3.10 - May 18, 2002
- First standardized module distribution, to allow easy distribution via CPAN
- Caution: installation procedure has changed because of that!
- Moved all code from plp.cgi to PLP.pm, and made PLP.pm use strict (it was
  strict compliant, but didn't actually use the pragma).
- Added mod_perl handler() for extremely easy installation :)
- Added some documentation (perldoc PLP) with installation instructions
- Moved a few lines from init() to start()
- Added comments in PLP.pm
- Uses Symbol.pm to delete the package (Symbol is in the Perl distr.)

3.06 - April 23, 2002
- Added PLP_END functionality to simulate END { ... } for mod_perl
- Fixed header sending in case PLP::Tie::Print->PRINT never happened
- Added an override for exit(), to avoid needless debugging output in mod_perl

3.05 - April 12, 2002
- Fixed a potential bug in PLP::source and PLP::Functions::Counter

3.04 - April 11, 2002
- $PLP::DEBUG works again (set to 1 for $@ output, 2 for plain text+headers,
  3 for both)
- $PLP::ERROR is now a subref that can be overridden (April 12: see FAQ for

3.03 - April 11, 2002
- Removed a bug that made sending alternative headers impossible. Sorry!
- By the way, remember that if you want to send headers, the "<:" have to be
  the very first characters in the file, with no white space in front of it!

3.02 - April 11, 2002
- Efficiency improvement by caching initialisation in PLP.pm

3.01 - April 10, 2002
- Bugfixes: include() used strict, fixed some typos, logging
- Improved: error reporting

3.00 - April 9, 2002
- New release, a lot has been done from scratch again, this time following 
  strict rules and mod_perl compatible. It's also a lot faster than 2.x.