package Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget; use strict; use warnings; use Prima; use base qw(Prima::Widget Prima::Widget::GroupScroller); __PACKAGE__->inherit_core_methods('Prima::Widget::GroupScroller'); { my %RNT = ( %{Prima::Widget->notification_types()}, Scroll => nt::Default, ); sub notification_types { return \%RNT; } } sub profile_default { my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default; my %prf = ( borderWidth => 0, deltaX => 0, deltaY => 0, limitX => 0, limitY => 0, ); @$def{keys %prf} = values %prf; return $def; } sub init { my $self = shift; for ( qw( scrollTransaction limitX limitY deltaX deltaY borderWidth winX winY)) { $self->{$_} = 0; } my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_); $self-> setup_indents; $self-> limits( $profile{limitX}, $profile{limitY}); $self-> deltas( $profile{deltaX}, $profile{deltaY}); $self-> reset_scrolls; return %profile; } sub reset_scrolls { my $self = $_[0]; # protect against the worst case where it goes like this: # vScroll(0) -> hScroll(1) -> vScroll(0) -> hScroll(1) -> ... etc # which means that if we're deeper than 4 calls, we're never out of it local $self->{reentrant_scroll_calls} = 1 + (exists($self->{reentrant_scroll_calls}) ? $self->{reentrant_scroll_calls} : 0); return if $self->{reentrant_scroll_calls} > 4; my ($x, $y) = $self-> get_active_area(2); my ($w, $h) = $self-> limits; my $reread; @{$self}{qw(winX winY)} = ($x, $y); if ( $self-> {autoHScroll} and $self->{autoVScroll} and ( $self-> {hScroll} or $self-> {vScroll}) ) { # avoid the special case when two scrollbars are unnecessary, but are present # since they obscure parts of the panel that would have been visible fully, # if not for the scrollbars my $dx = $self->{vScroll} ? $Prima::ScrollBar::stdMetrics[0] : 0; my $dy = $self->{hScroll} ? $Prima::ScrollBar::stdMetrics[1] : 0; if ( $x + $dx >= $w and $y + $dy >= $h) { $self-> hScroll(0) if $self->{hScroll}; $self-> vScroll(0) if $self->{vScroll}; @{$self}{qw(winX winY)} = $self-> get_active_area(2); $self-> set_deltas( $self->{deltaX}, $self->{deltaY}); return; } } if ( $self-> {autoHScroll}) { my $hs = ( $x < $w) ? 1 : 0; if ( $hs != $self-> {hScroll}) { $self-> hScroll( $hs); $reread = 1; } } if ( $self-> {autoVScroll}) { if ( $reread) { @{$self}{qw(winX winY)} = ($x, $y) = $self-> get_active_area(2); $reread = 0; } my $vs = ( $y < $h) ? 1 : 0; if ( $vs != $self-> {vScroll}) { $self-> vScroll( $vs); $reread = 1; } } if ( $reread) { @{$self}{qw(winX winY)} = ($x, $y) = $self-> get_active_area(2); } if ( $self-> {hScroll}) { $self-> {hScrollBar}-> set( max => $x < $w ? $w - $x : 0, whole => $w, partial => $x < $w ? $x : $w, ); } if ( $self-> {vScroll}) { $self-> {vScrollBar}-> set( max => $y < $h ? $h - $y : 0, whole => $h, partial => $y < $h ? $y : $h, ); } $self-> set_deltas( $self->{deltaX}, $self->{deltaY}); } sub set_limits { my ( $self, $w, $h) = @_; $w = 0 if $w < 0; $h = 0 if $h < 0; $w = int( $w); $h = int( $h); return if $w == $self-> {limitX} and $h == $self->{limitY}; $self-> {limitY} = $h; $self-> {limitX} = $w; $self-> reset_scrolls; } sub set_deltas { my ( $self, $w, $h) = @_; my ($odx,$ody) = ($self->{deltaX},$self->{deltaY}); $w = 0 if $w < 0; $h = 0 if $h < 0; $w = int( $w); $h = int( $h); my ($x, $y) = $self-> limits; my @sz = $self-> size; my ( $ww, $hh) = $self-> get_active_area( 2, @sz); $x -= $ww; $y -= $hh; $x = 0 if $x < 0; $y = 0 if $y < 0; $w = $x if $w > $x; $h = $y if $h > $y; return if $w == $odx && $h == $ody; $self-> {deltaY} = $h; $self-> {deltaX} = $w; $self-> notify('Scroll', $odx - $w, $h - $ody); $self-> {scrollTransaction} = 1; $self-> {hScrollBar}-> value( $w) if $self->{hScroll}; $self-> {vScrollBar}-> value( $h) if $self->{vScroll}; $self-> {scrollTransaction} = undef; } sub on_scroll { my ( $self, $dx, $dy) = @_; $self-> scroll( $dx, $dy, clipRect => [$self->get_active_area(0)]); } sub on_size { $_[0]-> reset_scrolls; } sub VScroll_Change { $_[0]-> deltaY( $_[1]-> value) unless $_[0]-> {scrollTransaction}; } sub HScroll_Change { $_[0]-> deltaX( $_[1]-> value) unless $_[0]-> {scrollTransaction}; } sub limitX {($#_)?