Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Model::RDBO.

0.01  Fri Mar 23 11:22:29 2007
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX -n Catalyst::Model::RDBO

0.02    Mon Apr  2 13:43:05 CDT 2007
    * fix logic in _setup so that manager() can be overridden

0.03    19 April 2007
    * change _get_objects() to take HASH or ARRAY ref in addition to array.
    * change manager() to default to Rose::DB::Object::Manager if
      'manager' key not present in config().
    * POD clarifications.

0.04    22 May 2007
    * fix (dumb) error in _get_objects() in passing wrong array to $method.
      The error only manifests if you are using Rose::DB::Object::Manager
      directly, instead of your own *::Manager subclass.