2009-06-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Disable all tests for 5.10.0 for the moment, so we can release
	as an alpha and not falsely claim success or failure.

2009-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix RT#46921 - locale and eval action at a distance.  All tests pass
	except on 5.10.0 (because the core code is broken).

2009-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix mistaken regex to convert large exponential numbers to non-exponential
	form before scanning.  Resolves:


2009-05-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	More fiddling with the revised POD.

2009-05-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Resolve some more misleading warnings from vpp.pm in 5.005 and 5.6

2009-05-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Misplaced #endif caused 5.005_04 and 5.6.x to fail tests.  Add
	documentation for is_qv.

2009-05-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Make all test pm files use File::Temp.  Change qv() to be both method and
	function.  All tests pass using Build.PL from perl 5.6.x forward, but
	a couple of test failures using Makefile.PL in 5.6.x and 5.005_04.

2009-05-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Tests pass but POD is incomplete

2009-05-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	All tests pass in all Perl's and in XS and pure Perl.  Perl 5.005_04 still
	throws lots of stupid warnings in pure Perl; can't help it apparently.

2009-05-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Now tests all pass on 5.005 as well (two warnings I can't prevent)

2009-05-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Now all three test files are 100% for 5.8.x and 5.10.x, but 01 and 02 fail
	with 5.6.x and 5.005

2009-05-09  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Begin massive reorg/redesign.  Tests 01 and 03 are 100%; 02 needs work.

2008-07-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix segfault with core version stringification of serialized version
	objects without an 'original' entry.  See


2008-07-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Only need to rev the underlying vstringify2() function.

2008-07-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Commit working implementation to handle badly formed version objects
	thanks to Data::Dumper. :(

2008-06-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Interim release to correctly install under Perl v5.10.0.

2008-06-07  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Forgot to bump the $VERSION.  Go figure.

2008-06-07  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Improve POD to clarify usage and prevent confusion.

2008-04-01  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Optionally use the more efficient XSLoader instead of DynaLoader.
	Resolves http://rt.cpan.org//Ticket/Display.html?id=34590

2007-10-24  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Data::Dumper is sometimes too clever for its (and our) own good.
	When copying an existing version object, directly set newSViv
	instead of using &PL_sv_yes, since the latter has a PV slot which
	looks shared to D::D's jaundiced eye.


2007-09-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	New code to handle versions too large to fit into an IV slot.
	Both the pure Perl and XS code are now safe to use with ~0
	Test new functionality.

2007-04-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Neglected to delete or comment out a $DB::single (again).

2007-04-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	One last place that needed a leading 'v' (for non-magic v-strings).

2007-04-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	v-string created version objects always stringify with a leading 'v' for
	consistency's sake, since we have no way of knowing whether one was present
	for 5.6.0 <= Perl < 5.8.1 (non-magic v-strings).

2007-04-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	When copying an existing version object, forgot to copy the original string

2007-04-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Return original string value for all stringification cases except for
	qv(1.2) which returns 'v1.2' for roundtrip purposes.

2007-04-12  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Output the original string form for numeric versions for XS code now.
	Ready to release to CPAN.

2007-04-12  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	It will be less surprising to overload string comparisons (now that the
	default stringification is identical to the initializer) than it would be
	to not overload them.

2007-04-11  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Better way to handle the undef initialization case.

2007-04-11  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Disallow string comparisons with version objects.  Tests adjusted to use
	numeric comparisons only.

2007-04-11  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Cache the original string used to initialize the version object and return
	that when stringifying.  Only works with pure Perl class for the moment.

2007-03-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Add more text to README on v-string support.

2007-03-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Now supports non-magical v-strings (Perl 5.6.0-5.8.0)!
	Polymorphic error messages from 5.6.0 onwards.

2007-03-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Polymorphic error messages work everywhere except XS under 5.6.2. :(

2007-03-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Polymorphic error messages now working (and tested) in pure Perl module.