$_[0]->set_limits($_[1],$_[0]->{limitY}):return $_[0]->{'limitX'}; } sub limitY {($#_)?$_[0]->set_limits($_[0]->{'limitX'},$_[1]):return $_[0]->{'limitY'}; } sub limits {($#_)?$_[0]->set_limits ($_[1], $_[2]):return ($_[0]->{'limitX'},$_[0]->{'limitY'});} sub deltaX {($#_)?$_[0]->set_deltas($_[1],$_[0]->{deltaY}):return $_[0]->{'deltaX'}; } sub deltaY {($#_)?$_[0]->set_deltas($_[0]->{'deltaX'},$_[1]):return $_[0]->{'deltaY'}; } sub deltas {($#_)?$_[0]->set_deltas ($_[1], $_[2]):return ($_[0]->{'deltaX'},$_[0]->{'deltaY'}); } package Prima::Widget::ScrollGroup; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget); sub profile_default { my $def = $_[0]-> SUPER::profile_default; my %prf = ( rigid => 1, clientSize => [100, 100], slaveClass => 'Prima::Widget', slaveProfile => {}, slaveDelegations => [], clientClass => 'Prima::Widget::ScrollGroup::Client', clientProfile => {}, clientDelegations => [], ); @$def{keys %prf} = values %prf; return $def; } sub profile_check_in { my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_; $self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default); if ( exists $p-> {clientSize}) { $p-> {rigid} = 0 unless exists $p-> {rigid}; $p-> {clientProfile}->{geometry} = gt::Default unless exists $p-> {clientProfile}->{geometry}; } } sub init { my ($self, %profile) = @_; %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(%profile); $self-> {$_} = 0 for qw(rigid); $self-> $_( $profile{$_}) for qw(rigid); $self-> {slave} = $profile{slaveClass}-> new( delegations => $profile{slaveDelegations}, %{$profile{slaveProfile}}, owner => $self, name => 'SlaveWindow', rect => [ $self-> get_active_area(0) ], # growMode => gm::Client, do that manually because client's own resize causes changes too ); $self-> {client_geomSize} = [0,0]; $self-> {client} = $profile{clientClass}-> new( delegations => [ $self, 'Size', $self, 'Move', @{$profile{clientDelegations}}], ( $profile{rigid} ? () : ( origin => [0,0], size => $profile{clientSize}) ), %{$profile{clientProfile}}, owner => $self-> {slave}, name => 'ClientWindow', designScale => undef, scaleChildren => $profile{scaleChildren}, ); $self-> {client}-> designScale( $self-> designScale); $self-> reset(1); return %profile; } sub reset_indents { $_[0]-> reset(1); } sub ClientWindow_Size { $_[0]-> reset unless $_[0]->{client_notification_block}; } sub ClientWindow_Move { $_[0]-> reset unless $_[0]->{client_notification_block}; } sub ClientWindow_geomSize { my ( $self, $client, $x, $y) = @_; $client-> sizeMin( $x, $y) if $self-> rigid; $self-> update_geom_size( $x, $y); } sub packPropagate { return shift-> SUPER::packPropagate unless $#_; my ( $self, $pack_propagate) = @_; $self-> SUPER::packPropagate( $pack_propagate); $self-> propagate_size if $pack_propagate; } sub propagate_size { my $self = $_[0]; $self-> update_geom_size( $self-> {client}-> geomSize) if $self-> {client}; } sub reset { my ( $self, $forced) = @_; return unless $self-> {client}; my @size = $self-> size; if ($forced) { local $self->{client_notification_block} = 1; $self-> {slave}-> rect( $self-> get_active_area(0, @size)); } my @l = $self-> limits; my @s = $self-> {client}-> size; my @o = $self-> {client}-> origin; local $self-> {protect_scrolling} = 1; ( $l[0] == $s[0] and $l[1] == $s[1]) ? $self-> reset_scrolls : $self-> limits( $s[0], $s[1]); $self-> deltas( -$o[0], $o[1] - $self-> {slave}-> height + $s[1]); } sub children_extensions { my $self = $_[0]; my @ext = ( 0,0 ); for my $w ( $self-> {client}-> widgets) { my @r = $w-> rect; $r[2] -= $r[0] if $r[0] < 0; $r[3] -= $r[1] if $r[1] < 0; $ext[0] = $r[2] if $ext[0] < $r[2]; $ext[1] = $r[3] if $ext[1] < $r[3]; } return @ext; } sub update_geom_size { my ( $self, $x, $y) = @_; return unless $self-> packPropagate; my @i = $self-> indents; $self-> geomSize( $x + $i[0] + $i[2], $y + $i[1] + $i[3] ); } sub on_paint { my ( $self, $canvas) = @_; $self-> draw_border( $canvas, $self-> backColor, $self-> size ); } sub on_size { $_[0]-> reset(1); } sub on_scroll { my ( $self, $dx, $dy) = @_; return if $self-> {protect_scrolling}; local $self-> {protect_scrolling} = 1; my @o = $self-> {client}-> origin; $self-> {client}-> origin( $o[0] + $dx, $o[1] + $dy, ); } sub slave { $_[0]-> {slave} } sub client { $_[0]-> {client} } sub insert { shift-> {client}-> insert( @_ ) } sub rigid { return $_[0]-> {rigid} unless $#_; my ( $self, $rigid) = @_; return if $self-> {rigid} == $rigid; $self-> {rigid} = $rigid; $self-> reset if $rigid; } sub clientSize { return $_[0]-> {client}-> size unless $#_; shift-> {client}-> size(@_); } sub use_current_size { $_[0]-> {client}-> sizeMin( $_[0]-> children_extensions); } package Prima::Widget::ScrollGroup::Client; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Prima::Widget); sub profile_default { my $def = $_[0]-> SUPER::profile_default; my %prf = ( geometry => gt::Pack, packInfo => { expand => 1, fill => 'both'}, ); @$def{keys %prf} = values %prf; return $def; } sub geomSize { return $_[0]-> SUPER::geomSize unless $#_; my $self = shift; $self-> SUPER::geomSize( @_); $self-> owner-> owner-> ClientWindow_geomSize( $self, @_); } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget - scrollable generic document widget =head1 DESCRIPTION C<Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget> is a simple class that declares two pairs of properties, I<delta> and I<limit> for vertical and horizontal axes, which define the extensions of a virtual document. I<limit> is the document dimension, and I<delta> is the current offset. C<Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget> is a descendant of C<Prima::Widget::GroupScroller>, and as well as its ascendant, provides the same user navigation by two scrollbars. The scrollbars' C<partial> and C<whole> properties are automatically updated when the document or widget extensions change. C<Prima::Widget::ScrollGroup> provides the capability of hosting other widgets inside, and also scrolling them. Useful for widget group panels that cannot fit in a window =head1 Prima::Widget::ScrollWidget =head2 Properties =over =item deltas X, Y Selects the horizontal and vertical document offsets. =item deltaX INTEGER Selects the horizontal document offset. =item deltaY INTEGER Selects the vertical document offset. =item limits X, Y Selects the horizontal and vertical document extensions. =item limitX INTEGER Selects the horizontal document extension. =item limitY INTEGER Selects the vertical document extension. =back =head2 Events =over =item Scroll DX, DY Called whenever the client area is to be scrolled. The default action calls C<Widget::scroll> . =back =head1 Prima::Widget::ScrollGroup =head2 Properties =over =item client Returns the parent widget to insert other widgets. The client size is fixed and is panned through the slave widget when scrolling. The client is unaffected by the eventual automated pack/place/growMode size alteration the parent or slave might be subjected to. =item clientClass A C<clientClass> widget is inserted in the C<slave> widget. =item slave Returns the slave widget. The slave widget covers the scrollable area and is otherwise just a normal C<Prima::Widget> object that can be resized, moved, etc. =item slaveClass A C<slaveClass> widget is inserted directly in the scroll group widget. =back =head1 AUTHOR Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Prima>, L<Prima::ImageViewer>, L<Prima::ScrollBar>, F<examples/>. =cut