
Created:      2000-01-28
Home page:    <>
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Jonas Smedegaard (JONASS) <>

v3.0.31	2017-08-16

 [ Documentation ]
 - Fix bogusly labelled changelog entry part of release 2.0.30 (didn't fix
   bare-named BSD licenses, but instead tightened a bunch of license

 [ Packaging ]
 - Stop ship Regexp::Pattern::License, now an independent distribution.

v3.0.30	2017-07-05

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix license pattern ms_pl to detect MS Public License (not non-free MS
   Permissive License).
 - Tighten license patterns afl agpl cdl gfdl gfdl_nivgpl lgpl llgpl mpl
   ms_pl ms_rl qpl sgi_b wtfpl mit to require descriptive prefix when only
   an abbreviation.
   Axel Beckert++

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Add OSI test (including only currently succeeding OSI licenses for now).

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add license pattern artistic_2.
 - Improve license pattern agpl to skip english (not only french)
 - Improve license pattern epl to detect some forms of "or newer".
 - Improve license pattern epl.
 - clean_comments(): Relax to match varying amount of horizontal whitespace
   (not exactly one character) followed by any non-whitespace (not only a
   word character).
 - clean_comments(): Tighten to match and strip only horizontal whitespace
   (not newlines).

v3.0.29	2017-01-24

 - Drop gpl+aladdin combo license: Too exotic.

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix detect BSD licenses as bare name.
   Vasudev Kamath++
 - Fix don't choke on unspecificed BSD license.

 [ Documentation ]
 - Document Regexp::Pattern::License as a private module.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add license patterns ofl aladdin rpsl mit_cmu mit_cmu_warranty.
 - Improve license patterns ftl mit_feh mit_enna cube eurosym libpng zlib
 - Sort before enumerating ambiguously related combo licenses.
 - Streamline license parsing: Process loops of similar patterne.

v3.0.28	2016-11-25

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix detect dual licensing mit_new mit_old (and speed up partsing while
   at it).
 - Fix tighten detection of ISC license (was misdetecting curl).
 - Fix tighten detection of mit_new license (was misdetecting other MIT
 - Fix tighten license pattern curl (was misdetecting other MIT variants).

 [ Documentation ]
 - Extend license pattern dsdp with alternate fedora name PetSC.
 - Fix typo in changelog.
 - Tidy changelog: Improve distinction between newly added and
   added-to-patternlist entries.

 [ Other ]
 - Add license pattern ISC to Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern.
 - Added: Add new license pattern icu.
 - Added: Add new license pattern mit_advertising.
 - Added: Add new license patterns mit_enna mit_feh.
 - Drop unused and too broad trait pattern disclaimer.
 - List license mit_new alternate fedora name Modern Style with sublicense.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License: Remove stray bogus regexp.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Fix sort pattern list.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
   provided_no_warranty → asis_expr_warranty.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
   repro_notice_cond_discl → note_repro_notice_cond_discl.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
   retain_notice_cond_discl → note_retain_notice_cond_discl.
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl →
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl_disclaim →
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl_provide →
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern name_no_ad →
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern promo_no_author →
 - Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern retain_notice →
 - Tighten license pattern bsd-2-clause. Tidy
   Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern asis_sw_name →

v3.0.27	2016-11-23

 - Drop too exotic licensing phrase, and corresponding test case.

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix avoid detection of GPL/LGPL fulltext (rarely if ever used as grant).
 - Fix detect license FSFULLR (was misdetected as bogus FSFULR).
 - Fix detect license MPL-2.0 (was misdetected as MPL-2.0 or AGPL).
 - Fix detect licenses mit_old mit_unspecified (was misdetected as
 - Fix version identifier to use + only in machine-readable mode.

