; $hashref_of_holidays->{$key} = $holiday_names{$shortname}; } return $hashref_of_holidays; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Date::Holidays::Adapter::DE - an adapter class for Date::Holidays::DE =head1 VERSION This POD describes version 1.30 of Date::Holidays::Adapter::DE =head1 DESCRIPTION The is the adapter class for L<Date::Holidays::DE>. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 new The constructor, takes a single named argument, B<countrycode> The constructor is inherited from L<Date::Holidays::Adapter> =head2 is_holiday The C<is_holiday> method, takes 3 named arguments, C<year>, C<month> and C<day> Returns an indication of whether the day is a holiday in the calendar of the country referenced by C<countrycode> in the call to the constructor C<new>. =head2 holidays The B<holidays> method, takes a single named argument, B<year> returns a reference to a hash holding the calendar of the country referenced by B<countrycode> in the call to the constructor B<new>. The calendar will spand for a year and the keys consist of B<month> and B<day> concatenated. In addition from version 1.25 the adapter support the B<state> parameter, defaulting to B<'all'>. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS Please refer to DIAGNOSTICS in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * L<Date::Holidays::DE> =item * L<Date::Holidays::Adapter> =back =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES Please refer to INCOMPATIBILITIES in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS B<is_holiday> or similar method is not implemented in L<Date::Holidays::DE> as of version 0.06. The adapter does currently not support the complex API of L<Date::Holidays::DE> B<holidays>. Please refer to BUGS AND LIMITATIONS in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 BUG REPORTING Please refer to BUG REPORTING in L<Date::Holidays> =head1 AUTHOR Jonas Brømsø, (jonasbn) - C<< <> >> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT L<Date::Holidays> and related modules are (C) by Jonas Brømsø, (jonasbn) 2004-2022 Date-Holidays and related modules are released under the Artistic License 2.0 =cut