5.982 2021-08-31
- !ChordPro functionality
- Add --strict option to enforce conformance to ChordPro standard.
Enabled by default, may be disabled with --no-strict.
- Add/update misc. files for desktop systems.
- !BugFixes
- Incorporate Data::Properties instead of using the CPAN version,
since this version is incompatible.
5.981 2021-08-23
- !ChordPro Syntax
- Add Cheat Sheet with ChordPro syntax and availability.
- !ChordPro functionality
- Document properties for the PDF can be supplied in the config file.
- !BugFixes
- Fix issue #159.
5.980 2021-08-14
- !ChordPro functionality
- Bump version to 5.xxx moving towards 6.0.
- Setting config value pdf.pagealign-songs to a value greater than
1 will force the resultant PDF to have an even number of pages.
- Add warning when chord diagram exceeds the diagram size.
- Do not complain about unknown meta data.
- Add numbercolor property for chordfingers chord.
- Add baselabeloffset property for chords.
- Config settings that have corresponding command line options are
always overridden when the command line option is used.
- Add preprocessing for directives.
- Preprocessing 'all' may result in multiple lines.
- Experimental 'choruslike' property for pdf.chorus.recall.
- Add clo --noa2crd to suppress autoconversion.
- Improve page labeling and aligning.
- Config pdf.csv.songsonly controls whether matter pages are
included in the CSV.
- Add warning if no songs were found in the input.
- Simplify README.md.
- Add ChordPro history doc.
- !BugFixes
- Fix crash when no chords.
- Fix case insensitive matching of directive selectors.
- Fix issue #145.
- Allow {define} and {chord} to take multi-digit fret/finger positions.
- Fix background drawing for finger positions.
- Fix "Modification of a read-only value attempted" crash when
instrument or user get nulled.
- Fix %{pageno} vs. %{page} confusion.
- Do not tamper with ABC content. E.g., adding K: has side-effects.
- Fix issue #148.
- Fix issue #149.
- Fix issue #158.
0.979 2021-07-09
- !ChordPro syntax
- {define ...} can take key definitions for keyboards.
- All directives can be selected out by appending -XXX,
where XXX is the type of instrument or a user name.
- !ChordPro functionality
- (musejazz) Change font to MuseJazzText.otf as downloadable from GitHub.
- Improve error messages for font files not found.
- Default CHORDPRO_LIB to ~/.config/chordpro, if present.
- Experimental: Allow delegates to specify image type.
- Allow variable expansion on all input lines.
- Experimental support for preprocessing.
- Experimental support for song-specific configs.
- Support for keyboard diagrams.
- Experimental support for metadata in filelist.
- Add --print-delta-config option.
- Suppress outline title if there is only one outline.
- Allow meta data definitions in config.
- Remove support for legacy configs.
- Suppress a directive if its argument is empty as result from %{} expansion.
- Add directive suppression with instrument/user selectors.
- !BugFixes
- Fix crash when abc section is the very first thing in a song.
- Fix decapo setting from config file (issue #140).
0.978 2021-03-05
- !ChordPro functionality
- Allow array element addressing in --define.
- Retain line numbers for backend diagnostics.
- Experimental support for ABC.
- Experimental support for MacOS.
- New icons.
- Windows: Installer associates ChordPro with .cho files.
- Linux: Support for desktop and app icons.
- Linux: Support building an AppImage.
- Restore section label as comment (config: pdf.labels.comment).
- Add experimental MMA backend.
- Add metadata "today".
- !Bugfixes
- Fix chords transpose in comments with output ChordPro.
- Fix detection of grid params in start_of_grid.
- Fix problem with path name in start menu after windows install.
0.977 2020-08-26
- !ChordPro functionality
- Add CSV columns for sorttitle artist composer collection key year.
- !Bugfixes
- Raise requirement for Text::Layout to 0.019.
- Use only 'name' for chords in the built-in config. 'description'
cannot be overridden by the user with 'name'.
- Fix page numbers in CSV.
- Several fixes for font descriptions and sizes.
0.976 2020-08-16
- !Bugfixes
- Fix markup defragmentation (#111)
- Fix page numbers in CSV.
- Fix problem that --no-toc was not honoured.
- Fix a2crd crash (#115)
0.975 2020-08-13
- !ChordPro syntax
- Support Pango Markup language.
