CHANGES file for Games::Bingo::Print

$Id: CHANGES 1836 2007-03-17 17:44:23Z jonasbn $

This is the CHANGES file for the separated Games::Bingo::Print, which
used to be a part of Games::Bingo. So for reference for versions
earlier than 0.01 please refer to the Games::Bingo distribution.

Release 0.03 - Sat Mar 17 2007, update not necessary

- Updated MANIFEST


- Changed return of undef to a croak in constructor (new), based on feedback
  from Perl::Critic

- Added t/critic.t and t/perlcriticrc for Perl::Critic test

- Added t/kwalitee.t, for Kwalitee test

- Added t/pod-coverage.t, for POD coverage test

- Updated t/pod.t to more contemporary version

- Cleaned POD, this was really old style POD

- Closed papersize point in the TODO, also added to the script:

- Closed PDFLib-lite point in the TODO

- Added generated bingo cards page to examples/bingo.pdf

- Added examples directory

- Changed to Module::Build as build system, Makefile.PL obsolete
  and will be generated by Module::Build from this release. See

- Updated installation documentation, see INSTALL file

Release 0.02 - Released 7th. of january 2004

- Added missing README to the distribution

- Added $VERSION to Games::Bingo::Print::Card

- Exchanged personal email address for CPAN address

- Added t/pod.t for integrity check of POD test

- Changed return value of constructor, croak is no longer called, instead undef
  is return and a warning is issued.

- Games::Bingo::Print::Card (and tests) have been extracted from this
  module and is being merged with the Games::Bingo::Card class.
- Turned the card printing around, the card datamodel has also been turned upside 
  down in Games::Bingo::Card now in Games::Bingo 0.09

- Added default value of the empty string, hence the new card data
  model uses undef, resulting in multiple warnings from PDFLib

- Removed debugging information

- Added requirement of Games::Bingo 0.09 (Games::Bingo::Card 0.02 just
  for the record)

Release 0.01 - Released 29th. of july 2003

- Encapsulated PDFLib code in print_pages in an eval (the test in
  Print.t failed for some reason), returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.

- Implemented new parameters to the constructor, so now the filename,
  heading and subtext can be changed. It defaults to the old values.

- Added use of Getopt::Long to bin/ (see above)

- Added t/pod.t, for testing the POD

- Moved PDF Initialisation code into the constructor (makes testing easier).

- Renamed _print_plate to _print_card

- Added return codes to _print_row and _print_card

- Wrote tests of:
    - _print_row
	- _print_plate
- Renamed bin/ to bin/

- Change of plate term to card

- Moved some code around (I had b0rken the PDF generation)

- Added an additional argument to print_pages so the number of cards can be
  between 1 and 3

- Added new commandline parameter to bin/, cards per page 
  (see above)

- The generated PDF has been fine-tuned a bit, right justifying does
  not seem to work though?
- Pages now generated top-down instead of bottom up (prettier when you
  only require a single og two cards on a page)

- Added tests for the _integrity_check method in
  Games::Bingo::Print::Card in a separate file in t/ called integrity_check.t
  I still hope I can phase out the _integrity_check at some point