 [ Other ]
 - Add combo pattern perl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern afl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern agpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern apache to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern artistic to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern beerware to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern cc_by_sa to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern ftl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern llgpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern mpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern ms_pl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern openssl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern public_domain to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern python to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern qpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern sgi_b to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license pattern wtfpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license patterns adobe_2006 adobe_glyph apafml to
 - Add license patterns bsd_2_clause bsd_3_clause bsd_4_clause to
 - Add license patterns cddl cecill cecill_1 cecill_1_1 cecill_2 cecill_2_1
   cecill_b cecill_c epl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license patterns fsfap fsful fsfullr to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license patterns gpl lgpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license patterns libpng zlib zlib_acknowledgement to
 - Add license patterns mit_new mit_new_materials mit_old mit_unspecified
   postgresql, and group pattern mit to Regexp::Pattern::License.
 - Add license patterns unicode_strict unicode_tou to
 - Added: Add new group pattern bsd.
 - Added: Add new group pattern gnu.
 - Added: Add new license pattern ms_rl.
 - Added: Add new license patterns cc_by cc_by_nc cc_by_nc_nd cc_by_nc_sa
   cc_by_nd cc_cc0 cc_sp.
 - Added: Add new license patterns cube eurosym.
 - Added: Add new license patterns curl dsdp mit_oldstyle
   mit_oldstyle_disclaimer mit_oldstyle_permission ntp ntp_disclaimer.
 - Added: Add new license patterns gfdl gfdl_niv.
 - Added: Add new trait pattern clause_advertising_always.
 - Added: Add new trait pattern license_prefix.
 - Added: Add new trait pattern license_version.
 - Added: Add new trait patterns clause_retention clause_reproduction
   clause_advertising clause_non_endorsement disclaimer.
 - Added: Add new trait patterns fsf_unlimited fsf_unlimited_retention.
 - Added: Add new trait patterns version_later version_later_paragraph
 - Added: Introduce new modules: Pattern::License Pattern::License::Parts.
 - Clean m4 dnl comment marker.
 - Drop no longer used internal license shortname list.
 - Emulate Regexp::Common -keep syntax to capture version number.
 - Improve detection of license GPL.
 - Improve license detections artistic perl.
 - Relax detection of license GPL.
 - Relax license pattern cc_by_ca.
 - Tidy code: Drop noop code.
 - Tighten regexes: Generalize abbreviated AGPL/LGPL/GPL matching.
 - Tighten regexes: Generalize and improve LGPL matching.
 - Use Regexp::Pattern::License for shortname resolving (with internal list
   as fallback until phased out).

v3.0.26	2016-09-22

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix exclude AGPL false positives.

 [ Other ]
 - Use generalized license string composition at more places.

v3.0.25	2016-09-21

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix avoid non-digit in version of license Artistic.
 - Fix delimit multiple licenses with "and/or" (not "or") when ambiguous.
 - Fix parse whole file for test info-at-eof.h (default length only
   approximates lines and is too short since String::Copyright 0.003003).

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Fix tighten runtime-requirement on PAth__Tiny for visit().
   Slaven Rezić++
 - Update testsuite to reflect Perl license detection.

 [ Other ]
 - Apply fallback marker "UNKNOWN" after (not during) license detection.
 - Detect license CC-BY-SA.
 - Detect licenses APAFML Adobe-Glyph Adobe-2006 Aladdin SIL FSFAP FSFUL
   FSFULLR JSON PostgreSQL Unicode-strict Unicode-TOU zlib-acknowledgement.
 - Enhance detection of Perl license.
 - Generalize license string composition.
 - Improve detection of license AGPL.
 - Improve detection of license Apache.
 - Improve non-version descriptor matching.
 - Improve version matching in license detections.
 - Tighten regexes: Generalize and improve version matching.
 - Tighten regexes: Simplify space matching (string already normalized).
 - Tighten regexes: Treat affero as alternative (not prefix) to GPL
   prefixes lesser and library.

v3.0.24	2016-09-03

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix apply options --check --ignore to full path (not basename).

v3.0.23	2016-09-01

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix skip parsing non-files (regression since v3.0.5).
 - Fix stop ignore options --check --ignore (regression since v3.0.5).

 [ Other ]
 - Use Path::Iterator::Rule.

v3.0.22	2016-08-21

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix have option --deb-machine imply option --deb-fmt.

 [ Other ]
 - Adjust SPDX-like shortnames to match Debian format.
 - Improve detection of GPL/LGPL/AGPL versions.
 - Stop merge differently cased owners.
 - Use List::Util and Sort::Key::Multi.
 - Use https protocol in deb-machine header.

v3.0.21	2016-08-20

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Really fix strip copyright sign unconditionally.

v3.0.20	2016-08-20

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix strip copyright sign unconditionally.
 - Fix strip trailing newline from copyrights.

v3.0.19	2016-08-19

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix strip copyright sign with option --deb-machine.

 [ Documentation ]
 - Mention in description of --deb-machine option that it implies

 [ Other ]
 - Add option --copyright-delimiter, including comma by default.
 - Handle missing year or owner with option --deb-machine.
 - Require well-formed years when splitting ownerlines with option

v3.0.18	2016-08-13

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix defaults for options --list-delimiter and --rfc822-delimiter (was
   one space too many).
 - Fix stop use obsolete undocumented String::Copyright blocks method.
 - Fix use NONE for no authors with option --deb-machine.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Tighten dependency on String::Copyright.

v3.0.17	2016-08-12

 - Fix avoid bogus "generated-file" as SPDX license.
 - Have option --deb-machine imply option --deb-fmt.

v3.0.16	2016-08-11

 - Add "Auto Generated" to the generated file detection.
   Paul Wise++

v3.0.15	2016-08-11

 [ Documentation ]
 - Mention in description of --lines option that it does optimistic search.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Tighten dependency on String::Copyright to versions supporting
   configurable threshold.

