package ALPM::LoadConfig;

use warnings;
use strict;

use List::Util qw();
use IO::Handle qw();
use English    qw(-no_match_vars);
use Carp       qw();
use ALPM       qw();


my %_CFG_OPTS =
    qw{ RootDir   root       CacheDir     cachedirs    DBPath       dbpath
        LogFile   logfile    UseSyslog    usesyslog    UseDelta     usedelta
        IgnorePkg ignorepkgs IgnoreGroup  ignoregrps   NoUpgrade    noupgrades
        NoExtract noextracts NoPassiveFtp nopassiveftp Architecture arch};

# The following options are implemented in pacman and not ALPM so are ignored:
my @NULL_OPTS = qw{ HoldPkg SyncFirst CleanMethod XferCommand
                    ShowSize TotalDownload };

my $COMMENT_MATCH = qr/ \A \s* [#] /xms;
my $SECTION_MATCH = qr/ \A \s* \[ ([^\]]+) \] \s* \z /xms;
my $FIELD_MATCH   = qr/ \A \s* ([^=\s]+) (?: \s* = \s* ([^\n]*))? /xms;


sub _null_sub

sub _make_parser
    my ($path, $hooks) = @_;

    open my $cfg_file, '<', $path
        or die "Could not open config file $path: $OS_ERROR\n";

    my $parse_line_ref =
        sub {
            my $line = shift;

            # Trim any extra whitespace...
            $line =~ s/\A\s+//;
            $line =~ s/\s+\z//;

            # Ignore empty lines & comments...
            return unless ( length $line );
            return if ( $line =~ /$COMMENT_MATCH/xms );

            eval {
                # Call the appropriate hook for each type of token...
                if ( my ($section_name) = $line =~ /$SECTION_MATCH/) {
                elsif ( my ($field_name, $field_val) =
                        $line =~ /$FIELD_MATCH/ ) {
                    return unless $field_val;

                    # Not sure if I should warn or not...
                    # warn qq{Unrecognized field named "$field_name"\n}
                    my $field_store = $hooks->{field}{$field_name}
                        or return;

                    # Some fields are enabled merely by having the field
                    # name appear on a line.
                    $field_val = 1 unless defined $field_val;

                    $field_store->( $field_val );
                die "Invalid line in config file, not a comment, section, " .
                    "or field\n";

            # Print the offending file and line number along with any errors...
            # (This is why we use dies with newlines, for cascading error msgs)
            die "$EVAL_ERROR$path:${\$cfg_file->input_line_number()} $line\n"
                if ( $EVAL_ERROR );

        sub {
            while ( my $cfg_line = <$cfg_file> ) {
                chomp $cfg_line;
            close $cfg_file;

sub _register
    my ($url, $section) = @_;
    die qq{Section has not previously been declared, cannot set URL\n}
        unless ( $section );
    ALPM->register( $section => $url );

sub _set_defaults
    ALPM->set_options({ root        => '/',
                        dbpath      => '/var/lib/pacman/',
                        cachedirs   => [ '/var/cache/pacman/pkg' ],
                        logfile     => '/var/log/pacman.log', });


sub new
    my $class = shift;

    Carp::croak( "Invalid arguments to ALPM::LoadConfig::new.\n" .
                 'Arguments must be a hash' )
        unless @_ % 2 == 0;

    my %params = @_;
    my $custom_fields_ref = $params{ custom_fields };

    Carp::croak( "Invalid arguments to ALPM::LoadConfig::new.\n" .
                 'Hash argument must have coderefs as values' )
        if grep { ref $_ ne 'CODE' } values %{ $custom_fields_ref };

    bless { custom_fields => $custom_fields_ref }, $class;

sub load_file
    my ($self, $cfg_path) = @_;

    my $current_section; # used for state in our closures

    # Setup hooks for 'Include'ed file parsers...
    my $include_hooks =
    { section => sub {
          my $file = shift;
          die  q{Section declaration is not allowed in } .
              qq{Include-ed file\n($file)\n};
      field   => { Server => sub {
                       my $server_url = shift;
                       _register( $server_url, $current_section )
                   } },

    my $field_hooks =
     ( map {
         my $field_name = $_;
         my $opt_name   = $_CFG_OPTS{$_};
         # create hash of field names to hooks
         $_ => ( $opt_name =~ /s\z/ ? 

                 # plural options get set arrayref values
                 sub { 
                     my $cfg_value = shift;
                     die qq{$field_name can only be set in the} .
                         qq{[options] section\n}
                             unless ( $current_section eq 'options' );
                     ALPM->set_opt( $opt_name, [ split /\s+/, $cfg_value ] );


                 # singular options get scalar values
                 sub {
                     my $cfg_value = shift;
                     die qq{$field_name can only be set in the } .
                         qq{[options] section\n}
                             unless ( $current_section eq 'options' );
                     ALPM->set_opt( $opt_name, $cfg_value );
     } keys %_CFG_OPTS ),

     # these fields do nothing, for now...
     ( map { ( $_ => \&_null_sub ) } @NULL_OPTS ),

     Server  => sub { _register( shift, $current_section ) },
     Include => sub {
         die "Cannot have an Include directive in the [options] section\n"
             if ( $current_section eq 'options' );

         # An include directive spawns its own little parser...
         my $inc_path   = shift;
         my $parser_ref = _make_parser( $inc_path, $include_hooks );

     # aaaand SHAZAM! customize!
     %{ $self->{'custom_fields'} },
    }; # end of field_hooks hashref brackets

    # Now we have hooks for parsing the main config file...
    my $parser_hooks = { field   => $field_hooks,
                         section => sub { $current_section = shift;}

    # Load default values like pacman does...

    _make_parser( $cfg_path, $parser_hooks )->();




=head1 NAME

ALPM::LoadConfig - pacman.conf config file parsing class.


  # At startup:
  use ALPM qw( /etc/pacman.conf );

  # At runtime:

  # Load custom fields as well:
  my $value;
  my %fields = ( 'CustomField' => sub { $value = shift } );
  my $loader = ALPM::LoadConfig->new( custom_fields => \%fields );
  $loader->load_file( '/etc/pacman.conf' );


This class is used internally by ALPM to parse pacman.conf config
files.  The settings are used to set ALPM options.  You probably don't
need to use this module directly.


=head2 new

 $OBJ = ALPM::LoadConfig->new( custom_fields => \%FIELDS_REF? );

=over 4

=item B<Parameters>

=over 4

=item C<\%FIELDS_REF> B<(Hash Reference) (Optional)>

Keys are field names from the C</etc/pacman.conf> configuration file.
Values are code references.  When a field is found inside the
configuration file with the I<exact same> name, then the code
reference is called, passed the value of the entry as the only


=head1 METHODS

=head2 load_config

 undef = $OBJ->load_config( $CFG_FILE_PATH )

This method will read a configuration file, setting ALPM options as it

=over 4

=item B<Parameters>

=over 4


The path to the configuration file to read.



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Justin Davis, C<< <juster at cpan dot org> >>


Copyright (C) 2011 by Justin Davis

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
