Revision history for Poet

** denotes an incompatible change

0.06  May 6, 2012

* Fixes
  - Require Mason 2.19

* Documentation
  - Improve clarity of tutorial (Horia Cristescu)
  - Include tutorial files in distro, in eg/blog (Debi)

0.05  May 1, 2012

* Fixes
  - Generate the appropriate shebang line in bin/*.pl via Config

* Improvements
  - Various changes to scaffolding produced by 'poet new'

0.04  Apr 26, 2012

* Improvements
  - DWIM with lowercase and/or underscored argument to "poet new"

* Fixes
  - Fix #! line on (Pedro Melo)

* Documentation
  - Various documentation and generated environment tweaks

* Backend
  - Remove some files from pause indexing
  - Switch to Test::Class::Most for all tests

0.02  Apr 23, 2012

- Add JSON::XS dependency, remove use of
- Fix $m->cache to use Poet::Cache / MyApp::Cache

0.01  Apr 20, 2012

- Initial version