package Apache::CIPP;

$VERSION = "0.13";
$REVISION = q$Revision: 1.4 $;

use strict;

use FileHandle;
use Apache::Constants ':common';
use CIPP;
use Config;
use File::Path;

# this global hash holds the timestamps of the compiled perl
# subroutines for this instance

%Apache::CIPP::compiled = ();

sub handler {
	my $r = shift;
	# should we mangle remote_ip with proxy X-Forwarded-For?
	# (thanks to Ask Bjoern Hansen for his mod_proxy_add_forward.c.
	#  this code snippet is stolen from his documentation ;)

	if ( $r->dir_config ("mangle_proxy_remote_ip") ) {
		if ( $r->connection->remote_ip eq '' ) {
			if ( my ($ip) = $r->header_in('X-Forwarded-For') =~
				/([^,\s]+)$/ ) {

	# print listing if a directory is requested

	my $filename = $r->filename;
	if ( -d $filename ) {
		if ( not -f "$filename/index.cipp" ) {
			print_directory_listing ($r, $filename);
		} else {
			$filename = "$filename/index.cipp";

	# check if file exists and is readable for us
	# if not: Server Error
	return NOT_FOUND if not -f $filename;
	return FORBIDDEN if not -r $filename;
	# handle the request
	if ( not $r->header_only ) {
		my $request = new Apache::CIPP ($r);
		if ( not $request->process ) {
		$request->debug if $r->dir_config ("debug");
	} else {
	return OK;

sub print_directory_listing {
	my $r = shift;
	my ($dir) = @_;
	$r->content_type ("text/html");
	$r->print (qq{<A HREF="../">../</A><BR>\n});
	while (<$dir/*>) {
		$_ .= "/" if -d $_;
		$r->print (qq{<A HREF="$_">$_</A><BR>\n});

sub new {
	my $type = shift;
	my ($r) = @_;
	my $filename = $r->filename;
	my $uri = $r->uri;
	my $self = {
		r => $r,
		filename => $filename,
		uri => $uri,
		status => {
			pid => $$
		error => undef
	$self = bless $self, $type;

	$self->{cache_dir} = $r->dir_config ("cache_dir");
	$self->{err_filename} = $self->{sub_filename}.".err";
	$self->{dep_filename} = $self->{sub_filename}.".dep";

	return $self;
sub process {
	my $self = shift;
	my $r = $self->{r};
	$self->preprocess or return;
	$self->compile or return;
	$self->execute or return;
	return 1;

sub preprocess {
	my $self = shift;

	if ( $self->file_cache_ok ) {
		return not $self->has_cached_error;

	my ($r) = $self->{r};
	my $sub_filename = $self->{sub_filename};
	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $filename = $self->{filename};

	# CIPP Parameter
	my $perl_code = "";
	my $source = $filename;
	my $target = \$perl_code;
	my $project_hash = undef;
	my $databases = $r->dir_config ("databases");
	my @databases = split (/\s*,\s*/, $databases);
	my $db;
	my $database_hash;
	foreach $db (@databases) {
		$database_hash->{$db} = "CIPP_DB_DBI";
	my $default_db = $r->dir_config ("default_db");

	my $mime_type = "text/html";
	my $call_path = $r->uri;
	my $skip_header_line = undef;
	my $debugging = 0;
	my $result_type = "cipp";
	my $use_strict = 1;
	my $persistent = 0;
	my $apache_mod = $r;
	my $project = undef;
	my $use_inc_cache = 0;
	my $lang = $r->dir_config ("lang");

	my $CIPP = new CIPP (
		$source, $target, $project_hash, $database_hash, $mime_type,
		$default_db, $call_path, $skip_header_line, $debugging,
		$result_type, $use_strict, $persistent, $apache_mod, $project,
		$use_inc_cache, $lang
	$CIPP->{print_content_type} = 0;
	if ( not $CIPP->Get_Init_Status ) {
		$self->{error} = "cipp\tcan't initialize CIPP preprocessor";


	if ( not $CIPP->Get_Preprocess_Status ) {
		my $aref = $CIPP->Get_Messages;
		$self->{error} = "cipp-syntax\t".join ("\n", @{$aref});
		$self->{cipp_debug_text} = $CIPP->Format_Debugging_Source ();

