
Created:      2013-02-12
Home page:    <>
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Jonas Smedegaard (JONASS) <>

v1.1.4	2016-05-02

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix have current dir be default nodedir (as originally intended and
   documented in boxer pod): Do XDG data_dirs lookup only on datadir,
   leaving datadir undefined by default).

v1.1.3	2016-05-02

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix use File::ShareDir.

v1.1.2	2016-04-30

 - Use File::ShareDir (not File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir, strongly
   discouraged by author). Thanks to Karen Etheridge (RT#114079).

v1.1.1	2016-04-12

 - Use Log::Any::Adapter::Screen (not obsolete predecessor

v1.1.0	2015-11-29

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix unescape \n and ${ for shellscript.
 - Fix use apt-get (automated) or apt (interactive, on recent releases) in
   skeleton scripts and notes (aptitude is not always available).

 [ Documentation ]
 - Add TODO on resolving named suites from relative ones.
 - Extend copyright to cover current year.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Pass node to skeleton files (and use in boilerplate, replacing
   bogus DebianParl boilerplate.
 - Added: Pass suite to skeleton files, and set as variable in shellscript
   and preseed file late_script.
 - Fix drop all hardcoded data from default skeleton files.
 - Support empty packagelist.
 - Tidy Boxer::Types.

v1.0.0	2015-11-21

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix avoid Boxer::Task::Serialize spewing garbage when warning about
   empty lists.
 - Fix suppress failure to mark package auto-installed.

 [ Documentation ]
 - Rewrite INSTALL to use Debian boxer package.

 [ Other ]
 - Added: Implement --nonfree option for subcommand compose.
 - Croak (not die) on broken input.
 - Fixate suite in preseed file (resolved package list is suite-specific).
 - Improve coercion and error messages for input paths.
 - Release as stable, using semantic versioning.
 - Sync example data with boxer-data.
 - Tidy whitespace.
 - Use MooX::Role::Logger (not MooX::Log::Any) and

0.004	2014-11-24

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix only warn (not die) on unresolved auto-markings, avoidance or

 [ Documentation ]
 - Add some TODOs.

 [ Other ]
 - Adjust example class set: Use reclass 1.4 ABI, and drop broken Printing
 - Adjust help output of Compose command to describe correct default
 - Deprecate expansion of __PKGAUTOLIST__ in tweaklist.
 - Move initial shell code for tweaklist out to skeleton file.
 - Sort doc sections by explicit list (and alphabetically only as
 - Use Template::Tiny.

0.003	2014-10-19

 [ Documentation ]
 - Update INSTALL file and pod synopsis slightly.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix copyright coverage to include current year.
 - Fix require MooX::Log::Any.
 - Require IPC::System::Simple.
 - Tighten Moo requirement to at least 1.001000 (older are untested with

 [ Other ]
 - Add --suite option (and drop it as 2nd argument) in compose command,
   allowing multiple nodes instead.
 - Added: Handle nodes, classes and skeleton files with separate options in
   compose command.
 - Added: Include builting skeleton files, and ship with example classes
   and nodes.
 - Explicitly use IPC::System::Simple (already implicitly used via autodie
   + system() call).
 - Refactor to strip undefined args handed over internally - a.k.a. coerce
   Undef to default, to permit callers to sloppily pass App::Cmd options

0.002	2014-10-19

 [ Packaging ]
 - Fix all references to distribution name.
   Toby Inkster++
 - Fix time of initial release.

0.001	2014-10-18	Initial release.