0.26 3 April 2003
- Removed deprecated method retrieve_node_and_checksum.
- Added DBI as a prerequisite (ta Max).
- Fixed up the SEE ALSO in the pod.
- The SQLite backend was failing tests with DBI 1.34 or up;
fixed now (with a kluge, but no worse than the one already there)
Thanks to DH for the test failure report.
0.25 29 March 2003
list_recent_changes can now filter on a single metadata criterion
- multiple criteria coming soon.
0.24 29 March 2003
list_recent_changes now returns any metadata attached to the node
as well - so you can put comments and usernames and things in there
and display them on RecentChanges. Note that it no longer pretends
to return a comment separately since you can do it this way now.
See perldoc CGI::Wiki::Store::Database for the new API.
Moved recent changes tests out into their own file.
0.23 17 March 2003
Fixed bug - metadata wasn't getting deleted when ->delete_node
was called.
0.22 8 March 2003
Rejig of the way the tests work, in preparation for allowing
third-party plugins:
When 'perl Makefile.PL' is run on a CGI::Wiki distribution,
information will be gathered about test databases etc that
can be used for running tests. CGI::Wiki::TestConfig::Utilities
gives you convenient access to this information, so you can
easily write and run tests for your own CGI::Wiki plugins.
No functionality changes.
0.21 6 March 2003
Purely a documentation update; thanks to Alex McLintock for comments.
0.20 22 February 2003
Added simple (and intentionally naive) metadata support. Note that
the database schema has changed (additional 'metadata' table), so
you will need to re-run the relevant database setup script again as
described below for upgrading to 0.15.
Much of this release was written on David Woolger's laptop; thanks :)
0.16 5 February 2003
Changed CGI::Wiki::Setup::Pg to use the 'timestamp' data type
instead of 'datetime', since 'datetime' was deprecated and
has been removed in Postgres 7.3.
Fixed bug with supplying blank database username/password;
thanks to DH for the bug report.
Fixed mistake in pod, pointed out by Podmaster.
0.15 5 January 2003
Amended store setup modules so their 'setup' functions don't
wipe pre-existing data; added 'cleardb' functions for when you
really do want to wipe it.
Along with that, amended the setup scripts in ./bin/ to take a
--force-preclear option. Now they leave existing data by default.
Added standalone tests for CGI::Wiki::Formatter::Default
Added $formatter->find_internal_links method and tests.
Implemented backlinks! Thanks to blair christensen for the idea,
and sorry for taking so long to get around to it.
*After* upgrading, you will need to re-run the relevant database setup
script (in ./bin/) on any databases created using earlier versions of
CGI::Wiki, in order that the internal_links table gets created. From
version 0.15, these scripts won't affect data in existing tables, as
long as you don't supply the --force-preclear option, so this is safe.
You have been warned.
(You can do the database munging before you install this new version
-- the old versions won't mind the extra table -- but
===> *** MAKE SURE ***
to invoke the scripts as something like
perl -Ilib bin/user-setup-[...]
so you get the *new* setup modules which *won't* hose your data
(the old ones did, ugh).)
The backlink data will also not exist for links *from* a given node
until you re-write that node. Take your wiki offline then do
something like
my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new( %conf );
# (Where %conf is exactly as you would set this up for your actual
# Wiki application, including your store, search and formatter
# options exactly as you use them live.)
my @nodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes;
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
my %nodedata = $wiki->retrieve_node( $node );
$wiki->write_node($node, $nodedata{content}, $nodedata{checksum});
to refresh all the nodes in your database.
0.14 3 January 2003
Added $store->node_exists method and tests.
Amended $store->list_recent_changes to take a 'last_n_changes'
parameter, so you can find the last 10 (or whatever) nodes edited.
Made an internal change to the way ->format is delegated to the
formatter object, to give said object access to the store.
0.13 2 January 2003
Minor fix - t/031_formatting.t was being reported as failing on
systems without support for any of the backends, since I forgot to
update the SKIP condition when I added six extra tests. Thanks
to root@ostend.org for the report via cpan-testers.
0.12 1 January 2003
The Search::InvertedIndex backend wasn't indexing the node titles -
fixed and added tests.
Added tests for non-MySQL Search::InvertedIndex backends and fixed
CGI::Wiki::Search::SII to be case-insensitive all the time (instead
of just when using MySQL).
Tweaked the documentation some more - offers to simplify the docs
and/or write a tutorial would be greatly appreciated.
0.11 31 December 2002
Changes suggested by blair christensen, to allow alternate formatters.
See the README for details and CGI::Wiki::Formatter::Default for an
Took out some leftover debug stuff from CGI::Wiki::Search::SII.
0.10 19 December 2002
Added a Search::InvertedIndex backend; currently only tested with
the MySQL version of Search::InvertedIndex. When running make test,
if the Search::InvertedIndex tests are being run, the following tests
will warn 'testdb is not open. Can't lock.' (but should pass):
Cleaned up the initialisation of the Wiki object, at the expense of
a small interface change - you now need to create your store and
(optional) search objects yourself and pass them as arguments
to CGI::Wiki->new - read 'perldoc CGI::Wiki' (once installed)
for details, or see examples/wiki.cgi in the tarball.
0.05 17 November 2002
I'd uploaded an unfinished version by mistake. One day I will figure
out how to do this upload thing without screwing up.
0.04 17 November 2002
Added a DBD::SQLite storage backend (thanks to blair christensen
for a patch that makes up part of this).
Added tests and docs for retrieval of old versions of pages
(bad Kake, should have written those before implementing the
feature; blair and Richard shamed me into getting it sorted now).
retrieve_node_and_checksum is now deprecated -- retrieve_node is
more clever and will return content only or a hash with content
plus meta-data, according to context. So you should get at the
checksum via that.
user-setup-postgres.pl was buggy, fixed now.
Only two beer rewards now remain.
0.03 9 November 2002
Forgot to regenerate and add the README (I've put it in the
MANIFEST now to stop that happening again). Also forgot to
mention that I've upped the bribe.
0.02 9 November 2002
Pulled out the database setup stuff into modules (Mark Fowler
did most of this bit, thanks).
Added recent_changes method and its tests, changed the example
wiki to show how this can be used.
Renamed some tests since the order they're run in matters now.
Added better support for noninteractive installation (with help
from Mark again).
0.01 28 October 2002
Initial release.