Revision history for CHI-Driver-DBI

** denotes an incompatible change

1.24  Mar 9, 2011

- Reduce key length in auto-created table from 600 to 300, to prevent errors
  when used with utf8 keys in mysql. Can always be overriden manually. RT #66479
  (Doug Bell).
- Migrate to Dist::Zilla

1.23  May 22, 2010

- Add DBI as requirement

1.22  May 19, 2010

- Allow DBIx::Connection or database handle generators to be passed for dbh and dbh_ro -
  submitted by Stevan Little

1.21  May 14, 2010

- Move source to github
- Move test libs to CHI::Driver::DBI::t::* to match other driver distros
- Switch to Module::Install

1.20  May 26, 2009

- Depend on CHI 0.241, for fuller set of dependencies

1.10  May 26, 2009

- Switch to Moose, to match CHI 0.23

1.00  Mar 17, 2009

- Initial version