Revision history for App-File-Grepper
1.01 2021-07-21
Make the default exclusion pattern less picky, so that
files starting with ./ and ../ are no longer excluded.
Improve debugging.
1.00 2016-08-29
Eliminate obsoleted File::Find option chdir.
0.07 2013-05-14
(script) UTF-8 decode pattern.
0.06 2012-10-04
Require Encode (for older perls).
0.05 2012-10-02
Add --view option.
0.04 2012-04-30
Document afg utility.
0.03 2012-04-30
Few fixes and documentation enhancements.
0.02 2012-04-30
Few fixes and enhancements.
First CPAN release.
0.01 2012-04-28
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.