Revision history for PBP::Perl (formerly Perl::Modern::Perl)

1.000  Mon 14.Dez.2015 - 20:15
       Initial CPAN release.

1.002  Don 17.Dez.2015 - 20:30
       Correction of the make-Scripts

1.003  Fri 18.Dez.2015 - 19:00
       Changed determine the current version of Perl.

1.004  Sam 19.Dez.2015 - 15:00
       Correcting the discharge of warnings.

1.005  Sam 19.Dez.2015 - 20:26
       Error message for developer version of Perl added.

1.006  Son 20.Dez.2015 - 14:00
       Minimum version of Perl in

1.007  Mon 21.Dez.2015 - 18:00
       Exclusion from development version of Perl in Makefile.PL and Build.PL
       (SREZIC : #110394: About not supporting bleadperl)

1.010  Mon 25.Jan.2016 - 16:00
       Import of special variables (use English), IO::File and IO::Handle

1.011  Mit 27.Jan.2016 - 12:00
       Small fixes when importing the features

1.012  Mit 27.Jan.2016 - 15:00
       Version number must no longer come first

1.013  Mit 27.Jan.2016 - 17:21
       Code now corresponds to the Perl Best Practice and Perltidy rules -
       defined by JVBSOFT and KV Berlin

1.100  Fri 12.Feb.2016 - 21:00
       shifted modules in the namespace PBP

1.101  Sam 13.Feb.2016 - 13:06
       Comments now in English