2007-02-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Don't need to explicitely specify the MAN3POD stuff, since EU::MM will now
	do that automatically (since the POD is mentioned in PM).
	Actually, magic v-strings came in at 5.8.1, not 5.8.0 (spotted in the
	bleadperl variant).

2007-02-12  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Final 0.70 release to CPAN.

2007-02-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Error out on malformed input 1._1 (Andy Armstrong <andy@hexten.net>).

2007-02-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Backport bleadperl changes.

2007-02-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Prepare for another alpha release to CPAN

2007-02-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Apply more const'ifying and code cleanup from bleadperl.

2007-02-07  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Better regex to handle weird exponential notation under 5.6.x on OSX.

2007-02-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Suppress installation (but test anyways) in bleadperl or better.

2007-01-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Bump $VERSION's and update README for another dev release [0.69_02]

2007-01-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	XS UNIVERSAL::VERSION code now emits error messages just like the release of
	Perl it is compiled against.

2007-01-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Need to limit the effects of the WARN handler.
	Stop testing v-strings in Perl 5.6.x until XS code is up to snuff.

2007-01-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Complete rewrite of tests to confirm that version::vpp mirrors the
	different Perl releases' error messages.

2007-01-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Carefully replicate [almost] all error messages exactly as different Perl
	releases would otherwise report.  Resolves RT#24675 (once the tests are

2007-01-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Improve documentation of v-strings as version initializers.

2007-01-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Testing with Module::Build revealed problems with the boolean overload.

2007-01-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix Makefile.PL to work correctly with 5.6.x and 5.005x.
	Tests with bare v-strings can now handle 5.6.x releases.
	Pure Perl release now includes same overloading as XS.

2007-01-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Rewrite Makefile.PL again before releasing 0.69 to CPAN.

2007-01-09  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Before releasing to CPAN, make sure to remove stale Makefile.* remnants
	from previous runs (in case someone tries to rebuild with the pure Perl
	release after building the XS release).

2007-01-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Release 0.69 to CPAN

2007-01-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Try to make the Makefile.PL more forgiving about evil compilers (RT#24283).
	Eliminate Scalar::Util from pure Perl version (for Jos <kane@xs4all.nl>).
	Latest ppport.h (newer is better, right?).
	Resolve RT#24239 and 24244, related to PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV.

2006-11-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Replace checks with Test::More with a custom module (so the tests won't
	break when Test::More gets updated).

2006-10-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Release 0.68 to CPAN with locale tests.

2006-10-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	I was wrong.  Apparently all releases of Perl require you to force the PV
	to be regenerated after changing the locale.

2006-10-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Lots of changes.  Problems noted in bleadperl because of locales which use
	commas for the decimal point.  Both XS and Perl code updated to handle
	this, which was tricky for the latter because locale handling was so bad
	prior to 5.8.0.  Harmless warning during testing caused by bad interaction
	between POSIX and Test::More's AUTOLOAD (no idea how to fix it).

	Also bumped up required versions in tests and updated Makefile.PL to
	correctly install the POD file.

2006-08-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Use default subclass name in Build.PL, since M::B nukes the version::
	namespace during its own initialization.

2006-08-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Revert accidental whitespace change

2006-08-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	One more regex to prevent patch files being added to MANIFEST

2006-08-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Dependency on changelog not in correct order with dist

2006-08-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Yet another way to structure Makefile.PL so that it autogenerates Changes.

2006-08-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Once again, fix very small version handling in pure Perl release (globally
	this time).

2006-07-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Property change (don't need these to be executable).

2006-07-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Add MANIFEST.SKIP so Module::Release will be happy.
	Hide vutil/Makefile.PL inside top level Makefile.PL (__DATA__).

2006-07-30  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Force MSVC to only compile, not link, by default.
	Generate manified PODs in Makefile.PL.
	Autogenerate 'Changes' from Makefile.PL.

2006-07-25  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Pure Perl UNIVERSAL::VERSION was throwing undef warnings when called
	without a req, e.g. MODULE->VERSION.