	# Wegschreiben
	my $output = new FileHandle;
	open ($output, "> $sub_filename") or die "can't write $sub_filename";
	print $output "# mime-type: $CIPP->{mime_type}\n";
	print $output "sub $sub_name {\nmy (\$cipp_apache_request) = \@_;\n";
	print $output $perl_code;
	print $output "}\n";
	close $output;

	# Cache-Dependency-File updaten
	$self->set_dependency ($CIPP->Get_Used_Macros);

	# Perl-Syntax-Check

	my %env_backup = %main::ENV;	# SuSE 6.0 Workaround
	%main::ENV = ();

	my $error = `$Config{perlpath} -c -Mstrict $sub_filename 2>&1`;

	%main::ENV = %env_backup;

	if ( $error !~ m/syntax OK/) {
		$error = "perl-syntax\t$error" if $error;
		$self->{error} = $error;

	return 1;

sub set_dependency {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($href) = @_;
	my $dep_filename = $self->{dep_filename};
	my $r = $self->{r};
	my @list;
	push @list, $self->{filename};

	if ( defined $href ) {
		my $uri;
		foreach $uri (keys %{$href}) {
			my $subr = $r->lookup_uri($uri);
			push @list, $subr->filename;

	open (DEP, "> $dep_filename") or die "can't write $dep_filename";
	print DEP join ("\t", @list);
	close DEP;

sub compile {
	my $self = shift;

	return 1 if $self->sub_cache_ok;

	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $sub_filename = $self->{sub_filename};
	my $input = new FileHandle;
	open ($input, $sub_filename) or die "can't read $sub_filename";
	my $mime_type = <$input>;
	$mime_type =~ s/^#\s*mime-type:\s*//;
	chop $mime_type;
	my $sub = join ('', <$input>);
	close $input;

	eval $sub;

	if ( $@ ) {
		$self->{error} = "compilation\t$@";
		$Apache::CIPP::compiled{$sub_name} = undef;
	$Apache::CIPP::compiled{$sub_name} = time;
	$Apache::CIPP::mime_type{$sub_name} = $mime_type;
	unlink $self->{err_filename};

	return 1;

sub execute {
	my $self = shift;

	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $r = $self->{r};
	$CIPP::REVISION =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/;
	my $cipp_revision = $1;
	$Apache::CIPP::REVISION =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/;
	my $CIPP_revision = $1;

	# special handling if we want to determine the content length
	if ( $r->dir_config ("determine_content_length") and
	     $Apache::CIPP::mime_type{$sub_name} ne 'cipp/dynamic' ) {

		if ( not $self->execute_sub_to_file ) {
			# runtime error
			$r->content_type ("text/html");
			open (TMP, $self->{sub_temp_file});
			close (TMP);

		$r->content_type ("text/html");
		$r->header_out ("Content-Length", -s $self->{sub_temp_file} );
		$r->print ("<!-- generated by CIPP $CIPP::VERSION/$cipp_revision with ".
		   "Apache::CIPP $Apache::CIPP::VERSION/$CIPP_revision ".
		open (TMP, $self->{sub_temp_file});
		close (TMP);
		return 1;
	# send simple http headers if the CIPP program wants us to
	# send the header
	if ( $Apache::CIPP::mime_type{$sub_name} ne 'cipp/dynamic' ) {

		$r->content_type ("text/html");
#		$r->header_out ("Expires", "Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:24:35 GMT");
#		$r->header_out ("Content-Length", 99 );
		$r->print ("<!-- generated by CIPP $CIPP::VERSION/$cipp_revision with ".
		   "Apache::CIPP $Apache::CIPP::VERSION/$CIPP_revision ".
	return $self->execute_sub;

sub execute_sub {
	my $self = shift;

	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $r = $self->{r};
	no strict 'refs';
	eval { &$sub_name ($r) };
	if ( $@ ) {
		$self->{error} = "runtime\t$@";
	return 1;

sub execute_sub_to_file {
	my $self = shift;

