Revision history for Server-Control
** denotes an incompatible change
0.18 Aug 14, 2012
- Add Starman and Nginx subclasses
- Move validate_url and validate_regex to main class
- Add binary_path to main class (replacing httpd_binary in Apache subclass)
- Add 'use warnings' to scripts - RT #78958 (WSHELDAHL)
0.17 Mar 22, 2012
- Skip tests that try to listen to port if something already listening to port
0.16 Mar 15, 2012
- Apache graceful restart checks config file syntax, and starts server if it wasn't started
0.15 Jun 8, 2011
- Attempt to show error logs when start or stop throws fatal
- Convert to dzil
0.14 Nov 18, 2010
- Attempt to show error logs when validation request fails
- Check Apache config file syntax before attempting to start or hup
0.13 Mar 12, 2010
- When waiting for a server to start or stop, print errors from logs as they occur
- Throw error if pod2usage will output blank usage message
- Only require Proc::ProcessTable 0.39; later versions have trouble building on linux
0.12 Dec 15, 2009
- Don't require -d/-f in Apache if server_root or conf_file were passed into handle_cli
- Add overridable validate_server method, called after start and hup
- Add validate_url and validate_regex options for Apache
0.11 Oct 8, 2009
- Add hup action
- Allow restart method to be set to hup or stopstart (default is still stopstart)
- Parse relative error_log and pid_file paths in Apache conf correctly
- Handle --serverctlrc correctly
- Make restart work if server isn't running
- Improve diagnostics when server is only partially active
0.10 Sep 25, 2009
- Fix -b option in apachectlp
- Add graceful and graceful-stop to apachectlp and Server::Control::Apache
- Add bin/serverctlp, a generic version of apachectlp with required --class
- Add refork action, which sends a TERM to the child processes of the server's main process
- Use MooseX::Traits if available
- Add successful_start, failed_start, successful_stop, failed_stop hooks
- Return boolean indicating success from start, stop, restart
- Add --no-parse-config to apachectlp
- Add -I to CLI options
0.09 Sep 18, 2009
- Add Hash::MoreUtils to dependencies
- Fix rc file test (add terminating newline to yml)
0.08 Sep 17, 2009
- ** Rename root_dir to server_root - just more intuitive for existing apache users
- ** Rename run_command to run_system_command to avoid confusion with cli methods
- ** Overhaul command-line processing. Rename handle_cmdline to handle_cli and make much
more comprehensive; can remove all logic from scripts like apachectlp and easily
modify behavior of CLI in subclass
- Allow optional serverctl.yml file containing constructor options
- Add --quiet to CLI options to accompany --verbose
- Use MooseX::StrictConstructor everywhere
0.07 Sep 11, 2009
- Fix apachectlp --bind-addr, --error-log, etc options to actually take values
- Allow name to be overriden rather than description, and fix bug with default name
0.06 Sep 11, 2009
- Fix -d in apachectlp and add more specific usage errors
- Remove default of ARGV[0] from handle_cmdline
0.05 Aug 31, 2009
- Fix test_port_busy test to be more robust in killing temp server
0.04 Aug 27, 2009
- Use Unix::Lsof to try and determine who is listening to a port, report this in diagnostics
- Add Pod::Usage to dependencies
- Fix handling of relative paths given to apachectlp
0.03 Aug 25, 2009
- Add Hash::MoreUtils to dependencies
- Make Apache tests release-only, since they depend on httpd version, etc.
- Remove some unnecessary internal files
0.02 Aug 24, 2009
- Parse Apache config to determine server_root, port, bind_addr, error_log, and pid_file if not specified
- Add bin/apachectlp, a replacement for apachectl
0.01 Aug 21, 2009
- Initial version