2010-11-30 Justin Davis <juster@artemis.juster.info>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_extract_makedepends): Extract
ExtUtils:: modules into makedepends.
(_prepare_cfgdeps): Extract 'configure_requires' modules
from META.yml into makedepends.
(dist_pkgname): Adds Cairo and Gtk2-GConf to the package
name overrides.
2010-11-23 Justin Davis <juster@artemis.juster.info>
* RELEASE (1.07)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_translate_cpan_deps): Return
perl-test- packages as 'makedepends' unless we are ourselves
a perl-test- package. This updates templates as well.
(_translate_cpan_deps): We also no longer filter out perl
core module requirements. The perl package now gives us a
provides list of included core modules.
(set_pkgrel): Adds new mutator.
2010-10-22 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_prepare_arch): Search for XS files
in the CPAN package dir and set the PKGBUILD arch field to 'i686'
'x86_64' if we find we are building an XS module. This changes
the 'arch' field for templates. Do not enclose the 'arch'
value in quotes! The value of the 'arch' template variable now
comes enclosed in single-quotes.
2010-10-21 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_pkgbuild): Fix bug where quoted
bash special characters were padded with spaces.
(get_pkgbuild): Remove exclaimation point (!) quoting for bash's
sake, this wasn't necessary and looks funny.
2010-09-29 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* RELEASE (1.06)
* ChangeLog: Fix whitespace funkiness in 2010-09-24.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: Remove erronous 'XML::LibXML' to
'libxml-perl' name mapping. There is a dist named libxml-perl so
it doesn't need a mapping to it. Oops! Reported by IsaacG
2010-09-24 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: Change PKGBUILD template to use the
absolute path to the system perl interpreter.
(install): Add --noconfirm flag to pacman arguments.
2010-08-07 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: Update name overrides to match
changed ArchLinux perl package names in official repos.
2010-06-02 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* t/05-custom_template.t: Fix bug where the packager was
hard-coded in our test output.
Reported by IsaacG
2010-05-28 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* RELEASE (1.03)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_find_built_pkg): Fix bug where
source packages were not being found after being built.
(dist_pkgname): Changed naming rules again. ALWAYS prefix a
package name with perl- unless it is "perl".
Added an override for Perl-Tidy and Perl-Critic so they will still
convert to 'perl-tidy' and 'perl-critic'. We may need more
overrides to match Archlinux packages...
Fixes a bug with Perl::Version and version both translating to
perl-version. Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-05-20 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* RELEASE (1.02)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (set_tt_module): Add new method. This
can also be a class method.
2010-05-18 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* RELEASE (1.01)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_process_template): [Bugfix] When
using internal template engine the [%-'s and -%]'s would not be
recognized. When I added the -'s I forgot to change the code.
Reported by IsaacG
2010-05-11 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* RELEASE (1.00): Uploaded to CPAN.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (dist_pkgname): Changed the mapping of
CPAN dist names to package names:
- Prefix the package name with 'perl-' even if it ends with '-perl'.
- The only time to not prefix the package with 'perl-' is if it
already starts with 'perl-'.
- Special case: the 'perl' dist name maps to the 'perl' package.
2010-05-10 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: The PKGBUILD template has been
changed. We now more eloquently override environment
variables (i.e. PERL_MM_OPT, PERL_MB_OPT) in order to assure
their values don't affect our package building.
2010-04-28 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: Add POST_CHOMP (-%]) tags to PKGBUILD
template to remove extra whitespace.
2010-04-17 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* script/cpan2aur (update_if_old): Fix bug where we were comparing
the module version and not the module's package version.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm: Fix bug where installing packages
from the AUR runs Module::AutoInstall inside the PKGBUILD.
Module::AutoInstall installed packages while running _inside_ the
PKGBUILD. Maybe all AUR packages created by cpan2aur who used
Module::Install were broken! Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-04-13 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): Fix bug where I assumed
makepkg creates a .pkg.tar.gz. Nowadays makepkg creates
.pkg.tar.xz files (but it may still create .pkg.tar.gz if the user
tells it to in /etc/makepkg.conf... right?)
2010-04-11 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_pkgbuild): Fix bug where
exclaimation marks (!) in pkgdesc are displayed with the leading
quoting backslash (\). Turns out quoting exclaimation marks with
backslashes doesn't work in bash. We use "..."'!'"..." instead!
2010-04-08 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_tt_module): Added new method.
2010-03-22 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_metayml_pkgdesc): Fix bug where the
abstract description inside the META.yml was left to its default
entry by a lazy module author. This caused the pkgdesc to be:
Module abstract (<= 44 characters) goes here
Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-03-03 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_prepare_pkgdesc): Fix bug where
pkgdesc is blank when the .pm/.pod file is in a non-standard
location. We now search more places for the files.
Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-02-21 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_shell_expand): Created helper
function for reading PKGDEST from /etc/makepkg.conf entries.
Fixed bug when PKGDEST in makepkg.conf contains environment
variables or tildes that need shell expansion.