- Add basic support for annotations.
- Add directives start/end_of_verse/bridge and short forms.
- !ChordPro functionality
- Add PDF outlines (bookmarks).
- Revamp table of contens (finally).
- Remove section handling (we now have labels).
- Allow ~ expansion in file names.
- Allow relaxed parsing of chords (root name + arbitrary).
- Allow parsing of notes (chords with only a lc root name).
- (Wx) Show filename in window title.
- (Wx) Show asterisk if file is modified.
- !ChordPro configuration
- Add split marker to be inserted between text phrases when the
chord is wider than the phrase.
- Add settings.suppress-empty-lyrics to suppress blank lyrics lines.
- Add display property to chords to control the way they are displayed.
- Add guitar-br.json with Brandt-Roemer compliant chord symbols.
- Add meta variable songindex.
- Add metadata sorttitle.
- Add config settings for HTML backend.
- Add font properties in fontconfig settings.
- Add settings for chordnames and notenames.
- !Bugfixes
- Fix interpretation of directives and markup in tab sections.
- Fix bug where some command line arguments did not properly support
- Fix handling of {chorus: label}.
- Fix problem where using a {chord} directive before any song lines
would crash.
- Fix problem where the tag of a grid was ignored.
- Do not indent chorus labels when chorus indenting (issue #81).
- !Miscellaneous
- Use Text::Layout to support Pango Markup language.
- Use File::LoadLines.
- Upgrade requirement for PDF::API2 to 2.035, Font::TTF to 1.05,
Text::Layout to 0.014.
- Packaged version no longer loads default config from chordpro.json.
It is now really built-in.
- Change CHANGES to Changes.
0.974 2019-10-05
- Restructure chord definitions. Default is now an orthogonal set
of basic chords. Additional legacy weirdo's are available in
- Allow chord definitions with multiple names. See the docs.
- Add chord types add2 and add4.
- Fix erroneous transposing of transcoded chords.
- Fix erroneous recall of chorus from previous song.
- Fix missing fret positions in {chord}.
0.973 2019-03-13
- Integrate a2crd into chordpro. Use "chordpro --a2crd" to invoke.
- Add --decapo option to eliminate {capo} settings by transposing.
- Implement image assets. Requires IO::String and Image::Info.
- Implement a basic form of line wrapping (regular chords+lyrics).
- Implement a basic form of line wrapping (comments and non-chords
- Implement user library (env. var. CHORDPRO_LIB). Experimental.
- Allow a2crd as a filter.
- Use label instead of section name, if provided.
- Make instrument and tuning accessible as meta data.
- Fix undefined if no output file was supplied.
- Fix section change detection.
- Fix crash when chordless songline and not suppress-empty-chords.
- Fix misplacement of diagrams when columns and too many {chord}
- Fix printing of auto-added chords.
- Fix issue #63: Labels are lost when a new song is encountered.
- Fix crash when --dump-chords and no meta.
- (PDF) Fix label width.
0.972 2018-11-06
- Add a2crd script.
- Minimize all configs to only override what is necessary.
- Split german notes into scandinavian (..., A, Bb/A#, H, C) and
german (..., A, Ais/B, H, C).
- Use String::Interpolate::Named.
- (Experimental) Allow %{..} interpolations on the output file
name, e.g. --output="%{artist|%{} - }%{title}.pdf".
Command line only.
- Fix memorize problem with the first chord.
- Upgrade WxChordPro to 0.972.
0.97.1 2018-10-24
- Upgrade WxChordPro to 0.970 to fix problem with custom config.
0.97 2018-10-23
- Instrument defintions are now in separate config files. There
are no 'built-in' tunings and chords, just defaults.
Available instrument configs are guitar, guitar-ly, mandolin-ly,
and ukulele-ly. Default is guitar.
- Chords parsing has been completely overhauled.
- Config file handling has been completely overhauled.
- Alternative note naming systems, e.g. Latin (Do Re Mi ...)
and Solfege are now supported.
- Experimental: Chords can be transcoded between note naming
- Chords can be shown under the lyrics, controlled by config item
- Nashville and Roman chord systems need to be explicitly enabled.
- Allow meta substitutions in title and subtitle.
- Fix {transpose}, --transpose and {key} interaction.
