2005-06-06 05:30:47 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Final changes to release 0.43 to CPAN
* README, lib/version.pm
Bump $VERSION number
* t/01base.t
Test that single term version expands to triplet for $v->normal
Eliminate "Exporter" from derived class
* util/util.c
Various const'ifying to match Perl's own changes
Handle short and really short array outputs in vnormal()
* util/util.h
const'ify Perl_scan_version()
2005-05-23 07:17:02 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Complete rewrite of parser to handle CPAN-style (two significant decimal)
versions, as well as finish documenting the changes.
* util/util.c
Simplify parser to just count digits when parsing numeric versions
* lib/version.pm
Rewrite documentation on Numeric Alpha Versions and make all examples
* t/01base.t
Add additional tests for CPAN-style alphas as well as object->new()
2005-05-20 16:02:48 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* lib/version.pm
Revised POD to correspond to new behavior with regards to both Quoted
Versions and Alpha Versions
* lib/version.xs
Extend new() to be callable as an object method
Copy existing object if called as object method with no parameter
2005-05-17 16:59:27 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Working towards a release to CPAN.
First pass at documenting the external changes
* t/01base.t
Since vcmp() is working again, can restore the minimum to the use line
* util/util.c
Finish up handling for vcmp to deal with alpha versions
2005-05-17 05:21:02 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Almost completely working; only the comparison tests with non-objects is
still failing.
* lib/version.xs
Simplify is_alpha() now that it is just as hash flag
* util/util.c
Manually create and copy the hash elements when creating new object
from old object.
Forgot to make sure to display all subversion from short numeric
2005-05-15 08:37:59 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Completed (?) to move to Module::Build
* lib/typemap
Move XS and support files to lib/
* util/ppport.h
Move utility functions in their own directory (c_source)
Updated to reflect new file locations
Add additional files that were originally left out of file
Alphabetize this listing (for compulsiveness)
2005-05-15 08:23:32 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Intermediate commit to facilitate move to Module::Build as well as
work on new hash-based object (all tests do not suceed)
* Makefile.PL
Replace ExtUtils::MakeMaker with Module::Build wrapper
* Build.PL
New M::B file
* version.xs
Try and deal with case where no parameter was passed to new()
* util.c
Changes to access hash-based object (vcmp still busted)
* t/01base.t
Changed to prevent core dump (temporarily)
2005-05-08 20:47:35 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Implement alpha versions using secret array zero slot to differentiate
between two place alphas (1.02_03) and three place alphas (1.002_03) so
that versions which only use two significant places normally will still
sort correctly with their alpha versions.
* util.c
(Perl_scan_version): Somehow manage to both simplify and complicate
the code at the same time
(Perl_vnumify): use the new zero'th array element to distinguish between
2 and 3 significant decimal places for printing
2005-04-21 21:11:57 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* util.c
Handle two digit alpha versions
Once a v-style or FP, always a v-style or FP
* t/01base.t
Altered tests to match new expectations
2005-02-06 21:45:48 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* Makefile.PL
Windows doesn't understand the braces for shell expansion
* README, lib/version.pm
Change $VERSION string
* t/01base.t
Correctly compare to numified version (instead of stringified)
* util.c
Use same code as bleadperl
AvReal_on required to fix problems under threaded Perl
Slight rewrite of loop code to fix compiler bug on OS X
Display alpha versions properly
* version.xs
new() returns void since it actual returns on the stack
2004-07-12 23:07:10 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* util.c
Fix infinite loop for CVS-style versions of more than 3 decimal places
Thanks to Richard Evans <richard_david_evans@yahoo.co.uk>
* t/01base.t
Test to make sure above doesn't happen again
* lib/version.pm
Increment the $VERSION again
Remember to update this before releasing (for a change)
2004-07-11 18:01:36 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* lib/version.pm
Increment $VERSION number; have to quote to get the tgz file named
correctly (isn't that what this module is supposed to fix?)
* version.xs:UNIVERSAL_VERSION()
Check for null sv before attempting sv_derived_from()
Thanks to Marcus Holland-Moritz <mhx-perl@gmx.net> for finding this
2004-04-14 13:52:42 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Merge changes from version-0.39 back to trunk
2004-01-06 21:16:42 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* t/02AlphaBeta.t
* t/01base.t
Update tests to require newer version
Change test for CPAN-Style version behavior
Delete 'Changes' from repository since it will now be autogenerated
* lib/version.pm
Clean up POD to reflect actual behavior of code
* Makefile.PL
Add new target to automatically generate the 'Changes' file
* util.c
(Perl_scan_version): rewrite code to use AV * instead of SV * for
internal representation; trigger CPAN-style only for second term
2004-01-03 22:16:15 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status
2004-01-03 22:10:27 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status
2004-01-03 22:09:44 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status
2004-01-01 20:54:15 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* lib/version.pm
(POD): Initial documentation of CPAN-Style versions
* util.c
(Perl_scan_version): Try and handle CPAN versions (two decimal
places) differently from Perl-style (three or more decimal places)
2003-12-29 10:35:34 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* typemap
Stop automatically dereferencing input variable
* lib/version.pm
Update $VERSION for a change
Include warning on memory leaks
* util.c
(new_version): use upg_version exclusively
(upg_version): move code from new_version here
* version.xs
Stop dereferencing input variables
Stop assuming that the PV has a value
2003-12-28 23:39:08 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
* t/01base.t
Replace postfix increment with prefix increment to prevent erroneous
"Attempt to free..." errors
Add test of CVS $Revision: $ style versions
* util.c
Rewrite new_version to free temporary string variable
* version.xs
Rewrite version->new() to eliminate temp string for CVS $Revision: $
Rewrite version->qv() to use scan_version instead of new_version
2003-12-21 13:00:05 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
M version.xs
Go through code to ensure that there are no leaking scalars
Sadly, there are still leaks from version::VERSION of unknown origins
2003-12-20 19:27:00 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
M t/02AlphaBeta.t
M lib/version/AlphaBeta.pm
Implement an alternate object representation
Overload stringify() with custom function
2003-10-25 21:17:52 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
M t/02AlphaBeta.t
Add empty derived class and modify tests to run
M t/01base.t
Work around bug with postfix increment under all Perl < bleadperl
2003-09-10 15:05:07 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Fix for Ticket #3764 - need to strip final term before chop()
Implement qv() function and document/test
2003-09-10 06:40:15 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Remove the changes file from the repository.
