Revision history for Perl extension AI::NeuralNet::FastSOM.

0.07  Sat Jul 25 14:18:03 2009
	- clean up things a bit
	- now using Atol() instead of atoi()
	- now using Drand01() instead of rand()
	- now using seedDrand01() instead of srand()
	- fixed problem with not using all training vectors, or some twice
	- removed non-core Data::Dumper from tests
	- added tests for store/retrieve via Storable
	- first public release

0.06  Wed Jul 22 12:07:25 2009
	- removed AI::NN::FSOM::ARRAY, ::MAP, and ::VECTOR modules
	- removed Inline::C code from remaining modules
	- removed dependence on non-core
	- removed remaining Inline::C macros and INLINE.h
	- moved train() into C
	- now parsing input_ and output_dim parameters (finally!)

0.05  Mon Jul 20 13:20:06 2009
	- re-added support for labels, originally in AI::NN::SOM
	- added original AI::NN::SOM test suite (and it works!)

0.04  Sat Jul 18 16:45:27 2009
	- removed dependence on Inline::C
	- minor refactor

0.03  Sat Jul 18 09:30:08 2009
	- created wrappers for most c-level stuff

0.02  Wed Jul 15 18:56:13 2009
	- moved data structures into C structs

0.01  Thu Jul  2 09:07:01 2009
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXn AI::NeuralNet::FastSOM