	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $r = $self->{r};
	# redirect STDOUT
	my $save_stdout = "STD$$";
	my $temp_file = "/tmp/apache-cipp.tmp$$";
	$self->{sub_temp_file} = $temp_file;
		no strict 'refs';
		open ($save_stdout, ">& STDOUT")
			or die "dup\tcan't dup STDOUT";

	close (STDOUT) or die "redirect\tcan't close STDOUT";
	open (STDOUT, "> $temp_file")
  		or die "redirect\tcan't redirect STDOUT to '$temp_file'";
	# execute code
	no strict 'refs';
	eval { &$sub_name ($r) };
	my $error = $@;

	# restore STDOUT
		no strict 'refs';
		open (STDOUT, ">& $save_stdout")
			or die "dup\tcan't restore original STDOUT";
		close $save_stdout;
	if ( $error ) {
		$self->{error} = "runtime\t$@";
	return 1;

sub error {
	my $self = shift;
	my $r = $self->{r};
	my $sub_filename = $self->{sub_filename};
	my $err_filename = $self->{err_filename};
	my $error = $self->{error};
	my $uri = $r->uri;

	if ( $error !~  m/^runtime\t/ ) {
		my $output = new FileHandle;
		open ($output, "> $err_filename") or die "can't write $err_filename";
		print $output $error;
		close ($output);
		$r->content_type ("text/html");
		$r->print ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error executing $uri</TITLE></HEAD>\n");
		$r->print ("<BODY BGCOLOR=white>\n");

	my ($type) = split ("\t", $error);
	$error =~ s/^([^\t]+)\t//;
	$r->print ("<P>Error executing <B>$uri</B>:\n");
	$r->print ("<DL><DT><B>Type</B>:</DT><DD><TT>$type</TT></DD>\n");
	$r->print ("<P><DT><B>Message</B>:</DT><DD><PRE>$error</PRE></DD></DL>\n");

	if ( $self->{cipp_debug_text} ) {
		$r->print (${$self->{cipp_debug_text}});

	$error =~ s/\n+$//;
	$r->log_error ($error);


sub debug {
	my $self = shift;
	my $r = $self->{r};
	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $sub_filename = $self->{sub_filename};
	my ($k, $v);
	my $str = "cache=$sub_filename sub=$sub_name";
	while ( ($k, $v) = each %{$self->{status}} ) {
		$str .= " $k=$v";
	$r->warn ("$str");

	while ( ($k, $v) = each %Apache::CIPP::sub_cnt ) {
		print STDERR ("$k: $v\n");


# Helper Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------

sub set_sub_filename {
	my $self = shift;
	my $r = $self->{r};
	my $filename = $self->{uri};
	my $cache_dir = $self->{cache_dir};
	$cache_dir .= "/$ENV{SERVER_NAME}_$ENV{SERVER_PORT}";
	my $dir = $filename;
	$dir =~ s![^/]+$!!;
	$dir = $cache_dir.$dir;
	( mkpath ($dir, 0, 0700) or die "can't create $dir" ) if not -d $dir;
	$filename =~ s!^/!!;
	$self->{sub_filename} = "$cache_dir/$filename.sub";
	return 1;

sub set_sub_name {
	my $self = shift;
	my $uri = $self->{uri};
	$uri =~ s!^/!!;
	$uri =~ s/\W/_/g;
	$self->{sub_name} = "CIPP_Pages::process_$uri";
	return 1;

sub file_cache_ok {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->{status}->{file_cache} = 'dirty';

	my $cache_file = $self->{sub_filename};
	if ( -e $cache_file ) {
		my $cache_time = (stat ($cache_file))[9];

		my $dep_filename = $self->{dep_filename};
		open (DEP, $dep_filename) or die "can't read $dep_filename";
		my @list = split ("\t", <DEP>);
		close DEP;

		my $path;
		foreach $path (@list)  {
			my $file_time = (stat ($path))[9];
			return if $file_time > $cache_time;
	} else {
		# check if cache_dir exists and create it if not
		mkdir ($self->{cache_dir},0700)	if not -d $self->{cache_dir};

