Revision history for CHI-Driver-Memcached
** denotes an incompatible change
0.11 Jan 22, 2010
- skip tests if particular memcached library not available
0.10 Nov 29, 2009
- support CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast and CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached
- allow memd_params to be passed explicitly
- depend on CHI 0.33 for non_common_constructor_params fix
0.09 Nov 23, 2009
- fix failing tests
- depend on CHI 0.31
0.08 May 27, 2009
- depend on CHI 0.241, for fuller set of dependencies
0.07 May 26, 2009
- Revert test script to previous format
0.06 May 25, 2009
- Switch back to Moose, to match CHI 0.23
- Extend list of keys to check in tests, to match CHI 0.23
0.05 Mar 2, 2009
- Switch to Mouse, to match CHI 0.10
0.04 Dec 30, 2008
- Moved source to git
- Append colon to namespace before passing to Cache::Memcached
0.03 Sep 26, 2008
- Require Cache::Memcached
- Skip test if memcached not running
0.02 Sep 24, 2008
- Require CHI 0.081 - will not work with previous versions
0.01 Sep 23, 2008
- Initial version