Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Controller::Rose.

0.01  Fri Mar 23 11:54:30 2007
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -n Catalyst::Controller::Rose

0.02    13 April 2007
    * added R::H::F::F::Autocomplete as prereq in Makefile.PL
    * fixed ILIKE test on db->driver in Search and Autocomplete
    * moved examples/ dir into t/ to hide it from CPAN indexer

0.03    25 May 2007
    * fixed form/object initialization logic in CRUD controller
    * changed check_err() to has_errors()
    * moved has_errors() to base Rose class
    * added throw_error() to base Rose class
    * all controllers now inherit from Catalyst::Controller::Rose instead
      of simply Catalyst::Controller.
    * instead of setting 'error' value in stash(), CRUD methods now
      call throw_error().