// -- macro declarations: start reading with first headline
// -- end of "preface"
* added INDEXCLOUD support to PP::Generator::XHTML;
* nested lists: the wrapping list point got CSS for
"list-style-type: none";
Several improvements, focussed on more valid XHTML output:
* the <embedded-(x)html> tags included for embedded parts
made the produced XHTML invalid, deleted;
* index now produced as better XHTML;
* in XHTML strict, <a> has an \I<id> attribute, but no name;
* in XHTML strict, <u> is no valid tag, so now CSS is used for \C<\\U>;
* nested lists are wrapped into list points, for correct XHTML;
* \C<LOCALTOC>: nested list wrapped in list points as well;
* anchors now built as simple strings on base of MD5
checksums, to get valid XHTML addresses;
* index relation <div> now has an own class, "_ppIndexRelated",
for easier CSS access;
* building filenames we use File::Spec::catfile() now;
* headlines in paged output do not need anchors (as each chapter
has its own page), deleted;
* Bugfix: first link on a page could point to a label
on the same page, instead to the real target.
* More portable pathes: built with File::Path now.
* added the template support the previous version was
documented to have;
* removed attribute targethandle - with templates, files
can be opened by the template engine, so a general
handling is not always appropriate;
* added buildFilename() to allow generalized algorithms
to work - code in this class must work for child
classes as well;
* added buildTargetLink() to build link targets in one
* fixed a letter case error - sequence anchor tags were
written uppercased;
* now storing an array reference for each page in the
slides attribute, allowing using code (like template
engines) to distinguish pages;
* nested tables now supported;
* added first tests (POD tests only);