Changes file for Date-Pregnancy
0.05 2015-08-18 Maintenance release, update not required
- License upgraded from artistic license 1.0 to artistic license 2.0
- Migrated from Module::Build to Dist::Zilla
0.04 2014-0816 Maintenance release, update not required
- Added use of warnings
- Added specification of required Perl version (5.8.0)
0.03 2006-08-18 Bug fix release, update required
- Fixed some problem with calculations of both week numbers and month
numbers I was making it uncessary complex (and buggy)
- Added MANIFEST.SKIP (default from Module::Build, neat)
- Fixed a bug in _countback method (also fixed a bug in a test relating
to this here bug)
- Cleaned Build.PL for files no longer in use
- Removed obsolete tests (these can be handled by Module::Build):
- Added new unit-test t/warnings.t added tests for getting full coverage
- Updated INSTALL
- Changed to Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
0.02 2005-07-10 Bug fix release, update required
- Changed use of constant module, the syntax use was of a newer version
and as such not necessary, this fixes a bug, which appears with the
constants module distributed with Perl 5.6. (and prior).
This addresses test report: 166196 FAIL 5.6.1 on MSWin32 4.0
0.01 2004-10-13, Bug fix release, update required
- Due to package name change from:
DateTime::Pregnancy to Date::Pregnancy
Also the version number has been reset from 0.02 to 0.01
- Added more tests to validate count back method, hence addition of
year should be conditional
- Fixed bug in countback method, a year should be added when the first
day of the last period happens before april
- Added tests to locate error reported by LTHEGLER
- Fixed Makefile.PL
- Renamed subdir in lib
- Renaming module to Date::Pregnancy
0.01 2004-10-10 Initial release
- Released under name: DateTime::Pregnancy
- Added date parameter to calculcate week
- Added several tests
- Added use of clone (now things work as expected)
- Added POD
- Added Villads test
- Added some simple error handling
- Added calculate_month
- Added BUGS file
- Added MANIFEST file
- Menstruation changed to period
- Changed serious spelling error lenght to length
- Separated calculation method into 3 separate parts, implementing:
- The 40 weeks method
- The count_back method
- The 266 days method
- Added t/methods.t
- Added use of POSIX, we use floor in the 266days method