
Created:      2000-01-28
Home page:    <>
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Jonas Smedegaard (JONASS) <>

v3.0.6	2016-07-20

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix require experimental (for switch feature).

 [ Other ]
 - Improve separation of copyright parsing from comment stripping and
   copyright serializing

v3.0.5	2016-07-19

 - Fix: Stop dereference symbolic links: non-intuitive and potentially
   dangerous (possibly introduced in error intended to enable recursion).
   Sandro Mani++

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Fix tighten rest-requirement on Software::License to versions supporting

 [ Other ]
 - Avoid type constraints and all but one coercion, for a 30% speedup in
   script initialization.
 - Move find routine to library.
 - Stop call system command find in script (uses Path::Tiny::visit
 - Tidy script to rename $file → $path and $files_count → $paths_count
   where not yet resolved as file.

v3.0.4	2016-07-18

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Drop non-working option "--installed" from script tests (leftover from
   Debian autopkgtest support).
 - Stop use Path::Tiny in test where unneeded.
 - Use Test::Script to ensure correct perl invokes script in tests.
   Slaven Rezić++

v3.0.3	2016-07-18

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Use Test::Roo and library calls (not script) for devscripts corpus
   license coverage tests.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix require strictures for tests.

v3.0.2	2016-07-16

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Add devscripts test tied to devscripts corpus, converted from earlier
   shunit2 script.
 - Rewrite Software-License test to stop rely on Debian fork of
   Software::License (see bug#828218).
 - Rewrite Software-License test to use Test::Command.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Run perlcritic with tidyall, and move tidyall test to xt dir.

 [ Other ]
 - Bump license to GPL-3+.
 - Resolve only regexes actually used.
 - Use Getopt::Long::Descriptive.
 - Use experimental given/when switch.

v3.0.1	2016-06-29

 [ Documentation ]
 - Add CPAN Request Tracker as alternative bug-database.
 - Add myself as current author, and claim copyright for recent changes.
 - Add pre-CPAN changelog entries.
 - Adjust copyright notice to mention initial committer (not later
 - Link to script from POD DESCRIPTION of library.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Tighten tidyall config to avoid cruft in bin dir.

v3.0.0	2016-06-27

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix tighten to use Getopt::Long 2.24: Needed for :config option.

 [ Documentation ]
 - Rewrite documentation of options, and --help putput.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Initial CPAN release (after being in Debian since 2007, and before that
   in KDE SDK since 2000).

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Add --deb-machine option for Debian "deb5" copyright file format.
 - Refactor codebase, with up to 400% speedup and reusable parts in a Moo
 - Removed: Drop support for reading configuration from files: Limited use,
   legacy filenames, and odd parsing by use of risky shell call.