2006-07-25  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	More compatibility for inclusion in Module::Build.
	Remove dependency to Scalar::Util (just guess if it is a v-string).

2006-07-19  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	More Makefile tweakage.  Can't use warnings in Perl < v5.6.0 and need to
	protect Build.PL from being run by Makefile.PL being a little too helpful.

2006-07-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Custom Makefile.PL left debris around if ExtUtils::CBuilder, confusing the
	Makefile into trying to compile/link something that wasn't there.

	Also, take out the "0+" numification, which didn't work in vpp.pm, and which
	I don't want to support with this module anyway.

2006-07-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Reorganize structure and provide a fully EU::MM compatible Makefile.PL
	for, among other cases, bootstrap installing of Module::Build (which now
	depends on version.pm).  No new tests, no change to core code.  Resolves

2006-06-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Bump version in preparation for release to CPAN as 0.64.

2006-05-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	As it turns out, the import() method *can* be inherited and DTRT.
	POD adjusted to reflect the current reality.

2006-05-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Based on a suggestion by David Wheeler, test for already exported qv() in a
	more inheritance friendly fashion.

	Create a way to call the base import() from a subclass and have it DTRT and
	provide documentation for doing so.

	Ready to release to CPAN as 0.63_01.

2006-05-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Release to CPAN as 0.63 (no really!).

2006-05-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Prevent XS from issuing warnings when initializing with undef or no
	parameter at all.

	Release to CPAN as 0.63.

2006-05-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix RT 19517 - need to handle 'undef' as a string.
	Release to CPAN as 0.62.

	TODO - leaking undef warnings from the XS code

2006-05-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Use even newer ppport.h, per Marcus Holland-Moritz.
	Bump $VERSION for release to CPAN as 0.61.

2006-05-22  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	In my haste to jettison Exporter, I neglected to consider that someone
	might try and load version.pm twice.  Fixed (and tested).

2006-05-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Replace ppport.h with much improved version.
	Strip out my pathetic compatibility code (see above).
	Add dependency to ppport.h to each file with appropriate #define's.
	Release to CPAN as 0.60.

2006-05-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Prep for another beta to CPAN

2006-05-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Integrate upstream bleadperl changes.
	Add compatibility code to vutil.h until ppport.h catches up.
	Fix (and test for) the case where class->VERSION is called

2006-05-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Now works with 'require version' and not just 'use version' (with tests).
	Pure Perl UNIVERSAL::VERSION now operates correctly when used as a fallback
	inherited class method, e.g. class->VERSION or $obj->VERSION.

2006-05-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix reported failures with UNIVERSAL::VERSION as fallback method in vpp.pm.
	Augment new() to try and spot non-magic v-strings for v5.6.2 - v5.8.1.

2006-05-05  john_peacock

	Prep beta release to CPAN.

	Improve POD on using modules that use version.pm.
	New tests.
	Require pure Perl module for 5.005_03 (for now).

2006-05-05  john_peacock

	Tweak ppport.h #define's to support 5.0005_04

2006-05-05  john_peacock

	Rewrite to remove dependency on Exporter.
	Fix RT#19017 - problems related to very small version numbers.

2006-04-06  john_peacock

	Not sure if this works on 5.005_03 after all

2006-03-27  john_peacock

	Complete compatibility with Perl 5.005_0x as well as 5.6.2.
	Remove the compatibility warnings.pm (since it was a bad idea).
	Release to CPAN.

2006-03-27  john_peacock

	Fix the pure Perl release for 5.005_0x (thanks to Nick Ing-Simmons).
	Ready for release to CPAN.

2006-03-27  john_peacock

	Restore compatibility with Perl 5.6.x (though not with 5.005_x yet).

2006-03-09  john_peacock

	* lib/version.pod
	    Minor POD fixup (revealed by pod2html).

	* t/coretests.pm
	    Suppress status messages except when --verbose is used.

2006-02-26  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Release 0.57 to CPAN.  Only bumps $VERSION and slightly improve Build.PL.

