Changes for 0.41_06 Wed Sep 24 17:03:14 CEST 2008
* Add missing source file for tests. Users of 0.41_05
  need not upgrade.

Changes for 0.41_05 Mon Sep 22 14:22:45 CEST 2008
* Address whitespace issues in commands: if the full command 
  contains special chars (ie, <,>,|,&) it needs to be stringified 
  for system() and ipc::open3 or the special chars are escaped
  as arguments to the command. So, if you pass an arrayref as
  command, we'll stringify it.
  Of course that conflicts with arguments containing whitespace, 
  so if we need to stringify we'll also attempt to fixup any 
  arguments that have whitespace with the OS specific quote.
* Added tests for pipes, whitespace and pipes + whitespace to make
  sure our fix works
* Documentation on whitespace updated accordingly.

Changes for 0.41_04 Mon Jul 14 15:54:57 CEST 2008
* Forgot to add new test file. Users of 0.41_03 
  need not to upgrade.

Changes for 0.41_03 Sun Jul 13 14:59:44 CEST 2008
* Address #36365: IPC::Cmd error reporting by adding extra
  diagnostics on failure and pretty printing of errors
* Fix the issue that caused many testers failures:
  When _ipc_open3_run is interrupted by an alarm, the FDs were
  not being restored, causing subsequent processes to not have
  access to STDIN.
* Add more diagnostics to 01.t
* Add tests for interleaving stdout/stderr, which are now TODO
  Record this as #37532: Unable to interleave STDOUT and STDERR
  Mention this in the Caveats sections of the docs

Changes for 0.41_02 Sun Jun 29 17:38:47 CEST 2008
* Implement timeouts for commands (#36437)

Changes for 0.41_01 Sun Apr  6 14:10:17 CEST 2008
* Strip empty whitespace from array ref commands -- some 
  commands can't deal with an empty argument after (like 
  make) and will exit with an error because of it
* Address 29532, 29723 and 32187 which all have issues 
  with using arguments containing whitespace. IPC::Cmd 
  can now deal with arguments with whitespace properly
  using IPC::Run, Open3 and system.
  Tests are added for this.
* Apply patch from John M. ipc::open3 does not work on 
  OpenVMS because it claims that it needs fork().
* Merge the 2 test routines for stdout/stderr tests by 
  making the buffer to inspect a variable
Changes for 0.40    Wed Oct 17 10:57:11 CEST 2007
* Promote 0.39_01 to stable. Users who already have
  0.38 installed do not need to upgrade. This is merely
  a test suit portability fix for perl 5.005

Changes for 0.39_01 Tue Oct 16 10:59:35 CEST 2007
* Address test failure on 5.00505 by using 2-arg
  version of open, instead of 3-arg version.

Changes for 0.38    Thu Oct 11 17:04:28 CEST 2007
* Address perlbug [perl #46293] IPC::Cmd can lose stderr 
* Apply [perl #46111] [PATCH] Add tests for stderr-only 
  in IPC::Cmd to test for that bug
Changes for 0.36    Fri Nov 24 14:55:56 CET 2006
* 3-arg open doesn't work on 5.6.2 properly, so we changed
  to the 2-arg form of open. This to avoid errors as seen
  in this report:

Changes for 0.34    Fri Oct 20 15:13:23 CEST 2006
* use Carp::carp explicitly

Changes for 0.32    Fri Oct 13 13:08:23 CEST 2006
* Fix logic to detect IPC::Open3 usability on various platforms
* Propogate the programs exit code properly when using IPC::Open3
* Make IPC::Run a dependency on request

Changes for 0.30    Wed Oct 11 13:00:40 CEST 2006
* 0.29_01 upgraded to stable.

Changes for 0.29_01 Thu Oct  5 16:34:44 CEST 2006
* Rework IPC::Cmd heavily to work better on win32
* Add $WARN as global variable
* Pass parents STDOUT/STDERR to IPC::Open3 to attach STDOUT/STDERR to
  the current tty. This doesn't support capturing buffers, but there
  seems no way to do this, without using Win32::* modules.
Changes for 0.25    Wed Sep  6 17:32:18 CEST 2006
* Add proper interactive support for IPC::Open3
  Thanks to James Mastros and Martijn van de
* Add an interactive test file for this support
  (skipped under Test::Harness)