$Id: Changes,v 1.7 2002/01/09 18:29:38 jkeroes Exp $
Revision history for Perl extension Net::Telnet::Cisco.
1.0 Fri Jul 14 11:11:42 PDT 2000
- Initial release
1.01 Fri Jul 14 15:07:00 PDT 2000
- Fixed CPAN installation issues
1.02 Mon Jul 24 16:22:11 PDT 2000
- enable() enables.
- Simplified disable().
- prompt() and is_enabled() handle prompts with '(enable)' in them.
- Added Windows installation tips to INSTALL.
- test.pl keeps a log (test.log) of the session if there were errors.
1.03 Sun Jul 30 14:58:44 PDT 2000
- Found and fixed bug in enable(), hopefully forever.
- cmd() and waitfor() properly handle multiple args.
- waitfor() handles -Match args with m<delim>...<delim> notation.
- Fixed occasional bug where last_prompt would return a
regex matching a prompt and not the prompt itself.
- Added enable() block to POD's Synopsis.
- Added "new" to the constructor in POD's Synopsis.
- Improved default prompt:
Old: /[\w\s().-]*[\$#>]\s?(?:\(enable\))?\s*$/'
New: /[\w().-]*[\$#>]\s?(?:\(enable\))?\s*$/
1.04 Thu Jan 25 15:49:57 PST 2001
- Aaron Racine submitted a patch for a prompt bug in enable()
- Private release
1.05 Wed Aug 8 17:57:56 PDT 2001
- enable() accepts -Name, -Password, -Passcode, and -Level args
- All args to login() are optional, including -Name
- Reworked internals of login() and enable()
- New EXAMPLES docs
- New PIX firewall "PIX Passwd: " prompt support
- New XTACACS/SecurID "PASSCODE: " prompt support
- Default cmd_prompt now anchored to beginning of line with (?m).
- New cmd_prompt, see docs.