Revision history for Perl extension Attribute::Property.
$Id: Changes,v 1.12 2003/04/21 16:04:14 juerd Exp $

1.04  Mon Apr 21 17:54:12 2003
        - is no longer required, so the module can be used by people
          that can't compile XS modules. If it is installed, it will be used,
          but if it's not, it'll simply fall back to something that does work.

1.03  Mon Mar  3 13:35:53 2003
	- Fixed object passing and added tests for $_[0]
	- Improved speed for rvalue calls, new dependency:
	- Moved the attribute handler from INIT to CHECK phase
	- Added an attribute for creating constructors: New. See pod for info
	- Improved existing tests, added some
	- Added tests for the new New attribute
	- Minor documentation updates and of course documentation additions

1.02  Mon Feb 10 09:36:55 2003
	- Even more tests
	- Documented which hashes get used when
	- Minor documentation updates
	- Changed default error message to include property name

1.01  Sun Feb  9 14:26:16 2003
	- Added more tests
	- Made object available as $_[0]
	- Made new value available as $_[1] in addition to $_
	- Documented that changes to $_ or $_[1] change the actual new values
	- Changed abstract to something everyone understands

1.00  Sat Feb  8 17:12:09 2003
	- First CPAN release
	- Added Test::More and Test::Builder to t/lib
	- Added workaround for problem with Perl 5.6
	- Removed debug message
	- The module now reports errors for anon subs
	- Minor speed ups
	- Minor style fixes
	- A module was born