Changes -*- org -*-
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* Release 0.06 [2011-02-04 Fri]
** POD Documentation
Fixes many errors in the documentation.
** PKGBUILD Parsing
PKGBUILD parsing is now more resilient. The parsing is still far from
perfect but strange quotations now result in the same value that bash
gives them. I have also changed how parsing works, internally. I
suspect it is more efficient than previously.
** Org-mode documentation
I've decided to switch to Emacs's org-mode for all README and
changelog files in my own projects.
** Logins
*** HTTPS Logins
All actions taken while logged in now use HTTPS in order to secure
the login's session key. This also requires the Crypt::SSLeay
module to be installed if you want to login and do stuff.
*** Multilingual Logins
Multilingual logins will now work properly. The internal webpage
requests are set to English so the module only has to check for errors
in one language.
** Delete Action Added
Adds the delete package action in case any Trusted User wants to
use this module to delete packages. It is kind of scary what you
can do with it but heck... I trust you!
* Old GNU-style ChangeLog Entries:
2010-10-21 Justin Davis <>
* RELEASE (0.05)
* lib/WWW/AUR/Package/ Extracted package file code
from lib/WWW/AUR/Package/
* lib/WWW/AUR/ Extracted PKGBUILD code from
2010-10-09 Justin Davis <>
* RELEASE (0.04)
* lib/WWW/AUR.pod: Fix docs for PATH PARAMETERS. They still had
sigils on their names from when I copy/pasted.
* RELEASE (0.03)
* Makefile.PL: Add module requirements I forgot about.
* lib/WWW/AUR/Package.pod: Fix typo in docs (%BUILD_PARMAS).
Add info() method.
* lib/WWW/AUR/ Remove 'Returns' and 'Parameters'
in documentation. Add documentation for action methods
and upload method.
* lib/WWW/AUR/ Remove 'Returns' and 'Parameters'
in documentation.
* lib/WWW/AUR/ Remove 'Returns' and 'Parameters'
in documentation.
* lib/WWW/AUR.pod: Fix wrong usage of 'upload' in SYNOPSIS.
2010-10-07 Justin Davis <>
* RELEASE (0.02)
* lib/WWW/AUR/ (extract): Use the Archive::Tar module
instead of the 'bsdtar' command to extract .tar.gz source package
2010-10-04 Justin Davis <>
* RELEASE (0.01)