0.858 (02.10.2010) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* The CPAN shell in 5.10.1 (on Mac OS X, anyway) chokes on the
t/debugger.t test. I've moved it to the xt directory.
0.857 (02.09.2010) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a bug that caused methods to be created more than once,
triggering a fatal error, when running under the debugger in
perl 5.10.1 and up. (RT 54444, patch by Christopher Masto)
0.856 (10.16.2009) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Updated eval blocks to avoid stomping on $@ from an outer scope.
0.855 (01.22.2009) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added Class::XSAccessor support.
0.854 (12.09.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Altered the default name for the adds_method and inherits_method
method types in the inherited_hash class method maker.
0.853 (07.30.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a bug in the hash get_set_init method interface. (Reported
by Bill Moseley)
0.852 (06.25.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Documented Rose::Object::MixIn->import()'s -target_class parameter.
0.851 (06.06.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Corrected mistakes in the Rose::Class::MakeMethods::Generic POD.
0.85 (05.28.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added "inherited_hash" and "inheritable_boolean" class method types.
* Documented shift, unshift, and pop array method maker method type.
* Fixed a bug that prevented "--opt=0" options from being honored
(Reported by Bill Moseley)
0.84 (05.17.2007) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a bug in Rose::Object::MixIn that caused Rose::DB::Object's
"helpers" setup() parameter to work incorrectly.
0.83 (05.04.2007) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Moved Rose::Object::MixIn here from Rose::DB::Object.
0.821 (11.13.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Minor fix to the test suite.
0.82 (10.06.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Forcibly reloading a module that uses one of the method makers
no longer causes a fatal "method redefined" error.
* Added the allow_apparent_reload() class attribute to control
the new ability described above.
0.81 (06.20.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a bug in the inheritable_set method maker that caused
set values not to be inherited by subclasses more than one
superclass away. (Reported by Michael Lackhoff)
* Added more links to the documentation.
0.80 (03.07.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a typo in the documentation.
* Big version number bump to reflect progress towards 1.0.
0.016 (10.26.2005) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Fixed a bug in the inheritable class hash method maker's "delete"
method type that could cause an extra key to be deleted under some
rare circumstances.
0.015 (08.30.2005) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added "clear" method to inheritable and inherited sets.
* Added ability to set inherited and inheritable sets using
the list_method method type.
0.014 (08.18.2005) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added get_set_init_all interface to hash method maker.
0.013 (02.13.2005) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added hash and inheritable_hash class methods to method maker.
0.012 (12.07.2004) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Renamed get_set_items array interface to get_set_item.
* Added "ignore_existing" flag to method maker.
* Renamed "override" and "ignore_existing" method maker flags
to "override_existing" and "preserve_existing".
0.011 (11.14.2004) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Added copyright info. Version 0.01 removed.
0.01 (11.13.2004) - John Siracusa <siracusa@gmail.com>
* Initial release.