	$self->{status}->{file_cache} = 'ok';

	return 1;

sub sub_cache_ok {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->{status}->{sub_cache} = 'dirty';

	my $cache_file = $self->{sub_filename};
	my $sub_name = $self->{sub_name};
	my $cache_time = (stat ($cache_file))[9];
	my $sub_time = $Apache::CIPP::compiled{$sub_name};

	if ( not defined $sub_time or $cache_time > $sub_time ) {
		$Apache::CIPP::sub_cnt{$sub_name} = 0;

	$self->{status}->{sub_cache} = 'ok';
	return 1;

sub has_cached_error {
	my $self = shift;
	my $err_filename = $self->{err_filename};
	if ( -e $err_filename ) {
		my $input = new FileHandle;
		open ($input, $err_filename) or
			die "can't read $err_filename";
		$self->{'error'} = join ('', <$input>);
		close $input;

		$self->{status}->{cached_error} = 1;
		return 1;



=head1 NAME

Apache::CIPP - Use CIPP embedded HTML Pages with mod_perl


  <Location ~ ".*\.cipp" >

    # Advise Apache to use Apache::CIPP as the request
    # handler for this Location  
    SetHandler "perl-script"
    PerlHandler Apache::CIPP

    # directory for caching of preprocessed CIPP programs
    # (this must be writable by the webserver user)
    PerlSetVar 	cache_dir	/tmp/cipp_cache

    # what language do you prefer for error messages?
    # (EN=English, DE=German)
    PerlSetVar	lang		EN
    # debugging infos to error log?
    PerlSetVar	debug		1

    # used databases
    # (comma separated, whitespace is ignored)
    PerlSetVar	databases	"zyn, foo"

    # default database
    PerlSetVar	default_db	zyn

    # configuration for the database named 'zyn'
    # (please refer to the DBI documentation for details)
    PerlSetVar	db_zyn_data_source      dbi:mysql:zyn
    PerlSetVar	db_zyn_user             my_username1
    PerlSetVar	db_zyn_password         my_password1
    PerlSetVar	db_zyn_auto_commit      1

    # configuration for the database named 'foo'
    PerlSetVar	db_foo_data_source      dbi:Oracle:foo
    PerlSetVar	db_foo_user             my_username2
    PerlSetVar	db_foo_password         my_password2
    PerlSetVar	db_foo_auto_commit      0



This module enables you to use the powerful CIPP HTML
embedding language together with the Apache webserver.
It is based on mod_perl and works as a request handler.
So you can transparently use CIPP pages everywhere
on your webserver.

=head1 WHAT IS CIPP?

CIPP is a Perl module for translating CIPP sources to pure
Perl programs. CIPP defines a HTML embedding language also
called CIPP which has powerful features for CGI and database

Many standard CGI and database operations (and much more)
are covered by CIPP, so the developer does not need to code
them again and again.

CIPP is not part of this distribution, please download it
from CPAN.


To give you some imagination of what you can do with CIPP:
here is a (really) simple example of using CIPP in a HTML
source to retrieve some information from a database. Think
this as a HTML page which is "executed" on the fly by
your Apache webserver.
Note: there is no code to connect to the database. This is
done implicitely. The configuration is taken from the Apache
configuration file(s).

  # print table of users who match the given parameter
  <?INTERFACE INPUT="$search_name">

  <HEAD><TITLE>tiny litte CIPP example</TITLE></HEAD>
  <H1>Users matching '$search_name'</H1>

  <?SQL SQL="select name, adress, phone
             from   people
	     where  name like '%' || ? || '%'"
	MY VAR="$n, $a, $p">



Place the configuration options listed in the SYNOPSIS into
your Apache configuration file(s) (e.g. httpd.conf). The
SYNOPSIS example configures all files with the suffix .cipp to be
handled by Apache::CIPP. Please refer to the Apache documentation
for details about configuring your webserver.

The CIPP PDF documentation contains some more explantation of the
Apache::CIPP configuration parameters. Also CGI::CIPP explains
them briefly. You can download the documentation and CGI::CIPP
from CPAN.

=head1 DOWNLOAD Apache::CIPP

Apache::CIPP and friends can be downloaded from CPAN


=head1 INSTALLING Apache::CIPP

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

=head1 AUTHOR

Joern Reder <>


Copyright 1998-1999 Joern Reder, All Rights Reserved

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), CIPP(3pm), CGI::CIPP(3pm), CIPP::Manual(3pm)