package Nagios::Scrape;

use warnings;
use strict;

use CGI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Error;

=head1 NAME

Nagios::Scrape - Scrapes and Parses the status.cgi page of a Nagios installation

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.03


our $VERSION = '0.03';


This module uses LWP to retrieve the status.cgi page of a Nagios installation, parses
the data into a manageable format, and then makes it accessible.

This is a more lightweight solution to Nagios installations where the status.dat file
can reach 1+mb in size.

    use Nagios::Scrape;

    my $foo = Nagios::Scrape->new(username => $username, password => $password, url => $url);
    @service_alerts = $foo->get_service_status();
    @host_alerts = $foo->get_host_status();


=head2 new

Creates a new class given a username and password.

    my $nagios = Nagios::Scrape->new(username => $username, password => $password, url => $url);


sub new {
    my ( $class, %attrs ) = @_;

    throw Error::Simple("Username is required") if ( !defined( $attrs{username} ) );
    throw Error::Simple("Password is required") if ( !defined( $attrs{password} ) );
    throw Error::Simple("URL is required")      if ( !defined( $attrs{url} ) );

    throw Error::Simple("Invalid URL. Example: http://localhost/cgi-bin/status.cgi")
      if ( ( $attrs{url} !~ m/^http/ ) || ( $attrs{url} !~ m/status.cgi$/ ) );

    # Sets default values for host and service states
    $attrs{host_state}    = 12;
    $attrs{service_state} = 28;

    bless \%attrs, $class;


=head2 host_state

This method allows you to filter certain host states. The table is as follows:

    PENDING     1
    UP          2
    DOWN        4

Add the number for each state that you want to see. For example, to see DOWN
and UNREACHABLE states, set this value to 12. (Default value).


sub host_state {
    my ( $self, $state ) = @_;
    $self->{host_state} = $state if ( defined($state) );
    return $self->{host_state};

=head2 service_state

This method allows you to filter certain service states. The table is as follows:

    PENDING     1
    OK          2
    WARNING     4
    UNKNOWN     8
    CRITICAL    16

Add the number for each state you would like to see. For example, to see WARNING,
UNKNOWN, and CRITICAL states, set the number to 28. (Default value).


sub service_state {
    my ( $self, $state ) = @_;
    $self->{service_state} = $state if ( defined($state) );
    return $self->{service_state};

=head2 get_service_status

Connects to given URL and retrieves the requested service statuses


sub get_service_status {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ua   = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $req =
      HTTP::Request->new( GET => $self->{url}
          . '?host=all&noheader=yes&servicestatustypes='
          . $self->{service_state} );
    $req->authorization_basic( $self->{username}, $self->{password} );
    my $response = $ua->request($req);

    if ( !$response->is_success ) {
        die(    "Could not connect to "
              . $self->{url} . " "
              . $response->status_line
              . "\n" );

    return $self->parse_service_content( $response->content );


=head2 get_host_status

Connects to given url and retrieves host statuses


sub get_host_status {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ua   = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $req =
      HTTP::Request->new( GET => $self->{url}
          . '?hostgroup=all&noheader=yes&style=hostdetail&hoststatustypes='
          . $self->{host_state} );
    $req->authorization_basic( $self->{username}, $self->{password} );
    my $response = $ua->request($req);

    if ( !$response->is_success ) {
        die(    "Could not connect to "
              . $self->{url} . " "
              . $response->status_line
              . "\n" );

    return $self->parse_host_content( $response->content );

=head2 parse_service_content

Will parse the service status page into a manageable array of hashed service details.


sub parse_service_content {
    my ( $self, $content ) = @_;

    my @alerts;
    my $host;

    while (
        $content =~ m%
             #  Host name - will be empty TD pair if this is a continuation
             #  of a host with multiple alerts
             #  ' Service description
             #  Status
             #  ' Time
             #  Duration
             #  Attempts
             #  Status Information

        #  Host might be empty if this is a host with multiple alerts
        $host = $1 if (defined($1));

        my $alert = {
            'type'        => 'service',
            'host'        => $self->decode_html($host),
            'service'     => $self->decode_html($2),
            'status'      => $self->decode_html($3),
            'time'        => $self->decode_html($4),
            'duration'    => $self->decode_html($5),
            'attempts'    => $self->decode_html($6),
            'information' => $self->decode_html($7)

        push( @alerts, $alert );


    return @alerts;

=head2 parse_host_content

Will parse the host status page into a manageable array of hashed service details.


sub parse_host_content {
    my ($self, $content) = @_;
    my @alerts;

    while ($content =~ m%
             #  Host name
             #  Status
             #  Time
             #  Duration
             #  Status Information
           %xsmgi) {

        my $alert = {
            'type' => 'host',
            'host' => $self->decode_html($1),
            'status' => $self->decode_html($2),
            'time' => $self->decode_html($3),
            'duration' => $self->decode_html($4),
            'information' => $self->decode_html($5)
        push(@alerts, $alert);

    return @alerts;

=head2 decode_html

Simple helper method that smooths out HTML strings from Nagios status.cgi page


sub decode_html {
    my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
    $string = CGI::unescapeHTML($string);
    $string =~ s/nbsp//g;

    return $string;

=head1 AUTHOR

Joe Topjian, C<< <joe at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-nagios-scrape at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Nagios::Scrape


Some of this code was taken from which is no longer online.


Copyright 2010 Joe Topjian.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1;    # End of Nagios::Scrape