1999-08-23 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1132)
* Added HTML::EP::Install.
* lib/HTML/EP/Session/DBI.pm: Moved DBI session to an external file.
* Added HTML::EP::Session::DBIq. Suggested by Ilya Ketris
* Added HTML::EP::Session::Dumper.
1999-08-13 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1131)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_debug): Allowed empty $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}
for debugging for debugging from the shell.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_elseif): Fixed error message for ep-elseif
without ep-if.
* lib/HTML/EP/Session.pm: Fixed a bug in the docs of Cookie
sessions. ("name" was requested for the cookie name instead
of "id".)
* lib/HTML/EP/EP.pm: Added $self->SetCookies(), which is used
in _ep_redirect.
1999-05-05 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1130)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: Added '$' to the set of encoded
entities to work around problems where $...$ was
erroneously interpreted as an EP variable.
* Now using HTML::Entities::char2entity rather than
1999-04-04 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1129)
* lib/HTML/EP/Examples/Glimpse.pm (glimpse_create):
$matchesDirsIgnored did by default return a TRUE value.
(Richard Dice <rdice@www.shad.ca>)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: HTML::Entities::encode_entities is
now called with '<&>"' as second argument. This should
enable working with other character sets that ISO-8859-1.
Thanks to Jiri Novak <bati@podvodnik.cz> for the hint.
1999-02-26 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1128)
* lib/HTML/EP/Session/Cookie.pm (encode): Added support for
Compress::Zlib and MIME::Base64.
1999-02-23 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1127)
* lib/HTML/EP/Session/Cookie.pm (store): Fixed a bug that caused
Cookies to be too short.
1999-02-08 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1126)
* lib/HTML/EP/Examples/Glimpse.pm: Fixed a bug in the parser of
glimpse's output: Files without title (that is, files, where
glimpseindex doesn't detect a title) have not been handled.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_if_eval): Fixed a possible read-only-value
1999-02-07 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1125)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (ep_if): Added neval and cnd attributes.
* Further work on POP3 client.
* Work on the docs.
* Made BUILTIN_FUNCS a lot smaller by creating the 'default'
attribute of $func dynamically.
* lib/HTML/EP/Locale.pm (_ep_language): The multiline version
of _ep_language should now hopefully be equivalent to
<ep-if cnd="'$_ep_language'eq'lang'> ... </ep-if>. It is
no longer required to terminate any ep-language, only the
last one must be terminated.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (CgiRun): Fixed bug: ParseVars was not
called with _ep_exit.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: Added ep-debug.
1999-02-01 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1124)
* Added partial POP3 client example.
1999-01-13 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1123)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_query): $start_at was not set to 0 when using
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_set): Fixed missing "if $debug".
* Added CGI::Cookie and URI::Escape to prerequisited.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (CgiRun): $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} was not correctly
1999-01-09 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1122)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: Added ep-redirect.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: Added ep-set.
1998-12-31 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1121)
* Added examples/admin/squid_simple.ep.
* Makefile.PL: Added option --config.
1998-12-31 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1120)
* lib/HTML/EP/Examples/Admin.pm (_ep_html_ep_examples_admin_squid):
Added call of /usr/local/bin/usersModified --squid.
1998-12-17 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1119)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (ParseVar): _ep_custom_formats now defaults
to calling $self->_format_METHODNAME.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_package): Fixed error handling in
* Added examples/glimpse and lib/HTML/EP/Examples/Glimpse.pm.
* lib/HTML/EP.pod: Fixed ep-error docs.
* examples/admin/mail2group: Fixed some bugs that are
resending mails too frequently.
1998-12-03 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1118)
* Added $self->{'_ep_headers'}. Request by Uri Bruck
* Moved $self->{'_ep_cookies'} to $self->{'_ep_headers'}->{'-cookie'}.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm: Moved SimpleError and most of ep.cgi and Apache::EP
to HTML::EP::SimpleError and HTML::EP::CgiRun.
1998-11-29 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1117)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (new): Added $self->{'_ep_config'}.
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_mail): Added debugging mode. Requested by
Michael Bauer (michael@h-net.com).
* Added lib/HTML/EP/Examples/Admin.pm and examples/admin/squid.ep.
1998-11-04 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1116)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_input): Added type 's' (Set).
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_query): Added resulttype single_array
and single_hash.
1998-11-03 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1115)
* lib/HTML/EP.pm (_ep_package): Changed $self->init() to
1998-10-27 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1114)
* Added HTML::EP::Session::Cookie and $self->{'_ep_cookies'}.
* ep.cgi.PL: Fixed 'debughosts' handling to use $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}
and not $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}.