2006-02-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Next beta release to CPAN.

	* Build.PL
	    Subclass Module::Build and override have_c_compiler() with one that
	    fails without die'ing.


2006-02-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Beta release to CPAN.

	    Bump $VERSION for new release.

	* vperl/vpp.pm
	    Fully implemented UNIVERSAL::VERSION in the pure Perl module.
	    Set explicit $VERSION so that correct module gets loaded during

	* vutil/vxs.pm
	    Set explicit $VERSION so that correct module gets loaded during

	* t/coretests.pm
	    Additional tests (based on bleadperl t/op/use.t).

2006-02-19  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Another workaround for incomplete testing

2006-02-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Emergency release to fix up M::B 0.2611 problem

2006-02-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Neglected to clean up after XS code (since we are playing games).

2006-02-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	No, really, the final changes before releasing to CPAN. :(

2006-02-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Final updates for 0.54 release to CPAN.

2006-02-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Merge from version-combined branch.  Equivalent to RELEASE_0_53_03.

2006-02-09  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Commit changes prior to push to implement pure Perl alternative.

	* Build.PL
	    Need to exclude building on all 5.9.x bleadperl releases.

	* lib/version.pod
	    Forgot a quote in one of the example code fragments.

	* vutil/vutil.c
	    Sync with bleadperl.  Only warn if 'use warnings' is set.

2006-01-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Release 0.53 to CPAN.

	* vutil/vutil.c
	    warn() when initialization string contains trailing characters
	    (rather than silently ignoring them).  Suggested by David Wheeler.

	* t/coretests.pm
	    Test the above change.

	    Document the above.

	* lib/version.pm
	    Bump $VERSION.

2006-01-06  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	New version to deal with malformed input data that came up
	in bleadperl:

	  sprintf of version objects

	    Bump version.

	* vutil/vutil.c
	    Die if input value has underscore but no decimal.

	* t/01base.t
	    Use no_plan so I don't need to increment tests any more.

	* t/coretests.pm
	    Check for malformed input.

2006-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Ready for new release to CPAN with minor changes.

	    Describe minor changes

	* lib/version/vxs.pm
	    Bump $VERSION.

	* vutil/vutil.c
	    Eliminate code I'm never going to use.

2005-12-03  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* lib/version.pod
	    PAUSE does so support version objects.  Elaborate on support
	    for Module::Build and lack thereof for ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

2005-12-02  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* version/vxs.pm
	    Forgot to bump this.  When am I going to have inherited props?

2005-12-02  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* Build.PL
	    Explicit minimum version of Module::Build.  Fixes

	    Whoo-hoo!  Remember to update this the first time.

	* lib/version.pm
	    Make sure that there is no possible way that Perl will
	    try to include the non-existant pure Perl vpp.pm

	* lib/version.pod
	    Complete rewrite that is hopefully easier to understand.

2005-11-01  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* vutil/vutil.c
	    Use trinary operator to choose power of 10, rather than pow(),
	    which caused some problem with AIX 5.1.  Resolves:


	* t/02derived.t
	    Suppress unnecessary warning when overriding qv() sub.

2005-10-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* version/README
	    Remember to update this for 0.49 release.

2005-10-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix Build.PL so Win32 will compile properly

2005-10-06  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	* version/Build.PL
	    Explicit call to dist_name to help Windows DTRT.  Resolves


	* lib/version/vxs.pm
	    Change implementation to return version objects instead of
	    version::vxs object.  Document that qv() isn't inherited and
	    give work around.  Update tests to no longer test version::vxs
	    class directly (since it doesn't work).  Resolves ticket:


2005-09-26  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Start POD rewrite.

2005-09-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Significant archectectural change (object hash has to contain
	reference to array not the array itself); see


	for details.  Initial changes to support pure Perl variant
	(not included yet), see


	for more details.  All POD moved to seperate file.  Tests
	abstracted out for reuse by different classes.

