Changes for 0.20    Wed Oct  3 16:24:46 CEST 2007
* Update directory depth of test files to be less
  than 8 under perl core for old VAX and VMS
  compatibility. Users who have installed 0.18 do 
  not need to upgrade.

Changes for 0.18    Sat Sep 15 14:22:23 CEST 2007
* Promoted 0.17_02 to stable.

Changes for 0.17_02 Fri Sep 14 11:55:52 CEST 2007
* Some more VMS fixes as suggested by John Malmberg
* Address #29348: Version compare logic doesn't 
  handle alphas? by always using qv() to compare
  version strings.

Changes for 0.17_01 Sun Sep  9 11:55:54 CEST 2007
* Most VMS specifics can now be removed from the
  test suite, as we now depend on a newer version
  of Module::Load, which will hide this all away.

Changes for 0.16    Thu Jan 25 22:24:36 CET 2007
* Address #23995: Version parsing code has been
  improved and now partly relies on
  Previously, versions declared with qv() or
  ($VERSION) (note the braces) could fail to
  parse under certain conditions.
* Add 02_Parse_Version.t to specifically test for
  this behaviour.

Changes for 0.14    Wed Jan  3 18:27:36 CET 2007
* Skip $VERSION declarations that are part of the 
  POD as reported in #24062

Changes for 0.12    Sun Aug 13 14:55:54 CEST 2006
* Make %INC look ups work correctly under win32,
  where the directory seperator is not the same
  as the %INC path seperator