Reported by Isaac Good
(_prepare_pkgdesc): Fix bug where META.yml contains double-quoted
text (not-single quotes) in the pkgdesc. These double quotes
would not be removed and show up in the pkgdesc.
2010-02-18 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_pkgname): Added method.
(get_pkgver): Added method.
(get_pkgrel): Added method.
(set_pkgrel): Added method.
(get_pkgvars): Added 'pkgrel' as a new template variable.
2010-02-17 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* script/cpan2aur (confirm_overwrite): Fixed bug where the
overwrite confirmation prompt answered yes no matter what.
Reported by Xenoterracide.
2010-02-14 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* 0.17 (RELEASE)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): Added the 'quiet' and
'verbose' dist options.
(create): Fixed bug where we chdir to create a package and do not
chdir back. Messed up calling programs cwd.
2010-02-03 Justin Davis <juster@cpan.org>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): We are now verbose by
default so people don't think we are hanging.
* script/cpan2aur: Heavily updated cpan2aur. We can now create
templates for AUR packages that need customization. Then you only
need to generate a package from the template. We can also upload
to the AUR easily from the command line.
2010-01-26 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): Dependencies of modules are
now installed as implicit packages.
(_prepare_pkgdesc): Fixed bug where descriptions were "~".
2010-01-08 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* 0.16 (RELEASE)
* script/cpan2aur: Now we can also create a source package
directory for tweaking the PKGBUILD and then running makepkg.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (_translate_xs_deps): Fixed bug
with detecting XS deps for Module::Build distributions.
It never seemed to work right anyways, and would sometimes
cause a fatal error.
Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-01-07 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (dist_pkgver): Fixed bug where
underscores in developer releases were not preserved as they
were supposed to be.
Reported by Xenoterracide
2010-01-02 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* 0.15 (RELEASE)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): Fixed bug where I broke
skiptest handling when creating the PKGBUILD.
(create_pkgbuild): Added optional argument for skipping tests in
(get_pkgbuild): Same as create_pkgbuild.
2009-12-12 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* 0.14 (RELEASE)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_cpandistdir): Fixed bug caused by
distributions having letters in their filenames. The extracted
directory did not have the trailing letter. Now we use the
distribution directory name previously stored by CPANPLUS.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (dist_pkgver): Fixed bug with letters
in package versions. Letters are removed because makepkg cannot
compare versions with letters properly. Underscores are now only
allowed at the end of the version; for developer releases.
2009-12-02 Justin Davis <jrcd83@gmail.com>
* 0.13 (RELEASE)
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (create): Fixed a bug caused when
PKGDEST environment variable was used. Fixed a bug when yaourt is
trying to run ./Build in a /tmp mounted with the noexec option.
Thanks to "xenoterracide" for pointing this out on the AUR; which
led me to the even worse PKGDEST bug.
* lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Arch.pm (get_pkgpath): Added new method.
* t/02-build.t: Checks for online connectivity and deletes
the test package after it is created.
* ChangeLog: Switched to the emacs style changelog since...
I use emacs.
Revision history for CPANPLUS-Dist-Arch
0.12 October 29, 2009
Fixed bugs when searching for XS packages.
Fixed a regexp bug when escaping bash characters in pkgdesc.
Changed the automatic perl dependency to not have a version.
0.11 June 9, 2009
I added List::MoreUtils in the last release, thought it was a
core module, and forgot to add it to the Build.PL. So I just
removed use of "uniq" now.
0.10 May 28, 2009
Fixed trivial bug with Maintainer in PKGBUILD having a newline.
0.09 May 27, 2009
Added many package name overrides from the Arch website.
Removed use of Readonly, now we only need core modules.
Now searches for non-perl dependencies as well! (ie for XS modules)
Tweaked PKGBUILD again.
0.08 May 11, 2009
Added a public method interface to the CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch class.
Added example script "cpanpkgbuild.pl" and binary script "cpan2aur".
Changed PKGBUILD template slightly as suggested by smb.
(I accidentally used the Makefile.PL for this version instead
of Build.PL! So META.yml got screwed up. I also forgot to
update this file.)
0.07 April 12, 2009
Fixed the typo bug in last version. Added a build test so I'll catch this faster.
Now searches the main module's .pm and .pod files for the pkgdesc as well,
using Pod::Select.
Now running as root will work, also useful for nested fakeroot environments...
0.06 April 05, 2009
Added the setupdistarch script to easily enable/disable CPANPLUS packaging.
I broke this version with a typo! Luckily no one suspects anything.
0.05 March 23, 2009
Inserted missing /CPAN/ text for the PKGBUILD's srcurl variable,
Added tests for _translate_name & _translate_version.
0.04 March 22, 2009
Fixed CPAN version numbers which don't conform to Archlinux standards.
Stopped using the version module for prefixing everything with v, why!!
Fixed typos, some inefficient code, etc...
0.03 March 21, 2009
Included missing file Arch.pod in MANIFEST.
Fixed some typos in README and Arch.pod.
0.02 March 21, 2009
Fixed some bugs, separated docs to pod file.
0.01 March 20, 2009
First version, uploaded to CPAN.