Generate it before release:
svn log file:///var/svn/modules/version/trunk
and eventually by 'release.pl --changes'
2003-09-10 06:36:49 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Finish backporting bleadperl changes
Special case test for 5.005_03
Patch ppport.h to support IVSIZE for 5.005_03
2003-09-10 05:13:09 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
No, really delete the lines from MANIFEST
Last bit of clean up in the POD
2003-09-10 04:59:31 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Delete version::Empty module and include in t/01base.t instead
Correct MANIFEST (delete missing files and add ppport.h)
Make version::stringify() return at least three subversions
2003-09-09 15:20:40 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Integrate changes from bleadperl
Combine emptyclass.t test into 01base.t
Use ppport.h instead of homebrewed #define's
2003-09-07 09:13:53 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Extend version::new() to handle derived classes
Abstract t/01base.t into external file
Create and test empty derived class
FIX: "attempt to free unreferenced scalar" during testing
2003-07-09 10:11:57 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Merge changes made accidently on branch back to head
2003-06-13 21:34:50 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Forgot to commit this before releasing.
2003-06-13 15:02:11 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Correct the example code (again) to correct for CVS update problems
2003-06-13 14:56:27 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Reformatted POD's from <Matthew.Persico@Lazard.com>
2003-06-13 12:51:14 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Change reference from "beta" to "alpha" to follow PAUSE convention
Add new function ->is_alpha() to test for alpha versions
Add docs for all logical operations on version objects
Fix example to have matching versions (old CVS issue)
2003-06-13 12:48:05 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Implement version::AlphaBeta module
Copy repository history from CVS into subversion
2003-06-13 12:48:02 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
To prepare to load /home/jpeacock/tmp/version-0.28 into version/trunk,
perform 2 renames.
* version/trunk/t/1.t: Renamed from version/trunk/t/version.t.
* version/trunk/lib/version.pm: Renamed from version/trunk/version.pm.
2003-01-05 17:45:41 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Extract most recent log messages for main file
2003-01-05 17:43:51 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Rewrite POD to call a v-string a v-string
Reformat POD to look nicer
2003-01-05 17:42:16 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Make vnumify return an actual NV (instead of an SV which looks like one)
2003-01-05 17:40:50 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Make warnings even more dire
2003-01-05 17:37:32 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
change comment message to more accurately reflect the test
2002-12-27 10:15:29 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Rewrite to support new model of "Numeric Versions" and "String Versions"
2002-12-17 21:28:48 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
New version to cope with GSAR's vision of bare number versions
2002-12-05 06:51:34 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Make -w clean tests
2002-12-05 05:41:24 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Bring into sync with perl-current
2002-11-18 05:35:54 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Bring current with repository version
2002-11-18 05:33:23 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Fix compile errors under threaded Perl's
Supress {Unquoted string version} warnings
2002-11-18 05:33:23 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Fix compile errors under threaded Perls
2002-11-18 05:24:17 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Fix compile errors under threaded Perl's
Supress {Unquoted string "version"} warnings
2002-10-14 21:27:00 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Fix typos
Fix handling of null versions
2002-10-10 20:41:54 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
use Perl_croak from C code
2002-10-08 20:51:20 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Recover gracefully to null versions (rather than core)
2002-10-08 20:44:24 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Recover gracefully to null versions (rather than core)
2002-10-04 22:57:00 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Document extended decimal version parsing
2002-10-04 21:01:45 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Force all files to next major revision (so the version works)
2002-10-04 20:53:33 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Add tests for 1.002003 => 1.2.3
2002-10-04 20:53:10 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Add support for 1.002003 => 1.2.3
2002-10-04 20:31:01 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Remove dependency on Exporter.pm
2002-09-29 19:46:23 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Update with version from perl-current
2002-09-29 19:44:47 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Change vstringify and vnumify
Reword main POD slightly
2002-09-28 14:38:15 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Final changes to release to CPAN
Merged code into perl-current
2002-09-28 06:21:16 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Ready to release to CPAN
2002-09-28 06:15:34 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
POD changes
2002-09-28 06:15:16 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Cannot use SvPV_nolen in 5.005_03
2002-09-22 21:40:02 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Document the UNIVERSAL::VERSION replacement
2002-09-22 21:23:01 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Successfully create and test my own UNIVERSAL::VERSION replacement
2002-09-16 15:35:58 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Improve the testing of beta versions
2002-09-16 08:12:49 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
More POD changes
2002-09-16 07:52:08 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Add additional testing
2002-09-16 06:17:41 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Finally works in 5.005_03, 5.6.1, and 5.8.0
2002-09-15 06:13:51 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Doesn't work any more?
2002-09-14 16:08:23 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
working AV objects in 5.6.x only
2002-09-14 16:08:23 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
*** empty log message ***
2002-09-13 23:12:25 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Finished for the night
2002-09-13 22:28:39 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
almost working AV style version objects
2002-09-13 21:59:09 John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>
Initial revision