- Experimental: Chords can be recalled from previous sections
using [^] or plain ^.
Requires config setting settings.memorize.
- Upgrade WxChordPro to 0.960_059.
- Add config settings for ChordPro backend.
- Add slash as grid symbol.
- Allow labels for grids.
- Show durations as hh:mm.
- Fix grey background of comment_italic.
- Add font "label" for section labels. Defaults to text font.
- Fix section labels when the first line is not a song line.
- {chorus} Do not print Chorus tag when quoting.
- {chorus} Allow label.
- Allow empty comment directives.
- Do not print background for empty strings.
0.96 2018-07-11
- (pp/linux/GNUmakefile) Verify we're running the right perl.
- Upgrade to App::Packager 1.43.
- Fix transpose of Asus and Esus chords.
- Fix issue #47 by Increasing base fret limit to 23.
- Fix error handling with illegal chord definitions.
- (wxChordPro) Fix file saving logic.
- Experimental: Markup for song sections.
- Experimental: All fonts can have background and frame.
0.95 2018-06-04
- Add (derived) meta item _key to reflect the actual song key,
taking capo setting into account.
- Allow {comment} without background colour.
- Make {comment_box} box the same colour as its text.
- Warn if multiple {capo} settings.
- Fix problem that chords in grids were not transposed.
- Add value "auto" for pdf.labels.width to automatically reserve
margin space when labels are used.
- Fix problem that titles-directive-ignore was ignored.
- (PDF) Fix problem that toc entries were not clickable.
- Fix issue #41 - Error in transposition of a recalled chorus.
- Fix issue #42 - Defining Chords Fails for Songbooks.
Song chord definitions were lost in multi-song songbooks except
for the last (or only) song.
- Fix schema validation for configs.
0.94 2018-01-23
- Allow \ { } and | to be escaped with \ in replacement strings.
- Fix problem that in-song chords caused CANNOT HAPPEN error.
- Add --filelist option to read song file names from files.
- Fix inconsistent handling of --lyrics-only in backends.
- Add html to list of recognized output types (even though
experimental). Note that the HTML backend is not yet included.
- Fix Chord/Chordii regression: Base frets in chord diagrams
should be arabic numbers, not roman.
- Pass unknown directives through to backends.
- Fix labels handling for ChordPro output.
- Fix problem that bass notes in chords were not transposed.
- (pp/windows) Add PDF::API2::Bundle to make sure all PDF::API2
and TTF::Font modules are included.
0.93 2017-12-07
- Fix transposition of chord diagrams.
0.92 2017-12-07
- Add configurable sort methods for table of contents.
Config option: toc.order, values "page" or "alpha".
Default is "page".
Config option: toc.title, default "Table of Contents".
Supersedes pdf.formats.default.toc-title.
- Fix JSON problem with loading UTF8 config files.
- Fix the need for a bogus file argument when dumping chords.
- Experimental support for indenting and margin labels.
- Obsolete pdf.diagramscolumn in favour of pdf.diagrams.show.
This can be top, bottom, right of the first page, and below,
following the last song line.
- Provide song source for unknown chords message.
- Handle UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly.
- Implement in-line printing of chords, config:
Add style 'inline'.
- Fix problem with font restore after {textfont} cs.
- Fix problem that trailing empty lines were discarded.
- Fix final line discard if input is not newline terminated.
- Fix issue#31 (textsize directive with percentage raises error).
- Fix problem where first empty line was inadvertently ignored.
0.910.1 2017-11-09
- Add style 'modern3'.
0.91 2017-11-09
- Add printing of bars in chord diagrams.
- Allow PDF config "fontdir" to take an array of paths. Also,
allow the path elements to be a colon-(Windows: semicolon)-separated
list of paths.
- Add PDF config "diagramscolumn". This will have the song chord
diagrams printed on the first page, in a side column.
- Fix problem with misnumbered fingers in non-builtin chords.
- Fix problem with restoring defaults for {textsize} and friends.
0.90 2017-10-17
- Fix dependencies in Makefile.PL.
- Do not mark config defined chords as being user defined.
- Fix some problems with '{chord}' chords.
0.89 2017-09-22
- Add {transpose} directive.
- Transpositions and metadata substitutions are now handled at
parse time.
- Update built-in documentation.
