Revision history for Kwiki-RecentChangesRSS
0.03    2004/07/27

date: 2004/07/27 19:45:48;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +23 -12
now install xml.png file, pod updated, minor bug fix if last updated page was
earlier that rss_depth.

0.02    2004/07/20

date: 2004/07/20 22:31:54;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -27
removed rss_depth preference (not config option)
added version number to rss_generator default

0.01    2004/07/17
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

date: 2004/07/17 16:55:24;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -1
turned off warnings of redefined content_type subroutine

date: 2004/07/17 00:02:09;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +35 -20
minor code layout changes, better content-type override, ack ingy

date: 2004/07/15 17:01:59;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +100 -13
required and optional channel elments, with POD

date: 2004/07/15 15:56:40;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +14 -24
fix bug in item link URL, rename screen template, nominal 2.0 RSS

date: 2004/07/14 20:58:42;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +11 -4
move to new module layout and added default config rss.yaml

date: 2004/07/14 19:49:36;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;
branches:  1.1.1;

date: 2004/07/14 02:27:14;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +60 -57
uses config.yaml, moved to RSS 1.0

date: 2004/06/29 04:20:16;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;  lines: +0 -2
removed HTML comments from screen template makes the rdf a little better

date: 2004/06/29 03:47:20;  author: peregrin;  state: Exp;
branches:  1.1.1;
Initial revision