Revision history for Perl extension Attribute::Property.
$Id: Changes,v 1.4 2003/02/09 13:29:13 juerd Exp $
1.01 Sun Feb 9 14:26:16 2003
- Added more tests
- Made object available as $_[0]
- Made new value available as $_[1] in addition to $_
- Documented that changes to $_ or $_[1] change the actual new values
- Changed abstract to something everyone understands
1.00 Sat Feb 8 17:12:09 2003
- First CPAN release
- Added Test::More and Test::Builder to t/lib
- Added workaround for problem with Perl 5.6
- Removed debug message
- The module now reports errors for anon subs
- Minor speed ups
- Minor style fixes
- A module was born