$Id: Changes,v 1.18 2005/10/09 12:20:30 joern Exp $

Revision history and release notes for Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory:

0.58 Sun Oct 9, 2005, joern
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Container:
	  - new methods add_child_widget() and remove_child_widget()
	    to add/remove Widgets at runtime. E.g. you can extend
	    a notebook at runtime. Thanks to Kaare Rasmussen for
	    the suggestions.
	- Buffered context objects: EXPERIMENTAL!
	  - if you specify 'buffered => 1' on Context->add_object
	    a buffering Proxy will be used for this object. That
	    means all attribute updates are buffered in the proxy
	    object instead of passing them through to the underlying
	    application object immediately. This way you can use
	    a synchronized FormFactory (with all the advantages
	    of automatically widget updating/activating stuff)
	    but the possibility to cancel all changes easily.
	    DialogButtons take care of this, so a "Cancel" button
	    is displayed in a FormFactory automatically if all
	    widgets in this factory are connected to a buffered
	    context object. Tested with simpler forms and works
	    for me, but this may not work in very complex forms
	    with a lot of internal dependencies, in particular if
	    your callbacks for activation checking and stuff don't
	    use the Context but access the original object directly,
	    which doesn't see any changes until the FormFactory
	    is applied!
        - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List: prevent unnecessary selection
          updates not only for lists with the attr_select_column
          property set
        - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Widget: active_cond callback now
          gets the current application object passed.

        - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Context: active_depends property
          didn't work with an array ref of attributes as stated
          in the docs.
        - Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Label: don't try to update from
          an object atribute without any set.

0.57 Mon Aug 1, 2005, joern
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Window:
	  - on window close FormFactory->close is called automatically
	    if the Window is the 1st child of the FormFactory,
	    unless a closed_hook is set. Thanks to Kaare Rasmussen
	    for the hint.
	  - added 'quit_on_close' option, which quits the Gtk2
	    main loop as well in that case. 
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List:
	  - scroll to selected row only on first show, to prevent
	    unneccessary scrolling.
	  - trigger selection dependency updates only when the
	    selection really changed (but only for Lists with
	    attr_select and attr_select_column set, because
	    otherwise a selection change can't be detected
	- Documentation updates & fixes

	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout: setting 'scrollbars'
	  for non-scrollable widgets didn't work
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Notebook: restore selected page
	  only if an object attribute is associated with the
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory: POD typo fixed, thanks for the
	  report to Christian Marillat.

0.56 Wed Jul 20, 2005, joern
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Rules:
	  - added 'zero', 'non-zero', 'positive-zero-integer',
	    'negative-zero-integer', 'positive-zero-float',
	    'negative-zero-float' rules.
	  - added special 'or-empty' rule, refer to the man page
	    for details.
	  - added 'executable-command' rule.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Context:
	  - added get_object_attr() helper method to retrieve
	    a specific application object attribute
	  - added 'accessor' option to the ->add_object() method
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Widget:
	  - added 'label_for' attribute, so auto-generated labels
	    can be bound to specific widgets as well.
	  - added 'avtive_cond' and 'active_depends' attributes
	    for direct activity control of the widget.
	  - added 'changed_hook_after'
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Popup:
	  - added 'items' attribute for static popup content
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Popup:
	  - default 'scale' to 1 of no other scaling options
	    are given, images would be invisible without this.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory:
	  - added 'with_cancel' option to the ->open_confirm_window()
	    helper method
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::CheckButtonGroup:
	  - dimensions can be configured through application
	    object attributes. Row and/or column labels may
	    be added.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Label:
	  - added bold option.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout:
	  - center button icons/labels.

	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Combo: rule checking didn't work.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Widget: rule checking in synchronized
	  FormFactories didn't work if no object attribute was
	  associated with the widget
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Table: due to missing outer whitespace
	  truncation parsing of some table layouts was messed up.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List: dropped "selects_object"
	  feature introduced in 0.55 because this can be easily done
	  by defining attribute dependencies.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout: setting a label group
	  didn't work for Label widgets, only for implicite labels
	  set through the Widget's label attribute.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Loader: VSeparator setup was missing.