2005-09-07  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	"version" element of hash must be a reference, see:
	for details.

	Also, function name changes backported from bleadperl version.

2005-08-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Badly written subclasses could SEGV (reported by Andreas Koenig).
	Now all version objects are validated before use.

	Add vverify() function to validate version objects and include
	it before each use of a version object.  Add tests for poorly
	written subclass that tickle the above function.

	Apply const'ifying from bleadperl and reformat calls to
	sv_[cat|set]pvf to be consistent with bleadperl source.

2005-08-22  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Leading whitespace or lack of leading zero caused the the object
	to be initialized incorrectly (reported by Andreas Koenig).

	Added POD for subclassing.  Removed cruft from README file.

2005-08-03  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Don't strip trailing zeros unneccesarily

2005-08-02  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Spelling fixes from "Piotr Fusik" <pfusik@op.pl>

2005-07-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Complete rename of files to prevent GCC 4.0 bug

2005-07-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Preliminary commit for rename of util.[ch]

2005-06-06  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Final changes to release 0.43 to CPAN

	*   README, lib/version.pm
	    Bump $VERSION number

	*   t/01base.t
	    Test that single term version expands to triplet for
	    $v->normal.  Eliminate "Exporter" from derived class.

	*   util/util.c
	    Various const'ifying to match Perl's own changes.
	    Handle short and really short array outputs in vnormal().

	*   util/util.h
	    const'ify Perl_scan_version().

2005-05-23  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Complete rewrite of parser to handle CPAN-style (two significant
	decimal) versions, as well as finish documenting the changes.

	*   util/util.c
	    Simplify parser to just count digits when parsing numeric

	*   lib/version.pm
	    Rewrite documentation on Numeric Alpha Versions and make all
	    examples consistent.

	*   t/01base.t
	    Add additional tests for CPAN-style alphas as well as

2005-05-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*   lib/version.pm
	    Revised POD to correspond to new behavior with regards to both
	    Quoted Versions and Alpha Versions.

	*   lib/version.xs
	    Extend new() to be callable as an object method.
	    Copy existing object if called as object method with no

2005-05-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Working towards a release to CPAN.

	    First pass at documenting the external changes.

	*   t/01base.t
	    Since vcmp() is working again, can restore the minimum to the
	    use line.

	*   util/util.c
	    Finish up handling for vcmp to deal with alpha versions.

2005-05-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Almost completely working; only the comparison tests with
	non-objects is still failing.

	*   lib/version.xs
	    Simplify is_alpha() now that it is just as hash flag.

	*   util/util.c
	    Manually create and copy the hash elements when creating new
	    object from old object.
	    Forgot to make sure to display all subversion from short
	    numeric versions.

2005-05-15  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Completed (?) to move to Module::Build

	*   lib/typemap
	    Move XS and support files to lib/

	*   util/ppport.h
	    Move utility functions in their own directory (c_source)

	    Updated to reflect new file locations
	    Add additional files that were originally left out of file
	    Alphabetize this listing (for compulsiveness)

2005-05-15  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Intermediate commit to facilitate move to Module::Build as well as
	work on new hash-based object (all tests do not suceed)

	*   Makefile.PL
	    Replace ExtUtils::MakeMaker with Module::Build wrapper

	*   Build.PL
	    New M::B file

	*   version.xs
	    Try and deal with case where no parameter was passed to new()

	*   util.c
	    Changes to access hash-based object (vcmp still busted)

	*   t/01base.t
	    Changed to prevent core dump (temporarily)

2005-05-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Implement alpha versions using secret array zero slot to
	differentiate between two place alphas (1.02_03) and three place
	alphas (1.002_03) so that versions which only use two significant
	places normally will still sort correctly with their alpha

	*  util.c
	   (Perl_scan_version): Somehow manage to both simplify and
	   complicate the code at the same time.
	   (Perl_vnumify): use the new zero'th array element to distinguish
	   between 2 and 3 significant decimal places for printing.