- Upgrade WxChordPro to 0.89.
- Fix problem with locating manual page.
- Normalize CHANGES according to CPAN:Changes::Spec.
0.88 2017-09-11
- Put the Table of Contents (if any) at the beginning.
- Fix a bug that caused no TOC to be produced with multiple song
- Add --csv command line option to request writing the CSV.
- Add --cover command line option to prepend cover pages.
- Improve JSON config validation.
0.87 2017-09-04
- Fix problem where songlines without chords yielded empty lines
in the ChordPro backend after transposition.
- Allow "-" as filename for standard input.
- Handle Byte Order Mark in input files.
- (ChordPro) Do not use {meta} for known meta keys.
- (Windows) Handle version number setting in iss file.
0.860.1 2017-08-18
- Fix test failures with PDF::Builder 3.004, issue
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=122815 .
0.86 2017-08-16
- Fix problems with disappearing page titles.
- Fix some packing issues.
0.85 2017-08-15
- Rename config pdf.fonts.diagram_capo to pdf.fonts.diagram_base.
- Fix some (well, several) layout issues with odd/even page printing.
- Fix missing fingers in config defined chords.
- Allow PDF::Builder to be used instead of PDF::API2.
- Improve define/chord parsing and diagnostics.
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.84.
0.84 2017-07-31
- Emergency fix for PDF font problem.
0.83 2017-07-31
- Supply default '1+4x4+1' for first start_of_grid.
- Supply default straight font for grid lines.
- Allow empty lines in grids.
- Improve WxChordPro integration.
- Change old terminology "chordgrid" to "diagrams".
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.83.
0.82 2017-07-21
- Add Version.pm.
0.81 2017-07-16
- Fixed problem where wxChordPro couldn't preview.
- Restructured the files for packaging support.
0.80 2017-07-13
- (PDF) Improve terminology in warning about unkown chords.
- Prevent undefined warnings when a song has no chords.
- (pp) Allow resource updating.
- Prevent undefined warnings when the system provides no configs.
- Add missing POD resources for packaged binaries.
- Supply usage info and exit when run without action/file arguments.
0.79 2017-07-12
- Mostly packing/packaging fixes.
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.79.
0.78 2017-07-12
- Mostly packaging fixes.
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.78.
0.77 2017-06-26
- Finalize design and implementation of chord grids.
- Add support for chord fingerings, as suggested by Christian
- Erickson (author of the Songsheet Generator).
- Fix meaning of clo -G (was negated).
- Add song examples.
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.76.
0.76 2017-05-16
- Allow text properties to stack/unstack.
- Suppress empty text line if there's only [Chords].
- Enhance parameter substitution in titles/comments.
- Allow {chord NAME} to designate known chords.
- Some more fix problems with dot-less @INC in newer perls.
- Add schema to verify (and edit) json config files.
0.75 2017-04-13
- Experimental support for Nashville Numbering System and Roman
- Numbered Chords.
- (Config) Add more meta data: lyricist, arranger, copyright,
year, duration.
- (PDF) Improve grids drawing: add config for line thickness, add space
for the crosses/circles.
- (PDF) Allow PDF to be written to standard output. Output file
will now be named after the input file if there's only one.
- Keep track of #-comments in ChordPro input and reproduce in
- ChordPro output.
- (PDF) Fonts are now looked up in a font path consisting of the
fontdir config setting, the application's fonts resource
- directory, and the value of environment variable FONTDIR.
- (Packager) Use App::Packager from CPAN.
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.74.
0.74 2017-04-02
- Fix problems with dot-less @INC in newer perls.
0.73 2017-04-04
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.710.3.
0.72 2017-01-18
- (WxChordPro) Update to 0.710.2.
- Fix style_chordii sample config.
0.71 2017-01-17
- Produce CSV with PDF and toc.
- Implement {chord...} directive.
0.70 2016-11-10
- (ChordPro) Fix require of Common.
- (Config) Comment example chord definition.
- (ChordPro) Add rechorus handling.
- (ChordPro) Fix --toc/--notoc command line option.
- (PDF) Fix background colour in indented chorus.
- (PDF) Fix wrong headspace on continuation pages.
0.69 2016-09-29
- Add parser tests.
- Prevent nasty errors when transposing unknown chords.
