Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Simple.

1.11  Tue Mar 26 19:05 2003
        - Documentation updates.
        - list() now returns the *last* element in scalar context (was: first).
        - hashes() and arrays() now return array references in scalar context.
        - Migrated two properties to Attribute::Properties. (new dependency)
        - $VERSION++.

0.10  Thu Jan 9 10:03 2003
	- Documentation rewrite!
	- New: $db->error(). In an upcoming release, $db->{reason} will be
	- New: $db->func().
	- Removed some unused variables.
	- prepare() and execute() are now wrapped in eval { } to rewrite
	  filename and line number if you use RaiseError
	- $result->map_hashes(), $result->map_arrays() and $result->map() now
	  return a list in list context. In scalar context, they still return
	  a hash reference
	- Dummy objects in boolean context now evaluate to false, so you can
	  write "$db->query(...) or die $db->error;" but still be able to write
	- Dummy object's methods now return an empty list in list context
	  instead of undef. 
	- PrintError now defaults to 0

0.09  Sun Dec 8 5:59 2002
	- $dbh->disconnect() only if the object's still there. This works
	  around perl bug #18951. Something is killing objects during (or just
	  before) global destruction. This bug was first found by Gerard Oskamp

0.08  Mon Dec 2 21:16 2002
	- Added $result->finish() method
	- The documentation was wrong: "undef $result" did nothing useful, as
	  DBIx::Simple kept a copy internally, for garbage cleaning purposes.
	  An in-between class DBIx::Simple::Statement was added to work around
	- $db->disconnect() now destroys active statements
	- When finish() or disconnect() is used, attempts to use the database
	  connection or statement handle now result in a verbose error message.

0.07  Mon Sep 30 7:48 2002
	- Removed TraceLevel thing that caused DBI to output debugging info
	- Very minor documentation update (removed 2 characters)

0.06  Fri Sep 20 10:55 2002
	- Oops: forgot to update the README file; nothing serious

0.05  Thu Sep 19 14:32 2002
	- Added $db->begin_work
	- No longer expanding the (??) omniholder inside quoted SQL
	- Subquery emulation! Have subqueries in MySQL! YAY!
	  (Not enabled by default. Use $db->esq(1) to enable)
	- This module now requires Perl >= 5.6

0.04  Tue Sep 17 15:46 2002
	- Documentation updates only

0.03  Thu Jun 13 09:50 2002
	- New: "(??)" and $db->omniholder() (like EZDBI's ??L placeholder)
	- Documentation updates
	- Code updates (now uses $_[0] directly for speed in many methods)
	- $result->list() in scalar context returns first value only

0.02  Sat Mar 30 14:00 2002
	- New: $db->commit() and rollback().
	  Suggested by tradez (
	- New: $result->map_hashes(), map_arrays(), map().
	  Suggested by mattr (
	- New: $result->flat(), a plural form of list()

0.01  Thu Mar 28 18:04 2002
	- Initial CPAN release