Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-Arch
0.05 March 23, 2009
Inserted missing /CPAN/ text for the PKGBUILD's srcurl variable,
Added tests for _translate_name & _translate_version.
0.04 March 22, 2009
Fixed CPAN version numbers which don't conform to Archlinux standards.
Stopped using the version module for prefixing everything with v, why!!
Fixed typos, some inefficient code, etc...
0.03 March 21, 2009
Included missing file Arch.pod in MANIFEST.
Fixed some typos in README and Arch.pod.
0.02 March 21, 2009
Fixed some bugs, separated docs to pod file.
0.01 March 20, 2009
First version, uploaded to CPAN.