- (PDF) Fix comment decorations that were off due to
substituting metadata.
- (ChordPro) Add msp as output variant.
0.68 2016-08-23
- Extend chorus recall. Chorus may be quoted, and/or referred
with a tag text.
- Handle {pagesize} in legacy config.
- Minor adjustments to the default configuration to match the
0.67 2016-08-23
- Overhaul of chord definitions and transpositions.
- Chords may now be parenthesised.
- {defined: name ...} is now preferred.
- "base-fret NN" may be omitted.
- All strings may be omitted to define an unknown chord.
0.66 2016-08-22
- Uploaded to GitHub.
- Added support for {meta} directives.
- Make the list of known metatada configurable.
- Allow using metadata in titles and comments.
- Remove meta-mapping (no longer needed).
- Change the way unknown chords are dealt with, for
- Chord/Chordii compatibility.
- Add res/config/style_chordii.json with as much Chord/Chordii
compatibility as can be reasonably achieved.
0.65 2016-07-15
- Add --define to set config items from the command line.
- Smooth some config trickeries.
- Add meta-map config to treat metadata items differently.
- Normalize directives parsing to be (more) Chord/Chordii
- Handle defining chords with flexible number of strings.
0.64 2016-07-10
- Add support for Chord/Chordii legacy config.
- Add --no-legacy-config to suppress legacy config.
- Add --no-default-configs (-X) to suppress all default configs.
- Do not make "no easy chords" default.
- More pp stuff.
0.63 2016-07-06
- Add support for {grid} and friends.
- More pp stuff.
0.62 2016-07-03
- Improve support for PAR packaging.
- Add Undo/Redo (MSW only?).
- Better viewer launching.
- Use separate PODs for --manual and --help-config.
- Add wxchordpro to the kit.
0.61 2016-06-28
- Improve packaging.
- Add support for PAR packaging.
0.60 2016-06-23
- Bring chorus layout attributes under a single topic.
- Add chordgrid and chordgrid_capo chords.
0.59 2016-06-23
- We have a Ukulele.
- And a GUI.
0.58 2016-06-20
- Handle --chord-grid-size.
- Add chord definitions in configuration.
- Add chords sorting.
- Add user defined chords and tunings.
- Handle --no-easy-chord-grids and --chord-grids-sorted.
0.57 2016-06-19
- Move transpose code to Chords module.
- Default grid font to comment, not font.
- Register user defined fonts.
- First shot at printing chord grids.
- Second shot at printing chord grids.
- Support -D, but use backend to generate the grids.
0.56 2016-06-13
- Handle {titles} directive.
- Add support for head-first-only. Titles are now top-printed.
- Move low-level primitives to PRWriter module.
- Add font and spacing for 'empty' lines.
0.55 2016-06-10
- Detailed page headers/footers control.
- Require perl version v5.10.
0.54 2016-06-08
- Fix bug #115156: Will not build on Mac OSX.
- Fix bug #115159: IO::File is not loaded automatically in older
perls ( < 5.12.6 ).
0.53.1 2016-06-08
- Improve Makefile.PL to get indexing right.
0.53 2016-06-07
- Add built-in chords and the --dump-chords-text facility.
- (PDF) Turn missing images into a comment.
0.52.6 2016-06-07
- Fix POD problem in Config.pm.
0.52.5 2016-06-07
- Improve Makefile.PL to get indexing right.
0.52.4 2016-06-06
- Improve Makefile.PL.
0.52.3 2016-06-06
- Move configuration pod to Config.pod. Will it be indexed?
- Add --print-default-config and --print-final-config options.
- Fix problems with songline colours.
- Fix headings.
- Add head-first-only setting.
- Fix page footers.
0.52.2 2016-06-06
- Minor documentation changes.
0.52.1 2016-06-05
- Some fixes for tests on Windows.
0.52 2016-06-05
- Move runnable code from chordpro script to ChordPro.pm
module. The script is now a simple wrapper.
- Add documentation.
0.51.3 2016-06-05
- Eliminate Clone as a dependency.
- Eliminate IO::String as an explicit dependency. It's implied
by Font::TTF.
0.51.2 2016-06-04
- Better Makefile.PL (no_index of namespace).
0.51.1 2016-06-04
- Better Makefile.PL.
0.51 2016-06-04
- First alpha version released.