package Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset; use strict; use Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Submit; our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Submit); __PACKAGE__->required_html_attr_value(type => 'reset'); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset - Object representation of a reset button in an HTML form. =head1 SYNOPSIS $field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset->new(name => 'reset', value => 'Reset'); print $field->html; # or... print $field->image_html(src => 'images/reset_button.gif'); ... =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset> is an object representation of a reset button in an HTML form. This class inherits from, and follows the conventions of, L<Rose::HTML::Form::Field>. Inherited methods that are not overridden will not be documented a second time here. See the L<Rose::HTML::Form::Field> documentation for more information. =head1 HTML ATTRIBUTES Valid attributes: accept accesskey alt checked class dir disabled id ismap lang maxlength name onblur onchange onclick ondblclick onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onselect readonly size src style tabindex title type usemap value xml:lang Required attributes (default values in parentheses): name type (reset) Boolean attributes: checked disabled ismap readonly =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over 4 =item B<new PARAMS> Constructs a new L<Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Reset> object based on PARAMS, where PARAMS are name/value pairs. Any object method is a valid parameter name. =back =head1 OBJECT METHODS =over 4 =item B<image_html [ARGS]> Returns the HTML serialization of the reset button using an image instead of a standard button widget (in other words, type="image"). ARGS is a list of HTML attribute name/value pairs which are temporarily set, then backed out before the method returns. (The type="image" change is also backed out.) The "src" HTML attribute must be set (either in ARGS or from an existing value for that attribute) or a fatal error will occur. =item B<image_xhtml [ARGS]> Like L<image_html()|/image_html>, but serialized to XHTML instead. =item B<value [VALUE]> Gets or sets the value of the "value" HTML attribute. =back =head1 AUTHOR John C. Siracusa ( =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005 by John C. Siracusa. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.