2005-04-21  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*  util.c
	   Handle two digit alpha versions
	   Once a v-style or FP, always a v-style or FP

	*  t/01base.t
	   Altered tests to match new expectations

2005-02-06  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*   Makefile.PL
	    Windows doesn't understand the braces for shell expansion

	*   README, lib/version.pm
	    Change $VERSION string

	*   t/01base.t
	    Correctly compare to numified version (instead of stringified)

	*   util.c
	    Use same code as bleadperl
	    AvReal_on required to fix problems under threaded Perl
	    Slight rewrite of loop code to fix compiler bug on OS X
	    Display alpha versions properly

	*   version.xs
	    new() returns void since it actual returns on the stack

2004-07-12  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    util.c
	     Fix infinite loop for CVS-style versions of more than 3
	     decimal places.
	     Thanks to Richard Evans <richard_david_evans@yahoo.co.uk>

	*    t/01base.t
	     Test to make sure above doesn't happen again.

	*    lib/version.pm
	     Increment the $VERSION again.

	*    README
	     Remember to update this before releasing (for a change).

2004-07-11  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    lib/version.pm
	     Increment $VERSION number; have to quote to get the tgz file
	     named correctly (isn't that what this module is supposed to

	*    version.xs:UNIVERSAL_VERSION()
	     Check for null sv before attempting sv_derived_from()
	     Thanks to Marcus Holland-Moritz <mhx-perl@gmx.net> for finding

2004-04-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Merge changes from version-0.39 back to trunk

2004-01-06  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    t/02AlphaBeta.t
	*    t/01base.t
	     Update tests to require newer version.
	     Change test for CPAN-Style version behavior.

	     Delete 'Changes' from repository since it will now be

	*    lib/version.pm
	     Clean up POD to reflect actual behavior of code.

	*    Makefile.PL
	     Add new target to automatically generate the 'Changes' file.

	*    util.c
	     (Perl_scan_version): rewrite code to use AV * instead of SV *
	     for internal representation; trigger CPAN-style only for
	     second term.

2004-01-03  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status

2004-01-03  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status

2004-01-03  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Ignore MakeMaker-generated files in svn status

2004-01-01  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    lib/version.pm
	     (POD): Initial documentation of CPAN-Style versions.

	*    util.c
	     (Perl_scan_version): Try and handle CPAN versions (two
	     decimal places) differently from Perl-style (three or more
	     decimal places).

2003-12-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    typemap
	     Stop automatically dereferencing input variable
	*    lib/version.pm
	     Update $VERSION for a change
	*    README
	     Include warning on memory leaks
	*    util.c
	     (new_version): use upg_version exclusively
	     (upg_version): move code from new_version here
	*    version.xs
	     Stop dereferencing input variables
	     Stop assuming that the PV has a value

2003-12-28  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*    t/01base.t
	     Replace postfix increment with prefix increment to prevent erroneous
	     "Attempt to free..." errors
	     Add test of CVS $Revision: $ style versions

	*    util.c
	     Rewrite new_version to free temporary string variable

	*    version.xs
	     Rewrite version->new() to eliminate temp string for CVS $Revision: $
	     Rewrite version->qv() to use scan_version instead of new_version

2003-12-21  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	M    version.xs
	     Go through code to ensure that there are no leaking scalars
	     Sadly, there are still leaks from version::VERSION of unknown origins

2003-12-20  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	M    t/02AlphaBeta.t
	M    lib/version/AlphaBeta.pm
	     Implement an alternate object representation
	     Overload stringify() with custom function

2003-10-25  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	M    t/02AlphaBeta.t
	     Add empty derived class and modify tests to run
	M    t/01base.t
	     Work around bug with postfix increment under all Perl < bleadperl

2003-09-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix for Ticket #3764 - need to strip final term before chop()
	Implement qv() function and document/test

2003-09-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Remove the changes file from the repository.
	Generate it before release:

		svn log file:///var/svn/modules/version/trunk

	and eventually by 'release.pl --changes'