0.55 Mon Jul 11, 2005, joern
	- Added a fully functional tutorial program (a simple music
	  database) which makes use of a lot of simple and advanced
	  Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory features. Not documented yet, but
	  nevertheless a good example to learn how Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory
	  works. More details in tutorial/README.
	- On demand loading of widget modules saves some memory
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Context
	  - pass object aggregation information to define
	    dependencies between objects. This way all dependent
	    objects update automatically if their parent object
	  - defining constant attribute accessors is now possible,
	    e.g. for simple Combo presets not changing at runtime.
	  - new method set_object_attr() sets an specific application
	    object attribute and triggers corresponding GUI updates
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::List
	   - new attribute "selects_object" for lists representing
	     an index of objects to select one of them. The
	     corresponding widgets are updated automatically
	     once the list selection changes.
	   - new attribute "visible" to control visibility of columns
	   - new attribute "no_header" to suppress list headers
	   - new attribute "attr_select_column" to have specific
	     column values instead of selected indices in the
	     "attr_select" attribute
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Label: declare an arbitrary Label
	  widget as the label of another widget, so this label is
	  deactivated/activated together with the assigned widget
	  automatically, even in complex layouts.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Popup: additional data model,
	  two dimensional array to define ordered key/value pairs.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Window: title may be controlled
	  by an application object.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Widget: moved get_widget() from
	  Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory to here, so it's available for
	  all widgets, not only in a FormFactory.

	- Removed ok_hook() from Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Intro
	  documentation, which was never implemented that way.
	- Tooltips on combo entries didn't work.

0.54 Sun May 29, 2005, joern
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Table now handles arbitrary
	  alignments of widgets in the cells.
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory: new convenience method
	- Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory::Layout: no frames around
	  forms if placed on a notebook page

0.53 Sun Apr 10, 2005, joern
	- $ff->get_widget($name) added.
	- $context->remove_object($name) added.
	- DialogButtons: control the set of buttons displayed.

	- Timestamp: placeholders were mixed up, so the calculated
	  timestamp was nonsense for some values.
	- Widget's changed_hook wasn't called at the appropriate
	  time for some widgets.
0.52 Sun Feb 06, 2005, joern
	- Popup: didn't consider custom attribute activity conditions
	  in all cases.
	- Container: apply_changes() didn't recurse correctly into
	  all children

	- New widgets:
	  - CheckButtonGroup: a table of check buttons representing
	    a multiple selection of predefined values.
	  - GtkWidget: support arbitrary Gtk widgets which aren't worth
	    an own Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory module.
	  - TextView: a Gtk2::TextView
	  - Timestamp: Entries to enter correct timestamps down to minute
	    level, while calculating internally with unix timestamps.
	- FormFactory: added parent_ff attribute
	- FormFactory: added hide parameter to open() and show() method
	- FormFactory: added open_confirm_window() method
	- FormFactory: added get_image_path() method
	- Button: added stock attribute
	- Combo: added presets attribute
	- DialogButtons: buttons may now be controlled with the object
	  attribute's value
	- HBox/VBox: added no_frame attribute
	- List: added update_selection_only attribute
	- Proxy: get_attr/set_attr consider object.attr notation
	  accordingly and switch to the proxy of the correspondent
	  object for convenience.
	- Table: warn if table layout string contains tab characters
	- Widget: added gtk_properties_widget
	- Widget: added label_markup attribute
	- Widget: added 'type' option to show_error_message() and
	  error windows are now modal.
	  => WARNING: incompatible API change!
	- Window: added closed_hook attribute

0.51 Mon Dec 27, 2004, joern
	- Container: on cleanup the internal content list was
	  set to undef instead to [].
	- Context: attr_depends_href extended, so it accepts a list
	  reference of attributes an attribute depends on, not
	  only a single attribute.
	- Image: with a constant scale of 1 all magic regarding scale
	  calculation is switched off
	- Window: if a window has a FormFactory parent, FormFactory->close()
	  is called automatically when the window is destroyed.
	- Container: Print a better error message if a child of a
	  container isn't defined.

	- Added GPL LICENSE file to the distribution

0.50 Sat Nov 20, 2004, joern
	First public release. Refer to http://www.exit1.org/
	for comprehensive online documentation.

	WARNING: API is not stable yet and may change incompatibly.