* ep.cgi.PL: Error messages have been reported incorrect when
setting errhandler.
* examples/admin: Added mail2group.ep and mail2group.
1998-10-19 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1113)
* Added HTML::EP::Shop and examples/shop (To be finished).
1998-10-13 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1112)
* lib/HTML/EP/Locale.pm (init): Fixed typo in default language.
* Added examples/admin.
* Added examples/edit.ep.
1998-10-13 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1111)
* ep-error mismatched user and system error.
* ep-error was not looking in DOCUMENT_ROOT.
* Added optional removal of selfloader code.
* Added HTML::EP::Config and Bundle::HTML::EP.
* Added debughosts and ok_templates to Config.
1998-10-11 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1110)
* lib/HTML/EP/Locale.pm: Made default language configurable.
* Added $&NBSP->var$
1998-10-06 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1109)
* EP.pm.in (_ep_mail): Requires MailTools 1.12 now.
1998-09-17 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1108)
* lib/HTML/EP/Locale.pm (_ep_language): Added debugging.
* lib/HTML/EP/Session.pm (store): Now using bind_param() for
parameter binding of blob's.
1998-09-13 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1107)
* EP.pm.in (_ep_select): Added handling of Non-EP attributes like
* lib/HTML/EP/Session.pm (store): Added 'locked' attribute.
1998-09-12 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1106)
* ep.pm.PL: Added startat and limit to ep-query.
* EP.pm.in: $self->{_ep_funcs} required only for non-standard
* EP.pm.in: Added custom formats.
* lib/HTML/EP/Locale.pm: Added custom format for german DM.
1998-09-11 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1105)
* ep.cgi.PL: Rats! _ep_exit was trapped in ep.cgi and not in
ep.cgi.PL. :-(
* EP.pm.in (DESTROY): Removed explicit $dbh->disconnect(), because
disconnect() was called twice if ep-include is used. Instead we
now set $dbh->{'Warn'} to 0, so warnings are prevented anyways.
1998-09-09 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@nt.ispsoft.de> (0.1104)
* EP.pm.in: _ep_exit is now based on exceptions.
* EP.pm.in: Added DESTROY method for calling dbh->disconnect().
1998-09-07 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1103)
* EP.pm.in: Added WarnHandler to trap compile errors.
* ep.cgi: Added SIGDIE handler to trap compile errors.
* lib/HTML/EP/Session.pm: Added "hex" mode to ep-session.
* Added ep-exit and ep-include.
* No longer depends on HTML::Parser.
1998-08-27 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1101)
* EP.pm.in (_ep_perl): Removed the default Safe compartment in
favour of an attribute "safe". It's too nasty and one seems
to be using "package=temp" almost always. :-(
* EP.pm.in (_ep_query): Documented $attr->{'resulttype'}.
* Added HTML::EP::Session.
1998-07-24 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1100)
* lib/HTML/EP.pod: Documented mod_perl integration.
* EP.pm.in: Removed epparse- and epperl-
1998-07-18 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1007)
* Makefile.PL: More minor patches for fixing the same problem ...
1998-07-18 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1006)
* Makefile.PL: Minor patches for fixing the test suite.
1998-07-04 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1005)
* Added HTML::EP::Locale.
* Added list attribute to ep-input.
* Added init method.
* EP.pm.in (_ep_list): Added $self->{i}.
* Added $self->Stop()
* Added ep-select
1998-07-04 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1003)
* EP.pm.in (_ep_perl): Forgot to set $_ before evaluating in
package mode.
* EP.pm.in: src attribute of ep-perl now adds DOCUMENT_ROOT,
if required.
* Added Apache::EP for mod_perl support.
* EP.pm.in: Fixed {eval}, {package} and {comment} to
{'eval'}, {'package} and {'comment}
1998-06-26 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1002)
* lib/HTML/EP.pod: Added isa attribute to ep-package.
* EP.pm.in: Added support for $self->{debug}.
* ep.cgi.PL: Added setting of $self->{debug} if "debug" variable
is passed.
* EP.pm.in (_ep_query): Added resulttype attribute.
1998-06-25 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1001)
* lib/HTML/EP.pod: Forgot to document ep-if and frieds
* Added $self->{_ep_state}
* Makefile.PL: Added check for MailTools, my thanks to Michael
Bauer <michael@h-net.com>
* lib/HTML/EP.pod: Fixed bug in ep-query docs; a "query"
attribute was used instead of "statement", thanks to Michael
Bauer <michael@h-net.com>
1998-06-22 Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> (0.1000)
* Initial version.