package Poet::App::Command::new; BEGIN { $Poet::App::Command::new::VERSION = '0.13'; } use Poet::Moose; use Poet::Types; extends 'Poet::App::Command'; has 'app_name' => ( isa => 'Poet::Types::AppName', is => 'rw', traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ] ); has 'dir' => ( isa => 'Str', traits => ['Getopt'], cmd_aliases => 'd', lazy_build => 1, documentation => 'Directory to create; will adapt from app-name if ommitted' ); has 'quiet' => ( isa => 'Bool', traits => ['Getopt'], cmd_aliases => 'q', documentation => 'Suppress most messages' ); my $description = 'Generates a new Poet environment for an app with the provided name, which should be suitable for use in Perl classnames (e.g. "MyFirstApp"). If not provided, a directory is chosen by lowercasing and underscoring the app name. % poet new MyApp my_app/.poet_root my_app/bin/app.psgi my_app/bin/ ... Now run \'my_app/bin/\' to start your server. Options:'; method abstract () { "Create a new Poet installation" } method description () { $description } method usage_desc () { "poet new [-d dir] [-q] <AppName>" } method _build_dir () { return $self->app_name_to_dir( $self->app_name ); } method app_name_to_dir ($app_name) { my $dir; if ( $app_name =~ /^[A-Z]+$/ ) { $dir = lc($app_name); } else { $dir = lcfirst($app_name); $dir =~ s/([A-Z])/"_" . lc($1)/ge; } return $dir; } method execute ($opt, $args) { $self->usage_error("takes one argument (app name)") unless @$args == 1; my $app_name = ucfirst( $args->[0] ); $app_name =~ s/_([a-z])/uc($1)/ge; $self->app_name($app_name); require Poet::Environment::Generator; Poet::Environment::Generator->generate_environment_directory( root_dir => $self->dir, app_name => $self->app_name, quiet => $self->quiet ); } 1;