Revision history for Perl extension HTML::Mason.
All development by Jonathan Swartz,, unless otherwise noted:
[mschmick] -- Mark Schmick,
[modus] -- Patrick Kane,
See CREDITS file for other contributors
** denotes an incompatible change
- removed memory leak associated with "return sub { ... }"
- overhauled, now maintains previous configuration
when upgrading Mason (suggested by Patrick Kane)
- made filename processing compatible with Windows 32
(suggested by Rafael Weinstein)
- removed requirement of File::Tools/File::Recurse, replaced
with standard File::Find
- switched output to STDOUT from $r->print, to facilitate
chaining with other mod_perl tools
- switched to standard argument processing code, now handles
multi-part forms [modus]
- added Parser options 'preprocess' and 'postprocess'
(submitted by Philip Gwyn)
- added Parser option 'in_package' (submitted by Philip Gwyn)
- added facilities for using globals in components: Parser
option 'allow_globals' and Interp method 'set_global'
- documented how to integrate Mason with Apache::Session
- ** changed behavior of reload_file mode to read directly
from object files [mschmick]. If you use reload files,
you're now responsible for creating object files.
- reduced number of file stats when loading components
- added ApacheHandler option apache_status_title, cleaned up
status (submitted by Philip Gwyn)
- upgraded FakeApache/debug files to work with mod_perl 1.19
- added documentation about how debug files work
- mentioned mailing lists, web site, and FAQ in
the documentation and README
- improved documentation on how to integrate images and
non-Mason hierarchies with Mason
- differentiated mc_cache and mc_cache_self in the commands
manual (suggested by Tom Hukins)
- increased discouraging of SDBM, improved warnings when cache
store fails (suggested by Patrick Kane)
- fixed HTML documentation to work with IE (suggested by Fen
- fixed infinite loop in ApacheHandler dhandler search
(submitted by Chuck O'Donnell)
- documented Parser method parse()
- added cache actions 'expire' and 'keys'
- corrected Parser to properly handle \ in components
(submitted by Ken Williams)
- ** took Preview out of; ApacheHandler used only if
mod_perl environment. If you use the previewer, you now
have to explicitly "use HTML::Mason::Preview" in your
- improved documentation about argument/GET/POST handling
(suggested by Ken Williams)
- added cache option 'busy_lock' (suggested by Dennis Watson)
- inserted work-around for Perl 5.005 $r scoping bug
(submitted by Rafael Weinstein)
- fixed "new CGI" example in Components.pod (submitted by
Austin Lin)
- fixed "return if content-type..." line in and
Mason.pod (submitted by Patrick Kane)
- added CREDITS file
0.4 Wed Jan 06 10:35:00 PST 1999
- added support for using Perl profiler in conjunction with
debug files
- fixed bug in previewer HTML trace introduced in 0.3
- created Perl status section for Mason
- removed most warnings when PerlWarn is on (suggested by
Philip Gwyn)
- added code_cache_mode parameter to control caching of
components in memory
- fixed mismatch between documentation and code with regards
to cache store events in system log. The real event name is
- changed system logging to use canonical server name when
recording URI
- field access methods inside Mason objects are now handled
with custom subroutines instead of generic AUTOLOAD,
improving performance
- information for debug file is no longer collected if debug
mode is "none"
- code to decline images and other non-text requests was
placed in default and described in documentation
(suggested by Patrick Kane)
- fixed server header output from debug files (suggested by Ewan
- created a Mason bundle
- created a CPAN "alias" from Apache::Mason to HTML::Mason
0.3 Wed Nov 25 17:00:34 PST 1998
- added optional system logging of page requests, cache
activity, component loading
- deny directory requests so that index files will work in
mod_perl 1.16+
- removed reliance on several external packages (Date::Manip,
CGI::Base, URI::Escape). This should reduce the
amount of memory taken up by Mason processes and make Mason
easier to install.
- INCOMPATIBILITY: due to the removal of Date::Manip, the
mc_date command will no longer work unless Date::Manip is
explicitly used, and the syntax for the expire_at cache
parameter and the Interp current_time parameter have changed.
- added parser taint_check flag which allows Mason to work
with taint checking on (suggested by Randal Schwartz)
- added warning messages when returning 404 from ApacheHandler
- improved cache locking with the use of separate lock files
- Makefile.PL checks for required and optional packages
- documentation fixes and improvements
- removed obsolete and undocumented commands from
- failure to write debug file is now a warning rather than
fatal error
- augmented "no configuration for previewer port" error
- fixed $interp->exec to be able to return list
- changed parser to remove ctrl-Ms instead of replacing with
- always call http_header hook, not just at top level
- added global IN_DEBUG_FILE flag
- renamed mc_call_stack to mc_comp_stack to match
0.2 Fri Aug 21 08:54:13 1998
- replaced File::lockf module, which could not port to some
systems, with simple call to flock
- corrected email address in README
- fixed undeclared variable bug in preview component
- the previewer did not work in basic versions of Perl 5.004
due to an eval scoping bug. A workaround was put in place.
- fixed expire_if cache option to pass correct argument to
provided subroutine
- empty argument section no longer parsing incorrectly
- took out directory names from manifest which were causing
errors on install
- debug file is no longer prepared when debug_mode is "none"
- use in
0.1 Wed Jul 22 20:53:56 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18