Revision history for App-Prefix

0.16    2013/10/25
        Removed another redundant test file

0.15    2013/10/25
        Removed redundant test file

0.14    2013/10/25
        Correct documentation of --elapsedstamp option
        Add documentation for --diffstamp option
        Exclude development script from distribution

0.13    2013/10/25
        Documentation improvements
        Make tests work on Win32

0.12    2013/10/16
        Document the --elapsed feature better
        Other documentation improvements

0.11    2013/10/16
        More self tests, better --help output

0.10    2013/10/14
        More thorough self-tests
        Better documentation of command line options
        Remove autogenerated ChangeLog from tarball

0.09    2013/10/14
        Improve self-tests

0.08    2013/10/14
        bugfix - use List::Util qw(max)
        Bring back lib/App/ for cpan happiness

0.07    2013/10/14
        Added --version option, autogenerate README, 
        remove lib/App/, improve tests, 
        doc additions and changes

0.06    2013/10/13
        Improve prereq declarations

0.05    2013/10/13
        Fix documentation for --no-space, and some other cleanups

0.001   2013/10/13
        Initial release.
        Implements [--text=prefix:] [--timestamp] [--utimestamp] [-hoststamp] [-no-space]
        [--diffstamp] [--elapsedstamp] [--quote]