 [ Other ]
 - Do full search when parsing whole file.

v3.0.14	2016-08-01

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Flag test involving multi-line multi-statements as TODO (regression
   since moving to String::Copyright).

v3.0.13	2016-07-25

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix tighten runtime-requirement on PAth__Tiny for visit().
   Stuart Prescott++

v3.0.12	2016-07-24

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Fix devscripts test to use curly quotes as metacharacters (not
   Paranthesis also used within, triggering warnings on some versiones of

v3.0.11	2016-07-24

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix declare runtime-requirement on String::Copyright.

v3.0.10	2016-07-24

 - No longer detect multi-line multi-statement copyright strings (not yet
   suppported by String::Copyright).
 - Now misdetects some chatter as copyright statements (not yet suppported
   by String::Copyright).

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Relax devscripts test: Ignore trailing dot and "All rights reserved"

 [ Other ]
 - Use String::Copyright.

v3.0.9	2016-07-24

 [ Documentation ]
 - Drop old licensing header from devscripts test: Fully rewritten by now.
 - Fix decode "©" in --version option output (workaround for Pod::Constants
   not supporting UTF-8).
 - Fix some categorizations of old changelog entries.

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Rewrite devscripts test to match patterns (not exact strings), and
   handle varying output on encoding failure.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Drop superfluous test-requirement on strictures: Already declared as
 - Fix declare test-recommendation on Software::License (not too vague

 [ Other ]
 - Stop use Unicode features: We don't really do any complex Unicode, so
   let's try target older perl.
 - Update headers of module and tests: Strip hashbang; consistently use

v3.0.8	2016-07-24

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Avoid superfluous regex modifier /l.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix tighten test requirement for Test::Script to versions checking for

 [ Other ]
 - Add "Generated with" to the generated file detection.
   Paul Wise++
 - Pseudo-decode alternative representations for copyright sign and

v3.0.7	2016-07-20

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Bail out gracefully if Software::License fails to create some licenses.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Make Software::License test optional.

v3.0.6	2016-07-20

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix require experimental (for switch feature).

 [ Other ]
 - Improve separation of copyright parsing from comment stripping and
   copyright serializing

v3.0.5	2016-07-19

 - Fix: Stop dereference symbolic links: non-intuitive and potentially
   dangerous (possibly introduced in error intended to enable recursion).
   Sandro Mani++

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Fix tighten rest-requirement on Software::License to versions supporting

 [ Other ]
 - Avoid type constraints and all but one coercion, for a 30% speedup in
   script initialization.
 - Move find routine to library.
 - Stop call system command find in script (uses Path::Tiny::visit
 - Tidy script to rename $file → $path and $files_count → $paths_count
   where not yet resolved as file.

v3.0.4	2016-07-18

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Drop non-working option "--installed" from script tests (leftover from
   Debian autopkgtest support).
 - Stop use Path::Tiny in test where unneeded.
 - Use Test::Script to ensure correct perl invokes script in tests.
   Slaven Rezić++

v3.0.3	2016-07-18

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Use Test::Roo and library calls (not script) for devscripts corpus
   license coverage tests.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix require strictures for tests.

v3.0.2	2016-07-16

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Add devscripts test tied to devscripts corpus, converted from earlier
   shunit2 script.
 - Rewrite Software-License test to stop rely on Debian fork of
   Software::License (see bug#828218).
 - Rewrite Software-License test to use Test::Command.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Run perlcritic with tidyall, and move tidyall test to xt dir.

 [ Other ]
 - Bump license to GPL-3+.
 - Resolve only regexes actually used.
 - Use Getopt::Long::Descriptive.
 - Use experimental given/when switch.

v3.0.1	2016-06-29

 [ Documentation ]
 - Add CPAN Request Tracker as alternative bug-database.
 - Add myself as current author, and claim copyright for recent changes.
 - Add pre-CPAN changelog entries.
 - Adjust copyright notice to mention initial committer (not later
 - Link to script from POD DESCRIPTION of library.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Tighten tidyall config to avoid cruft in bin dir.

v3.0.0	2016-06-27

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix tighten to use Getopt::Long 2.24: Needed for :config option.

 [ Documentation ]
 - Rewrite documentation of options, and --help putput.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Initial CPAN release (after being in Debian since 2007, and before that
   in KDE SDK since 2000).

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add --deb-machine option for Debian "deb5" copyright file format.
 - Refactor codebase, with up to 400% speedup and reusable parts in a Moo
 - Removed: Drop support for reading configuration from files: Limited use,
   legacy filenames, and odd parsing by use of risky shell call.