Revision history for Mason-Tidy
** denotes an incompatible change
2.56 Oct 1, 2012
- Blank %-lines: Don't add an extra space, and don't remove (Pedro Melo)
- Fix handling of empty or nearly empty components and methods
- Handle <&| &> tags
2.55 Sep 30, 2012
- Remove undeclared dependency on IPC::Run3
2.54 Sep 30, 2012
- Add required option -m/--mason-version, as a few syntactic elements like "% }}" must be
treated differently between versions (Shane McCarron)
- Support environment variable MASONTIDY_OPT
- Move implementation of bin/masontidy to Mason::Tidy::App
- Don't tidy lines starting with % in <%args> and other special sections (Nic Wolff)
- Don't lose final newline (Giovanni Pensa)
- Add --pipe option (Mark Grimes)
- Don't initially indent blank lines in a code block (Mark Grimes)
2.53 Sep 20, 2012
- Tidy <%perl> blocks and %-lines together (Shane McCarron)
- Indent <%perl> blocks initially by 2 spaces, others by 0 by default
- Use default perltidy settings (4 space indentation) for %-lines
- Handle non-<%perl> blocks even when tags are not on their own lines
- Fix --perltidy-tag-argv
2.52 Sep 15, 2012
- Add missing dependencies Capture::Tiny, File::Temp, IPC::System::Simple
2.51 Sep 14, 2012
- Fix various bugs in CLI
- Use --noprofile in tests so that user's .perltidyrc doesn't break tests (Pedro Melo)
- Add get_options to parse argv outside CLI
- Add Test::Class::Most dependency
2.50 Sep 12, 2012
- Increase version number to avoid indexing problems w/old Mason 2 distributions
- Declare --perltidy-argv, etc., to take a string value
0.01 Sep 12, 2012
- Initial version