# Hej, Emacs, give us -*- perl -*- mode here!
#   $Id: Adabas.dbtest,v 1.1 1998/04/22 17:42:33 joe Exp $
# database specific definitions for an 'Adabas' database

#   This function generates a mapping of ANSI type names to
#   database specific type names; it is called by TableDefinition().
sub AnsiTypeToDb ($;$) {
    my ($type, $size) = @_;
    my ($ret);

    if ((lc $type) eq 'blob') {
	$ret = 'LONG';
    } elsif ((lc $type) eq 'int'  ||  (lc $type) eq 'integer') {
	$ret = $type;
    } elsif ((lc $type) eq 'char') {
	$ret = "CHAR($size)";
    } else {
	warn "Unknown type $type\n";
	$ret = $type;

#   This function generates a table definition based on an
#   input list. The input list consists of references, each
#   reference referring to a single column. The column
#   reference consists of column name, type, size and a bitmask of
#   certain flags, namely
#       $COL_NULLABLE - true, if this column may contain NULL's
#       $COL_KEY - true, if this column is part of the table's
#           primary key
#   Hopefully there's no big need for you to modify this function,
#   if your database conforms to ANSI specifications.

sub TableDefinition ($@) {
    my($tablename, @cols) = @_;

    #   Should be acceptable for most ANSI conformant databases;
    #   msql 1 uses a non-ANSI definition of the primary key: A
    #   column definition has the attribute "PRIMARY KEY". On
    #   the other hand, msql 2 uses the ANSI fashion ...
    my($col, @keys, @colDefs, $keyDef);

    #   Count number of keys
    @keys = ();
    foreach $col (@cols) {
	if ($$col[3] & $::COL_KEY) {
	    push(@keys, $$col[0]);

    foreach $col (@cols) {
	my $colDef = $$col[0] . " " . AnsiTypeToDb($$col[1], $$col[2]);
	if (!($$col[3] & $::COL_NULLABLE)) {
	    $colDef .= " NOT NULL";
	push(@colDefs, $colDef);
    if (@keys) {
	$keyDef = ", PRIMARY KEY (" . join(", ", @keys) . ")";
    } else {
	$keyDef = "";
    $def = sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s (%s%s)", $tablename,
		   join(", ", @colDefs), $keyDef);

    print "Table definition: $def\n";

#   This function generates a list of tables associated to a
#   given DSN.
sub ListTables(@) {
    my($dbh) = shift;
    my ($sth) = $dbh->tables();

    if (!$sth) {
	die "Cannot create table list: " . $dbh->errstr;

    @tables = ();
    while (@row = $sth->fetchrow) {
	push(@tables, (lc $row[2]));

#   This function is called by DBD::pNET; given a hostname and a
#   dsn without hostname, return a dsn for connecting to dsn at
#   host.
sub HostDsn ($$) {
    my($hostname, $dsn) = @_;

#   Return a string for checking, whether a given column is NULL.
sub IsNull($) {
    my($var) = @_;

    "$var IS NULL";

#   Return TRUE, if database supports transactions
sub HaveTransactions () {