2003-09-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Finish backporting bleadperl changes
	Special case test for 5.005_03
	Patch ppport.h to support IVSIZE for 5.005_03

2003-09-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	No, really delete the lines from MANIFEST
	Last bit of clean up in the POD

2003-09-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Delete version::Empty module and include in t/01base.t instead
	Correct MANIFEST (delete missing files and add ppport.h)
	Make version::stringify() return at least three subversions

2003-09-09  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Integrate changes from bleadperl
	Combine emptyclass.t test into 01base.t
	Use ppport.h instead of homebrewed #define's

2003-09-07  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Extend version::new() to handle derived classes
	Abstract t/01base.t into external file
	Create and test empty derived class

	FIX: "attempt to free unreferenced scalar" during testing

2003-07-09  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Merge changes made accidently on branch back to head

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Forgot to commit this before releasing.

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Correct the example code (again) to correct for CVS update problems

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Reformatted POD's from <Matthew.Persico@Lazard.com>

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Change reference from "beta" to "alpha" to follow PAUSE convention
	Add new function ->is_alpha() to test for alpha versions
	Add docs for all logical operations on version objects
	Fix example to have matching versions (old CVS issue)

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Implement version::AlphaBeta module
	Copy repository history from CVS into subversion

2003-06-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	To prepare to load /home/jpeacock/tmp/version-0.28 into version/trunk,
	perform 2 renames.

	* version/trunk/t/1.t: Renamed from version/trunk/t/version.t.
	* version/trunk/lib/version.pm: Renamed from version/trunk/version.pm.

2003-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Extract most recent log messages for main file

2003-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Rewrite POD to call a v-string a v-string
	Reformat POD to look nicer

2003-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Make vnumify return an actual NV (instead of an SV which looks like one)

2003-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Make warnings even more dire

2003-01-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	change comment message to more accurately reflect the test

2002-12-27  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Rewrite to support new model of "Numeric Versions" and "String Versions"

2002-12-17  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	New version to cope with GSAR's vision of bare number versions

2002-12-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Make -w clean tests

2002-12-05  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Bring into sync with perl-current

2002-11-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Bring current with repository version

2002-11-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix compile errors under threaded Perl's
	Supress {Unquoted string version} warnings

2002-11-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix compile errors under threaded Perls

2002-11-18  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix compile errors under threaded Perl's
	Supress {Unquoted string "version"} warnings

2002-10-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Fix typos
	Fix handling of null versions

2002-10-10  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	use Perl_croak from C code

2002-10-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Recover gracefully to null versions (rather than core)

2002-10-08  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Recover gracefully to null versions (rather than core)

2002-10-04  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Document extended decimal version parsing

2002-10-04  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Force all files to next major revision (so the version works)

2002-10-04  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Add tests for 1.002003 => 1.2.3

2002-10-04  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Add support for 1.002003 => 1.2.3

2002-10-04  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Remove dependency on Exporter.pm

2002-09-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Update with version from perl-current

2002-09-29  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Change vstringify and vnumify
	Reword main POD slightly

2002-09-28  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Final changes to release to CPAN
	Merged code into perl-current

2002-09-28  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Ready to release to CPAN

2002-09-28  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	POD changes

2002-09-28  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Cannot use SvPV_nolen in 5.005_03

2002-09-22  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Document the UNIVERSAL::VERSION replacement

2002-09-22  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Successfully create and test my own UNIVERSAL::VERSION replacement

2002-09-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Improve the testing of beta versions

2002-09-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	More POD changes

2002-09-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Add additional testing
	Add POD

2002-09-16  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Finally works in 5.005_03, 5.6.1, and 5.8.0

2002-09-15  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Doesn't work any more?

2002-09-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	working AV objects in 5.6.x only

2002-09-14  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	*** empty log message ***

2002-09-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Finished for the night

2002-09-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	almost working AV style version objects

2002-09-13  John Peacock <jpeacock@cpan.org>

	Initial revision

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