package Paws::Pinpoint::UpdateCampaign; use Moose; has ApplicationId => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', traits => ['ParamInURI'], uri_name => 'application-id', required => 1); has CampaignId => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', traits => ['ParamInURI'], uri_name => 'campaign-id', required => 1); has WriteCampaignRequest => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::Pinpoint::WriteCampaignRequest', required => 1); use MooseX::ClassAttribute; class_has _stream_param => (is => 'ro', default => 'WriteCampaignRequest'); class_has _api_call => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'UpdateCampaign'); class_has _api_uri => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => '/v1/apps/{application-id}/campaigns/{campaign-id}'); class_has _api_method => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'PUT'); class_has _returns => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'Paws::Pinpoint::UpdateCampaignResponse'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::Pinpoint::UpdateCampaign - Arguments for method UpdateCampaign on L<Paws::Pinpoint> =head1 DESCRIPTION This class represents the parameters used for calling the method UpdateCampaign on the L<Amazon Pinpoint|Paws::Pinpoint> service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method UpdateCampaign. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to UpdateCampaign. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $pinpoint = Paws->service('Pinpoint'); my $UpdateCampaignResponse = $pinpoint->UpdateCampaign( ApplicationId => 'My__string', CampaignId => 'My__string', WriteCampaignRequest => { AdditionalTreatments => [ { SizePercent => 1, CustomDeliveryConfiguration => { DeliveryUri => 'My__string', EndpointTypes => [ 'PUSH', ... # values: PUSH, GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, APNS_VOIP, APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX, ADM, SMS, VOICE, EMAIL, BAIDU, CUSTOM ], # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL MessageConfiguration => { ADMMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL APNSMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL BaiduMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL CustomMessage => { Data => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL DefaultMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL EmailMessage => { Body => 'My__string', FromAddress => 'My__string', HtmlBody => 'My__string', Title => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL GCMMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL SMSMessage => { Body => 'My__string', EntityId => 'My__string', MessageType => 'TRANSACTIONAL' , # values: TRANSACTIONAL, PROMOTIONAL; OPTIONAL OriginationNumber => 'My__string', SenderId => 'My__string', TemplateId => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL Schedule => { StartTime => 'My__string', EndTime => 'My__string', EventFilter => { Dimensions => { Attributes => { 'My__string' => { Values => [ 'My__string', ... ], AttributeType => 'INCLUSIVE' , # values: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, CONTAINS, BEFORE, AFTER, ON, BETWEEN; OPTIONAL }, }, # OPTIONAL EventType => { Values => [ 'My__string', ... ], DimensionType => 'INCLUSIVE', # values: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE; OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL Metrics => { 'My__string' => { ComparisonOperator => 'My__string', Value => 1, }, }, # OPTIONAL }, FilterType => 'SYSTEM', # values: SYSTEM, ENDPOINT }, # OPTIONAL Frequency => 'ONCE' , # values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, EVENT; OPTIONAL IsLocalTime => 1, # OPTIONAL QuietTime => { End => 'My__string', Start => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL Timezone => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL TemplateConfiguration => { EmailTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL PushTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL SMSTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL VoiceTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL TreatmentDescription => 'My__string', TreatmentName => 'My__string', }, ... ], # OPTIONAL CustomDeliveryConfiguration => { DeliveryUri => 'My__string', EndpointTypes => [ 'PUSH', ... # values: PUSH, GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, APNS_VOIP, APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX, ADM, SMS, VOICE, EMAIL, BAIDU, CUSTOM ], # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL Description => 'My__string', HoldoutPercent => 1, Hook => { LambdaFunctionName => 'My__string', Mode => 'DELIVERY', # values: DELIVERY, FILTER; OPTIONAL WebUrl => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL IsPaused => 1, # OPTIONAL Limits => { Daily => 1, MaximumDuration => 1, MessagesPerSecond => 1, Total => 1, }, # OPTIONAL MessageConfiguration => { ADMMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL APNSMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL BaiduMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL CustomMessage => { Data => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL DefaultMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL EmailMessage => { Body => 'My__string', FromAddress => 'My__string', HtmlBody => 'My__string', Title => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL GCMMessage => { Action => 'OPEN_APP', # values: OPEN_APP, DEEP_LINK, URL; OPTIONAL Body => 'My__string', ImageIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageSmallIconUrl => 'My__string', ImageUrl => 'My__string', JsonBody => 'My__string', MediaUrl => 'My__string', RawContent => 'My__string', SilentPush => 1, # OPTIONAL TimeToLive => 1, Title => 'My__string', Url => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL SMSMessage => { Body => 'My__string', EntityId => 'My__string', MessageType => 'TRANSACTIONAL', # values: TRANSACTIONAL, PROMOTIONAL; OPTIONAL OriginationNumber => 'My__string', SenderId => 'My__string', TemplateId => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL Name => 'My__string', Schedule => { StartTime => 'My__string', EndTime => 'My__string', EventFilter => { Dimensions => { Attributes => { 'My__string' => { Values => [ 'My__string', ... ], AttributeType => 'INCLUSIVE' , # values: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, CONTAINS, BEFORE, AFTER, ON, BETWEEN; OPTIONAL }, }, # OPTIONAL EventType => { Values => [ 'My__string', ... ], DimensionType => 'INCLUSIVE', # values: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE; OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL Metrics => { 'My__string' => { ComparisonOperator => 'My__string', Value => 1, }, }, # OPTIONAL }, FilterType => 'SYSTEM', # values: SYSTEM, ENDPOINT }, # OPTIONAL Frequency => 'ONCE' , # values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, EVENT; OPTIONAL IsLocalTime => 1, # OPTIONAL QuietTime => { End => 'My__string', Start => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL Timezone => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL SegmentId => 'My__string', SegmentVersion => 1, Tags => { 'My__string' => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL TemplateConfiguration => { EmailTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL PushTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL SMSTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL VoiceTemplate => { Name => 'My__string', Version => 'My__string', }, # OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL TreatmentDescription => 'My__string', TreatmentName => 'My__string', }, ); # Results: my $CampaignResponse = $UpdateCampaignResponse->CampaignResponse; # Returns a L<Paws::Pinpoint::UpdateCampaignResponse> object. Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see L<> =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 B<REQUIRED> ApplicationId => Str The unique identifier for the application. This identifier is displayed as the B<Project ID> on the Amazon Pinpoint console. =head2 B<REQUIRED> CampaignId => Str The unique identifier for the campaign. =head2 B<REQUIRED> WriteCampaignRequest => L<Paws::Pinpoint::WriteCampaignRequest> =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, documenting arguments for method UpdateCampaign in L<Paws::Pinpoint> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<> Please report bugs to: L<> =cut