Revision history for Perl extension Qmail::Deliverable.

        - Support for bouncesaying, although without using the configured
          error message. Plesk puts |bouncesaying in .qmail-default.

        - qpsmtpd plugin check_qmail_deliverable installs as a binary, so
          that it has a manpage. If you execute it, you get installation
        - $Qmail::Deliverable::Client::SERVER can be a callback now
        - Plugin now uses the callback option for cleaner code
        - Plugin now allows hostnames instead of IP adresses only
        - Exclusions now enabled for smtproutes
        - ::Client::qmail_local no longer returns undef on connection error,
          because undef already meant something else
        - qmail-deliverabled has basic statistics in $0
        - minor documentation updates

1.00  Sun Dec  2 17:36 2007
        - first CPAN release